Some raphignathoid mites (Acariformes: Trombidiformes: Prostigmata) in Lorestan Province, with re-description of Raphignathus evidus Fan as a new record from Iran Author Hatami, Parisa Author Jafari, Shahriar Author Ahmad-Hosseini, Mohammad text Persian Journal of Acarology 2024 2024-01-15 13 1 77 92 journal article 10.22073/pja.v13i1.79935 2251-8169 Raphignathus hecmatanensis Khanjani & Ueckermann, 2003 Diagnosis (female) Median porodorsal shield spherical anteriorly and narrow posteriorly; small shields present posterolateral to median prodorsal shields; palpfemur with three setae; interscutal membrane with 2 pairs of setae; opisthosomal shield with 4 setae and f1 close to anterior margin; all dorsal shields punctated; with three pairs of genital setae; femur IV with 3 setae; endopodal shields present around coxae I-IV. Materials examined Bisheh village – 26 Oct. 2019 (n = 1), 19 Nov. 2019 (n = 1), from soil under Juglans regia ( Juglandaceae ); Veysian city: 9 Sep. 2019 (n = 1), 4 Sep. 2020 (n = 2), from soil under Pistacia sp. ( Anacardiaceae ). Taf village: 4 Aug. 2020 (n = 2), from soil under Juglans regia ( Juglandaceae ); 20 Sep. 2020 (n = 2), from soil under Vitis vinifera ( Vitaceae ). Qaleh Sangi village: 16 Sep. 2020 (n = 9), from soil under Oryza sativa ( Poaceae ) and 24 Aug. 2020 (n = 2), from soil under Morus sp. ( Moraceae ). Kamalvand village ( 33° 26' N , 48° 26' E ): 24 Sep. 2020 (n = 1), from soil under Zea mays ( Poaceae ). Dolatshah village: 22 Sep. 2019 (n = 2), from soil under Prunus domestica ( Rosaceae ). Faculty of Agriculture of Lorestan University: 3 Jul. 2020 (n = 6), from soil under Buxus sp. ( Buxaceae ). Shorab village: 7 Jun. 2020 (n = 2) and 23 Jul. 2020 (n = 2), from soil under Quercus sp. ( Fagaceae ). Pyrjd village: 10 Aug. 2020 (n = 1), from soil under Prunus armeniaca ( Rosaceae ). Araban village ( 33° 27' N , 48° 19' E ): 29 Jun. 2020 (n = 6), from soil under Alhagi persarum ( Fabaceae ). Distribution This species was originally described from Iran ( Khanjani and Ueckermann 2003 ), and also reported from Crimea, Syria and Turkiye ( Beyzavi et al. 2013 ; Fakhari et al. 2014 ; Zarei et al. 2015 ; Doğan 2019 ; Beron 2020 ; Mohammad-Doustaresharaf and Bagheri 2021 ).