Revision of the evacanthine leafhoppers (Hemiptera: Cicadellidae: Evacanthinae) of the Indian subcontinent Author Viraktamath, C. A. Author Webb, M. D. text Zootaxa 2018 2018-02-23 4386 1 1 78 journal article 30556 10.11646/zootaxa.4386.1.1 82826f47-5e43-4c17-a850-2575425f52ad 1175-5326 1195886 D1BEB7EE-2383-487B-A46D-3078A292552E Evacanthus yeshwanthi sp. nov. Figs 2 K–L , 5 D , 31 A–E . Shining brownish ochraceous. Crown variously marked with dark fuscous, face dark fulvous. Pronotum pale ochraceous, lateral areas broadly dark brown, median stripe narrow, pale brown (in one male absent). Mesonotum pale ochraceous, devoid of dark brown or black markings. Forewing dark brown with submarginal stripe along costa, inner claval margin and distal half to 0.33, creamy white. Thoracic sternites and legs brownish ochraceous, claws dark brown. Head as wide as pronotum with projecting eyes. Crown thrice as wide as long medially, shorter than median length of pronotum, transverse impression shallow. Forewing venation prominent and veins slightly raised. Male genitalia . Pygofer longer than height in lateral view; dorsoposterior margin rather quadrate beyond basal fracture, dorsoposterior lobe membranous, ventral process spine-like, exceeding dorsoposterior lobe, with bulbous base. Subgenital plate with hair-like setae and outer marginal short macrosetae. Style and connective as in generic diagnosis. Aedeagus with weakly-developed ventral extension of atrium, dorsolateral lobe rounded, its process narrowed slightly distally and extended nearly to shaft apex in lateral view, shaft with lateral flanges, gonopore apical, ventral margins without angular projection but convex. Segment X elongate and pigmented. Measurements. Male 4.8–5.0 mm long, 1.6 mm wide across eyes and also across posterolateral angles of pronotum. Material examined. INDIA : Meghalaya : Holotype , East Khasi Hills : Mairang , 1686 m , 25o 32’ N , 91o 48’ E , , Yeshwanth, H.M. , ex Garuga pinnata ( UASB ) . Paratypes : 1 ♂ , same data as holotype except Vinayaka, T . Sweepnet ; 1 ♂ , East Khasi HillsMawphlang , 1715 m , 25o 21’ N , 91o 44’ E , , Vinayaka, T. , Sweepnet ( UASB ) . Remarks. This species can be readily recognized by its coloration especially the pale ochraceous mesonotum, in all other species of Evacanthus from the subcontinent, the mesonotum is black. The male genitalia are very similar to E. bellus but the new species differs in having bulbous base from which the distal part of ventral pygofer process arises and the processes of the dorsolateral lobes of the aedeagus are a little shorter and pigmented.