A review of Cyaforma Wang (Diptera: Tephritidae), with some biological notes on the genus Author Chen, Xiaolin 0000-0002-6359-9335 Key Laboratory of Zoological Systematics and Evolution, Institute of Zoology, Chinese Academy of Sciences, Beijing 100101, P. R. China. xlchen@ioz.ac.cn Author Wang, Yong 0009-0002-6555-1308 Key Laboratory of Zoological Systematics and Evolution, Institute of Zoology, Chinese Academy of Sciences, Beijing 100101, P. R. China. 530468931@qq.com Author Huangfu, Ning 0000-0001-6068-3518 National Natural History Museum of China, 126 South Tianqiao Street, Dongcheng District, Beijing, 10050, P. R. China. huangfuning@nnhm.org.cn text Zootaxa 2024 2024-12-03 5543 2 247 256 https://doi.org/10.11646/zootaxa.5543.2.6 journal article 306470 10.11646/zootaxa.5543.2.6 0bfa8ef2-4460-45e0-83b0-19fb35694f66 1175-5326 14386100 00A56C51-2010-40A8-B4D5-2E8E7D7AB6B9 Cyaforma tonkinensis ( Zia, 1955 ) ( Fig. 7 ) Ortalotrypeta tonkinensis Zia, 1955: 66 . Type-locality: Tonkin , Vietnam . Holotype female in IZCAS.—Zia, 1963a: 637.— Wang, 1988 a: 220.— Norrbom, 1994: 10 .— Wang, 1996:115 . Diagnosis. Simillar to C. macula (Wang) differing by having only 2 postpronotal setae; scutellum entirely yellow; abdomen predominantly black, with median yellow vitta extending over tergites 1–5; cell r 2+3 entirely dark brown, lacking hyaline spot; cell m almost completely dark brown except for very small hyaline indentation on posterior margin of wing; cell dm with large hyaline streak. Description (male). Not sexually dimorphic. Male epandrium rounded in posterior view, lateral surstylus with apex rounded in lateral view, medial surstylus having 2 black and different-sized prensisetae; distiphallus membranous basally, well sclerotized apically. FIGURE 7. Cyaforma tonkinensis ( Zia , 1955 ) A–D. Living male adult in field at Yunnan, China on the leaves of Ageratina adenophora Distribution. China ( Yunnan , Guizhou , Sichuan ); Vietnam ( Tonkin ). This species is newly recorded from China . Material examined. Holotype , VIETNAM : Tonkin , 10–13.VII.1934 , E. R.Tinkham ( IZCAS ) . Other material : 1 , CHINA : Sichuan : Chong qing, Nan chuan, Jinfoshan , 24–28.VII. 2003 , Caixia Yuan and Yushuang Liu ( HBU , No. 21013-5-21 ) ; 1♀ , Guizhou , Daozhen , Dashahe , 17–21.VIII.2004 , Xiujuan Yang and Huiran Hua ( HBU ) ; 1♀ , Yunnan , Maguan , Gulinjing , 20.VII. 2006 , Benyong Mao ( HBU , No. 21013-5-21 ) ; 1 , Yunnan , Shizong , Junzishan , 16.VII.2006 , Benyong Mao ( HBU , No. 21013-5-21 ) ; 3 , Yunnan , Kunming , Xishan , 21.IX.2018 , Yong Wang ( IZCAS ) . Biology. Flies of this species ( Fig. 7 A–D ) were observed in Xishan, Kunming, Yunnan Province , China by Yong Wang in the autumn of 2018. The climate there was damp and foggy. The collection site was located at the top of Xishan Mountain on a roadside. One side of the road was very close to a dense forest. The flies were found and collected on leaves of an invasive plant, Ageratina adenophora , where sugar water had been sprayed on leaves. So, it was assumed that the flies had been lured from the forest beside the road by the sugar water.