Species | Distribution | Body size (mm) | Ventrals | Sub- caudals | Dorsal scale rows | Supralabials (eye contact) | Infra- labials | Temporals | Pre- frontals |
Ecuador, Columbia, Peru, Brasil, Bolivia | TTL 250 390; TL 40 55 | 127 144 | 28 35 | 17-17-17 | 8 (4 5), rarely 7 (3 4) | 9 | 1+2 | 1 |
Brazil, Paraguay | TTL up to 465; TL up to 70 | 166 181 | 39 42 | 19-19-17 | 8 (4 5, rarely 3 5 or 3 4) | 9 | 1+2 | 2 |
Bolivia | TTL 367– 411; TL 55– 58 | 171 179 | 38 40 | 19-19-17 | 8 (3 5), rarely (4 5) | 9 | 1+2 | 2 |