Two new species of Speonemobius from Southwest China (Orthoptera: Gryllidae: Nemobiinae) Author He, Zhuqing Author Lu, Hui Author Wang, Xiaoyin Author Li, Kai text Zootaxa 2016 4205 5 454 458 journal article 37568 10.11646/zootaxa.4205.5.3 951022d3-a728-49ee-9ce7-5b7ccbca5390 1175-5326 198023 810C4BEC-D102-41B9-BD8E-DC87A7171092 Speonemobius fulvus sp. nov. ( Figs. 5–6 , 10–12 ) Holotype . male, CHINA , Yunnan prov., Gongshan county , Dulongjiang , alt. 1250 m , 21.VI.2015 , coll. Wenxuan Bi ( ECNU ) . Paratypes : 1 females , same data as for holotype ( ECNU ) . 1 male , 1 female , same data as for holotype ( CCCC ) . Description. Male. Eyes approximately ovoid, pronotum transverse ( Figs. 5–6 ). Tegmina a little shorter than abdomen. Fore tibiae just having inner tympanum, outer tympanum absent. Hind tibiae with three pairs of dorsal spurs, three external apical spurs and two internal apical spurs. Genitalia trapezium-shaped, a wide band in the middle, two sides extending downwards and inwards, apical part membranous and separate ( Figs. 10–12 ). Coloration. Body black. Two rows of white longitudinal stripes on head vertex. The middle area between eyes with white. Labrum and mandible black. Scape and pedicel whitish, flagellum black. Maxillary palpus with two black basal joints, three white apical joints, and the distal of 5th joint black. Pronotum with disk white, lateral lobes black. The disc armed with numerous spots. Tegmina brown with white veins. Tibiae alternating black and white, the outside of hind femora with black irregular stripes. Hind tibiae and dorsal spurs alternating black an white. Female. General appearance somewhat similar to that of male, but with distinct differences: tegmina short, approximating the length of pronotum; tegmina dorsal area white, lateral area black. Abdomen with yellow tergite and black sternites, black spots densely on the abdomen. Measurements. (in mm) Body: male 6, female 7; pronotum: male 1, female 1.2; tegmen: male 3.5–4, female 1; hind femur: male 4–5, female 5; ovipositor 5. FIGURES 1–2. Speonemobius bifasciatus sp. nov. , live individuals. 1—male; 2—female (photo by Bi Wenxuan). FIGURES 3–6. Speonemobius bifasciatus sp. nov. , Dry specimens, general view: 3—male, dorsolateral view; 4—female, dorsolateral view. Speonemobius fulvus sp. nov. , Dry specimens, general view: 5—male, dorsolateral view; 6—female, dorsolateral view. FIGURES 7–12. Speonemobius bifasciatus sp. nov. 7. Genitalia, dorsal view; 8. Genitalia, ventral views; 9. Genitalia, lateral view. Speonemobius fulvus sp. nov. 10. Genitalia, dorsal view; 11. Genitalia, ventral views; 12. Genitalia, lateral view. Discussion. This species is similar to S. punctifrons , but differs in the color of pronotal lateral lobes as well as the genitalia. In S. punctifrons , the lateral lobe bears a large, triangular brown spot. But in this species, the lateral lobe is black. Etymology. Species name fulvus indicates the yellow color of the body.