Diversity and distribution of Lentibulariaceae in Bahia state, Brazil: implications for phytogeography and conservation Author Guedes, Felipe Martins 0000-0002-5957-459X UFPE - Federal University of Pernambuco, Department of Botany, Laboratory of Plant Morpho-Taxonomy, CEP 50670 - 901, Recife, PE, Brazil & felipehmartins 09 @ gmail. com; https: // orcid. org / 0000 - 0002 - 5957 - 459 X felipehmartins09@gmail.com Author Miranda, Vitor Fernandes Oliveira 0000-0003-0574-9865 UNESP - São Paulo State University, School of Agricultural and Veterinarian Sciences, Department of Applied Biology, Laboratory of Plant Systematics, Campus Jaboticabal, CEP 14884 - 900, SP, Brazil & vitor. miranda @ unesp. br; https: // orcid. org / 0000 - 0003 - 0574 - 9865 vitor.miranda@unesp.br Author Alves, Marccus 0000-0001-9281-2257 UFPE - Federal University of Pernambuco, Department of Botany, Laboratory of Plant Morpho-Taxonomy, CEP 50670 - 901, Recife, PE, Brazil & alves. marccus @ gmail. com; https: // orcid. org / 0000 - 0001 - 9281 - 2257 alves.marccus@gmail.com text Phytotaxa 2022 2022-08-08 556 3 213 255 http://dx.doi.org/10.11646/phytotaxa.556.3.1 journal article 116578 10.11646/phytotaxa.556.3.1 6ea4ec5f-b4df-4321-b36b-557389067003 1179-3163 6972832 1.3. Genlisea filiformis A.St.-Hil. , Voyage dans le District des Diamans 2: 430 (1833). [ Figs. 2 and 6C ]. Terrestrial or helophyte. Scape, bracts, bracteoles and sepals glabrous or with sparse eglandular and long-stalked glandular trichomes. Slender and flexible scape.Ascending pedicels in fruits, covered only with long-stalked glandular trichomes. Yellow corolla and pale-yellow spur, gibbous palate, glabrous lips, trilobed lower lip, glabrous or sparsely glandular and saccate spur, longer than and parallel to the lower lip. Circumscissile capsule, covered with eglandular trichomes. Selected material:— Abaíra , Catolés , Campo do Bicota , 04 May 1999 , fl. and fr., G.L. Campos 49 ( HRB ) ; Cairu , Garapuá , 12 August 2006 , fr., M.L. Guedes 13595b ( ALCB ) ; Camaçari , Guarajuba , 06 September 1999 , fl. and fr., G.L. Campos 106 ( HRB ) ; Canavieiras , km 11 da Rod. BA-270, 12 July 1978 , fl., T.S. dos Santos 3272 ( CEPEC ) ; Formosa do Rio Preto , Fazenda Jhon Deere , 04 April 2018 , fl. and fr., E.O. Moura 1949 ( UB ) ; Gentio do Ouro , Serra da Boa Vista , 27 May 2009 , fl. and fr., J.A. Siqueira Filho 2092 ( HVASF ) ; Ibicoara , trilha para a cachoeira do Buracão , 12 July 2005 , fl. and fr., F. Rivadavia 1991 ( SPF ) ; Ituberá , à direita do km15 da estrada p/a Praia de Pratigi , 08 October 2005 , fl. and fr., F. Rivadavia 2113 ( SPF ) ; Jaguaripe , depois da estação da Petrobrás , 27 September 2014 , fl. and fr., G. Costa 1031 ( HURB ) ; Livramento de Nossa Senhora , lower N.E. slopes of the Pico das Almas , 17 February 1977 , fl. and fr., R.M. Harley 19565 ( CEPEC , K, RB ) ; Mucugê , PNM de Mucugê , 19 May 2004 , fl. and fr., J. Costa 697 ( HUEFS ) ; Palmeiras , Serra dos Lençóis, lower slopes of Morro do Pai Inácio , 21 May 1980 , fl. and fr., R.M. Harley 22264 ( CEPEC , K, RB ) ; Porto Seguro , Trancoso , 20 September 2013 , fl. and fr., P.C. Baleeiro 360 ( SPF ) ; Rio de Contas , em capôs rupestres beirando a estrada para Caiambola , 18 July 2005 , fl. and fr., F. Rivadavia 2060 ( SPF ) ; Santa Luzia , Estrada entre Una e Santa Luzia , 02 November 2017 , fl. and fr., F.M. Guedes 86 ( ALCB , UFP ) . Comments:— Genlisea filiformis can be readily distinguished from the other yellow flowered congeners in Bahia by its saccate spur and capsule covered exclusively with eglandular trichomes. This species is found in a wide altitudinal range in the state, from campos rupestres to restingas and veredas.