Taxonomic review of Ablabesmyia Johannsen (Diptera: Chironomidae: Tanypodinae) from Oriental China, with descriptions of six new species Author Niitsuma, Hiromi Author Tang, Hongqu text Zootaxa 2019 2019-03-05 4564 1 248 270 journal article 28426 10.11646/zootaxa.4564.1.9 ec4f28bb-c90c-494f-b4ce-d61f70aa8357 1175-5326 2588898 E3EB75E0-CB37-4B60-A554-7E3F450DC581 Ablabesmyia ( Ablabesmyia ) praegracilis sp. n. ( Figure 8 ) Type material. Holotype male, CHINA : Guangdong Province , Shantou City , Nan’ao County , Tsing’ao Reservoir , 19.ix.2015 . Etymology. From the Latin prae- , very, and gracilis , slender, referring to the thin dorsal lobe in the aedeagal complex. Description. Male (n=1). Total length 2.5 mm . Coloration. Thorax dark brown with yellowish pleural membrane; scutal vittae indistinct. Abdomen mostly white; T I, VI and VII entirely brown; T II–V, VIII and IX anteriorly brownish; gonocoxite of hypopygium anteriorly brown. Wing ( Fig. 8A ) with 2 dark spots at apices of R 1 and R 4+5 . Legs white with dark bands; foretibia with sub-basal and median bands located 0.78 and 0.39, respectively, from apex. Head. Temporals 23. AR 1.3. Clypeus with 27 setae. Lengths of palpomeres 1–5 (µm): 30, 80, 100, 90, 185. Thorax. Anterior portion broken off. Dorsocentrals 21; humerals 5; prealars 12; supraalars 1; scutellars 27. Wing. Length from arculus to tip 1.2 mm . Squama torn off basally, with at least 16 setae. Costa ending at M 3+4 . VR 0.88. Legs. All tibiae each with single spur. Ti I spur 33 µm long, with 5 lateral teeth; Ti II spur 40 µm long, with 4 lateral teeth; Ti III spur 45 µm long, with 3 lateral teeth. Ti III comb indistinct. Lengths and proportions of legs as in Table 7 . TABLE 7. Lengths (µm) and proportions of legs of Ablabesmyia ( Ablabesmyia ) praegracilis sp. n. , male (n=1).
fe ti ta1 ta2 ta3 ta4 ta5 LR BR
P1 525 596 485 323 222 131 101 0.81 3.3
P2 566 465
P3 556 646
Hypopygium ( Fig. 8B ). T IX without lateral setae. Gonocoxite 125 µm long, with weak basolateral bulge. Aedeagal complex ( Fig. 8C ) with dorsal lobe 43 µm long, 0.83 times as long as blade, thin, bearing apical spiculae; blade 52 µm long, slender, curved dorsally, tapering toward pointed apex; lateral lobe 42 µm long, paddle-shaped, membranous with outer ridge; lateral filaments not evident. Gonostylus 110 µm long, 0.88 times as long as gonocoxite. Female, pupa and larva. Unknown.
Remarks. The male of A. ( A. ) praegracilis sp. n. is similar to that of above-described A. ( A. ) huananensis sp. n. in the wing with two dark spots at the ends of R 1 and R 4+5 and the costal vein ending above the tip of M 3+4 , the mid- and hind legs each with a single tibial spur, the slender aedeagal blade with a pointed apex, and the membranous aedeagal lateral lobe, but can be separated by the thin dorsal lobe with apical spiculae. There are also similarities with the males of A. ( A. ) hilli Freeman and A . ( A .) rimae Harrison as discussed under A. ( A. ) huananensis sp. n. In the former two species, however, the dorsal lobe is shorter than half of the aedeagal blade and lacks apical spiculae (see Roback 1982b for A. ( A. ) hilli , Harrison 1991 for A . ( A .) rimae ).