A revision of the West Palaearctic species of Colobostema Enderlein, 1926 (Diptera, Scatopsidae). Part I. European subregion Author Jean-Paul Haenni text Mitteilungen Der Schweizerischen Entomologischen Gesellschaft 2013 2013-12-31 86 199 242 journal article 51481 10.5169/seals-403072 f141fb3f-9860-4c7e-b2d2-5424d915a835 270241 Colobostema nigripenne ( Meigen, 1830 ) ( Figs 8 A-G) Scatopse nigripennis Meigen, 1830 : Syst. Beschr. 6: 314. Scatopse annulipes von Roser, 1840 : CorrespBl. wtirtt. landw. Ver. Stuttg. 17(1): 52. Scatopse bureschiana Enderlein, 1926 : Zool. Anz. 68(5/6): 137. Scatopse nigripennis Meigen, 1830 : Duda, 1928 : Fliegen pal Reg. 2(1)5:31, Figs 30a-b, PL 1, Fig. 8 ; Krivosheina, 1969: Opred. nasekom. Evrop. chast. SSSR 5(1-2): 422, Fig. 243(3); Krivosheina. 1989: Keys Ins. Europ. Part SSSR 5(1): 650, Fig. 243(3). Colobostema nigripenne ( Meigen, 1830 ) : Cook 1956 : Ann. Entomol. Soc. Amer. 49(4): 328, Figs IB, 2B; Cook 1974 :.1. nat. Hist. 8: 64, Figs 3 , 73-74, 76; Freeman 1985 : Hdbk Ident. Br. Insects 9(7): 39, Figs 129-131; Krivosheina & Haenni 1986 : Cat. pal. Dipt. 4: 305; Krivosheina 2000 : Entomol. Obozr. 79(2): 491, Figs 1 (2), 2(4), 4(1-5); Krivosheina 2001 : Int. J. Dipt. Res. 12(2): 75, Colobostema stackelbergi Krivosheina, 2000 : Entomol. Obozr. 79(2): 487, Figs 1 (1), 2 (3, 6-11). Syn. n. Type locality. Not given [ GERMANY ]. Material examined. Holotype , labelled: «TYPE» / « nigripennis (?)» / «Meigen», «687 40» [round label, written on both sides]; type in rather poor condition (colour faded, notum partly destroyed by the pin, marks of Anthrenus frass: flagellar segments of antennae, most of right wing, halters, one mid leg, posterior legs and abdomen lacking), pinned, in collection MNHN Paris. Other material. AUSTRIA . Osttirol: Lienz (Umgebung Kreith), 26.V. 1989 , 1 ♂ , A. Kotier,. CAK; Styria : Admont, 3275, 25.VI, 2 ♂♂ , Strobl, CGS Admont tristis Z, v. obscuritorsis Strobl det.», so called type of this variety according to Morge 1974 (one is labelled by Morge « Typen Exemplar n°3275 rev. G. Morge 1959»), but this is obviously not the case, see discussion under this species).— BELGIUM . Waerschoot, 14.VI.1931 , 1 ♂ , M. Goetghebuer, RISNB Scatopse tristis Zett. det. M. Goetghebuer»).— BULGARIA . Rila Geb. Britschebor, 1500 m , 6.VI. 1921 , 1 ♂ , G. Enderlein. MNHUB Berlin ( Type of bureschiana Enderlein ).- CZECH REPUBLIC . Beskydy, Murnkovy, 950 m , 13.VI.1987 , 1 ♂ ; Chroustovice, 200 m , 21.VI.1989 , 1 ♂ ; Horské Kviida, 1000 m , 21.VII. 1992 , 1 ♂ ;Hrcava(l km E), 550 m , 22.VIII.1987 , 1 ♂ ; Kostelec env., 16.V.1992 , 1 ♂ ; Kostelni Lhota, 190 m , 12.V.1988 , 3 ♂♂ ; Kumce-Praha, 30.V.1993 , 1 ♂ ; Kunice-Vrchy, 380 m , 5.VI. 1988 , 1 ♂ ; Nova Ranyne, 330 m , 10.VI. 1987 , I ; Praha-Kunice, 30.VI.1992 , I ; Sumava Plechy, 1050 m , 22.VII.1992 , 2 ♂♂ ; Sumava-Spalenec, 800 m , 10.VI.1989 , 1 ♂ ; Sumava-Spicacké Sedlo, 900 m , 20.V1II.1989, I ; Sumava, Borova Lada, 910 m , 4.VI.1996 , 1 ♂ ; Sumava, Hranicni slat, 1170 m , 4.VI.1996 , 1 ♂ ; Sumava, Mala Niva, 750 m , 16.VI.1997 , I ; Sumava, Rokytecka slat, 1100 m , 18.V-18.VI.1999 , 1 ♂ ;same, 16.VI-21.VII.1999 , 1 ♂ ; Sumava, HorskâKvilda, 1130 m , 21.VII—21VIII. 1999 , 1 ♂ ; Vracoc, 200 m , 16.V. 1990 , 1 ♂ ; Vraz u Pisku, 400 m , 31.V.1994 , 1 ♂ ; same, 1.VI.1994 , 1 ♂ ; same, 27.V-2.VI.1996 , 1 ♂ ;allM. Bartâk, CMB Prague and MHNN ; Podyjf NP; 1.5km SW of Havraniky, 340 m , 27.V-7.VI.2001 , 1 ♂ ; same, 29.VIII-28.IX.2001 , 1 ♂ ; Lisci skâla, 420 m , 27.V-7.VI.2001 , 1 ♂ ; same, 21.V-12.VI.2004 , 1 ♂ ; Braitava, dates ranging from 26.Ill-13.V to 30-31.VI1.2002 and from 29.IV-21.V to 12.VI-2.VII.2004 , 12 ♂ ; Terasy, 460 m , dates ranging from 20.IV-3.V to 2.VI 1-9.VIII.2003 , 6 ♂♂ ; nad Sobesem, 340 m , 3.V-2.VI.2003 , 1 ♂ ; Devét mlÿnû, 270 m , 21.V-12.VI.2004 , 2 , all M. Bartâk & Kubik, CMB . The author has studied 28 additional specimens from the Bilina-Duchcov area ( Haenni & Bartâk 2000 ) and from Podyjf National Park ( Haenni et al. 2005 ). — FRANCE . Alpes-Maritimes: Lantosque (W Col de Turini), 860 m , 12.Vi.1994 , 1 ♂ , J.-P. Haenni, MHNN ; Aveyron: Cornus (La Fageole), 800 m , 21.VIE 1996, 1 ♂ , J.-P. Haenni, MHNN ; Charente-Maritime: Saint-Fort-sur-Gironde, 27.V-22.VII.2001 , I , K. Dierks, CDD; Hérault; Mont-Caroux, Espinouse, Plo de Flamboyau, I. VI.1999 , 1 ♂ , T. Noblecourt, INRAM ; Indre-et-Loire: La Roche-Clermault, 20.IV.1995 , 1 ♂ ; same, 6.V. 1995 , 1 ♂ , 1 ♀ ; same, 2.VI.1995 , 1 ♀ ; same, 20.VII.1995 , 1 ♂ ; same, 29.VIII. 1995 , 1 ♀ , all C. Cocquempot, INRAM ; Vosges: St Maurice-sur-Moselle (Plain du Canon), dates ranging from 18.V to 5.VII.1999 , 3 ♂♂ , 3 ♀ , C. Cocquempot, MF1NN ( Haenni & Withers 2007 ).- GERMANY . Württemberg, 1872-75, 1 ♂ , v. Roser, MNKS Stuttgart ( type of annulipes von Roser); Baden-Württemberg : Kaiserstuhl, Schelingen, 28.V.2011 , 1 ♂ ? J-P. Haenni, MHNN ; Kaiserstuhl, Oberbergen, 330 m , 11 ♂♂ , J.-P. Haenni, MHNN ; Stuttgart, 18.IV.[19] 15, 1 ♂ , A.v.d. Trappen, MNKS ; Titisee, VII.1925 , 1 ♂ , F.W. Edwards, BMNH. Bayern : Bayerischer Wald, Spiegelau ( 3 km N), 760 m , 8.VI.1995 , 1 ♂ . Nordrhein-Westfalen : Köln (Dünnwald), 3-9.V. 1989 , 2 ♂♂ ; same, 17-23.V.1989 , 1 ♀ ; same, 24-30.V.1989 , 1 ♀ ; same, 21- 27.VI.1989 , I ; same, 5-11. VII. 1989 , 1 ♀ ; same, 12-18.VII.1989 , 1 ♂ ;same, 19-25.VIE 1989, 2 ♂♂ , all J. Wehlitz, CUB. Schleswig-Holstein : Bornhöved, 18.VII—1.VIII.1989 , 1 ♂ , D. Werner, CDW. Thüringen : Thüringer Wald, Schnellbach (Weidmannsruh), 17.VIII-1.IX. 1997 , 1 ♀ , R. Bellstedt, MNG .— GREAT-BRÏTAIN. ENGLAND , «a. England», 1 ♀ , (« Scatopse infurnata Haliday » and « Scatopse nigripennis Mg. det. F.W. Edwards»); Sugar Loaf S. Folkstone, 2.VIII.1974 , 1 ♂ ; Berks: Sllwood Pk. Broom, 6.IX.1965 , 1 ♂ , O.W. Richards (placed under C. nigripenne )-, Bucks: Burnham Beeches, 19.VI.1932 , 2 ♂ , O.W. Richards; Hants: New Forest, VI.1902 , 1 ♂ , D. Sharp {« Colobostema nigripenne Mg. » det. E.F. Cook); Oxon: Waterferry Wood, 5.V.1940 , 2 ♂ , F.W. Edwards (placed under C. nigripenne ): Yorks: Grassington, 22.V.1927 , 1 ♂ , F.W. Edwards; Fritham NF, 17.VI.1953 ,! , C.N. Colyer; SCOTLAND . Aberdeens: Loch Callater, 28-29.VII.1937 , 2 ♂ , 1 ♀ . R.L. Coe (« Colobostema nigripennis Mg. det. E.F, Cook 1966»); WALES . Gwynned: Anglesey , Tre Wilmot, 27.VII.1988 , 1 ♂ , 1 ♀ , (identified «C. nigripenne (Meigen) »), all BMNH. — MONTENEGRO . Durmitor, 1500 m , 30.VII-5.VIII. 1988 , 3 ♂♂ , G. Bächli, CGB .— NETHERLANDS . Hilversum, VIII.1901 , 1 ♂ , De Meijere; «Nederland» [no other data], 1 ♂ , De Meijere; [unreadable locality], 15.VI.1928 , 1 ♂ , De Meijere, all « Colobostema nigripenne ( Meigen, 1830 ) det. P.L.Th. Beuk 1993», ZMAS .— NORWAY . BV: Â1, Störeteigen, 21.V-19.VI, 2000, 2 ♂ , 1 ♀ , J. Skartveit, M. Fremmersvik & R. Ellingsen, ZMUB . The author has studied 41 specimens from provinces 0, AK, OS, BV, AAY, VAY, RY, HOI, HOY and SFI (detail of records in Haenni & Greve 1995 , 2000 ); TEY: Drangdal, SkulltrevasspsenNature Reserve, 18.VII-3.X.2006 , 1 ♂ , S. Kobro, ZMUB .— POLAND . Roztocze National Park, 29.V-16.V1.1987, 1 ♂ ; same, 7- 31.VIII.1987 ,! , both W. Mikolajczyk, PANW .- RUSSIA . Serpuchov ( 15 km E), 27.V.1989 , 2 ♂ , M. Bartâk, CMB ; Skorotovo, 30.V. 1989 ,! , M. Bartâk, CMB ; Moscow-Orechovo, 23.V.1987 , 1 ♂ , M. Bartâk, CMB . - SLOVAKIA . Pol’ana BR, Vrchslatina, 910 m , 11.VI.1999 , I , J. Martinovskÿ, MHNN ; Pol’ana BR, Hroncesky Grün res., 15.V.2008 , 1 ♂ , J. Rohacek, SZM ( Haenni 2009 ).— SLOVENIA . Near Kocevje , Forest Reserve Rajhenavski Rog, 900 m , 27.VI.1999 , I , A. Floren, MHNN .- SWEDEN . Jönköping : Skillingaryd, 27. VI.1981 , 1 ♂ , J.-P. Haenni. MHNN .- SWITZERLAND . AG: Rottenschwil, 14.VI.2008 , 1 ♂ , G. Bächli, CGB ; Wiirenlingen, 420-520 m , 6-11.' VI. 1973 , 1 ♂ , G. Bächli, CGB ; BE: Beatenberg, 2000, 2 ♂ , P. Duelli, CGB ; BE/SO: Limpach, 28. V.1987 , 1 ♂ , P. Duelli, MHNN ; BL: Bubendorf, NSG Wildenstein, dates ranging from 15-22.VI to 3-10.V1II.2000, 20 ♂♂ , all M. Wolf, CGB ; FR: Font, 9-13.V.1994 , 1 ♂ , 1 ♀ ; same, 28.VIII-2.IX.1994 , 1 ♂ , all A. Gander, CAD ; GE: Chancy, 25.VII.2004 , 1 ♂ , G. Bächli, CGB . Russin: Allondon, 8.VII.2002 , 2 ♂ , J.-P. Haenni & B. Merz, MHNN . GL: Richisau, 7-8.VIM. 1991,! , G. Bächli, CGB ; GR: Sur (Pale Rodonda), 1860 m , 3.VI.2000 , I , C. Dufour, MHNN ; Sur, 1600 m , 3.VI.2000 , 1 ♂ , G. Bächli, MHNN ; Dischmatal, 16-30.VI.1990 , 1 ♂ , P. Brodmann, CGB ; Lautsch, 2000 m , 1 ♂ , P. Duelli, CGB ; JU: Chevenez (Combe Ronde), 475 m , 7- 21.VI.1988 , 1 ♂ , Y. Gonseth. MHNN ; Delémont, 500-680 m , 2-6.V1II.I974, 2 ♂♂ , G. Bächli, CGB ; LU: Sursee, I 3.VI.2004 , 1 ♂ , L. Reser, CGB ; Dierikon, 2000 m , 3 ♂ , P. Duelli, CGB ; NE: Chambrelien (Gare), 680 m , 26.V.1988 , 1 ♂ , J.-P. Haenni, MHNN ; Les Bayards, 980 m , 21.VI. 1986 , 1 ♂ , J.-P. Haenni, MHNN ; Villiers, La Dame, 1270 m , 31.VI. 1995 , 1 ♂ , C. Dufour, MHNN ; Neuchâtel (Fontaine-André), 630 m , 5.VII.2002 , I , J.-P. Haenni, MFINN; SH: Neunkirch, 2000, 1 ♂ , P. Duelli, CGB ; SZ: Alptal, 2000 m , 1 ♂ , P. Duelli, CGB ; TI: Corzonesco, 17-20.VII.1998 , 2 ♂♂ , G. Bächli, CGB and MHNN ; Someo, 25-29.VlI.1997, 1 ♂ , G. Bächli & Haring, CGB ; Acquacalda, 22-24.VI.2001 , 1 ♂ , G. Bächli, CGB ; Monte san Giorgio, Merdie-Cassida, 580-900 m , 17.V.2006 , 1 ♂ , B. Merz, MF1NG; Locarno env., (Locarno, Gordola), dates ranging from 3.IV to 2.IX. 1997 , 15 ♂♂ , 17 ♀ , M. Moretti, MSNL / MHNN (detail of captures in Haenni & Moretti in prep.); VD: Cudrefin (Bois de Ville), 480 m , 22.VIII.1982 , 2 ♂ , J.- P. Haenni, MHNN : Bois de Chênes, 21.VII.1970 , 1 ♂ , J. Aubert, MZL ; VS: Salgesch, Bois de Finges, 540m , 17.VI.1997 , 3 ♂ , 3 ♀ , J.-P. Haenni, MHNN ; Pfynwald, 2-5.VIII. 1999 , 3 ♂♂ , G. Bächli, CGB and MHNN ; same, 580 m , 30.VI-4.VII.2001 , 2 ♂♂ , G. Bächli, CGB ; Visperterminen, 2.VIII.1990 , I , B. Merz G. Bächli, CGB ; Morgins, Portes du Soleil, 27.VII.2004 , 1 ♂ , G. Bächli, CGB ; ZU: Dietikon, 390 m , 3-10.VIII.1984 , 1 ♂ ; same, 14-19.VII.1988 , 1 ♂ ; same, 4-8.IX.1988 , 1 ♂ ;same, 18-22.VII.1991 , 1 ♂ ; same, 16-20. VIL 1992, 3 ♂♂ ; same, 14-18. VII. 1995 , 1 ♂ ; same, 13-17.VII.1996 , 5 ♂♂ , 1 ♀ ; all G. Bächli, CGB ; Hönggerberg, 520 m , 19-23.VIE 1990, 1 ♂ ; same, 18-22.VII. 1991 , 2 ♂♂ ; same, 16-20.VI 1.1992, 2 ♂♂ , same, 13-17.VII.1996 , 3 ♂ , 1 ♀ ; same, 3-7.VII.1998 , 2 ♂♂ ; all G. Bächli, CGB and MHNN ; Katzensee, 440 m , 23.VII.1991 , I , G. Bächli, CGB ; Marthalen, 8.VI.2008 , 2 ♂♂ , G. Bächli, CGB ; Wädenswil, 12.VI.1980 , 1 ♂ , C. Dufour & W. Geiger, MHNN ; Zürich, 450 m , 1-13.V1.1986, 1 ♂ , G. Bächli, CGB ; Sihlwald, dates ranging from 25.IV-23.V.1996 to 15.VIII-12.IX. 1996 , 22 ♂ , 26 ♀ , K. Schiegg, ETHZ and MHNN ; same, dates ranging from 22.V-20.VI to 16.VIII-12.IX.1997 , 8 ♂♂ , 17 ♀♀ , K. Schiegg, MHNN . Diagnosis. Males of C. nigripenne can be separated from those of other species of the group based on the rounded median posterior projection of tergite 7, by the peculiar shape of the gonocoxites, broad basally, strongly narrowed in the apical part, with apex angled outwards ( Fig. 8 C); the projection of tergite 7 is long, apically rounded when seen from above, but may appear more angular seen from below due to the presence of small lateral teeth directed ventrally; the lateral projections of the tergite are not developed or hardly so in this species ( Fig. 8 A); the shape of the aedeagus, short and arched ( Fig. 8 C), is also characteristic. In females, the posterior margin of tergite 7 is entire, valvifers are elongate, widened apically, and a pair of additional submedian basal sclerites are present ( Fig. 8 F). Description. 1.8-2.5 mm long; dull black in general colour except katepisternum, meron and mediotergite bare, shining black; pilosity brownish; posterior calli of thorax contrasting yellow (but may also be concolourous with rest of notum); antennae entirely black except basal third of first flagellomere more or less contrasting yellowish; wing membrane tinged blackish, except extreme base brownish yellow, costal cell darker, blackish-brown and presence of a lighter, crescentshaped area above angle of M,; veins blackish-brown, contrasting with membrane; legs black except basal half and apex of fore and mid tibiae, and basal third of hind tibiae yellowish brown. Head. Eyes not approximated on frons above antennae, separated by about width of anterior ocellus or nearly so; antennae somewhat clavate, slightly widening towards apex, elongate, about as long as head and thorax together; flagellomeres well separated, 1 longer than wide, 2 about as long as wide, 3 and following wider than long, last one shorter than preceding two together. Thorax. Notum square, practically as long as wide; wing ( Fig. 8 G) 2.5-3.0 mm long, covered with dense microtrichosity; anteriorly directed stem of M, short but usually apparent; M| +2 about as long as medial fork. Abdomen. Tergite 7 ( Fig. 8 A) with a large, elongated median posterior projection devoid of lateral lobes, its apex rounded seen from above (but appearing more or less angular when seen from below or laterally, due to presence of a pair of minute lateral teeth); triangular elongated central dorsal area of tergite pollinose, shiny laterally; sternite 7 ( Fig. 8 B) shallowly emarginate medially on posterior margin; genital capsule ( Fig. 8 C) with gonocoxites broad at base, abruptly narrowed into a pair of elongated, apically somewhat outwardly angled posterior projections, parameres blunt apically, aedeagus rather short, thick basally, abruptly narrowing and characteristically arched in apical third, epandrium ( Fig. 8 D) with symmetrical, laterally pointed, acute posterior projections. Female. As male in general colour and appearance; tergite 7 with posterior margin entire ( Fig. 8 E); valvifers on sternite 8 elongate, widened preapically, rounded at apex; a pair of weakly sclerotized submedian basal sclerites ( Fig. 8 F). Taxonomic remarks. The type of Scatopse nigripennis Meigen in MHNN Paris, already redescribed by Duda (1928) , has been studied. Although in rather poor condition, it agrees with the concept of the species by subsequent authors and also with the drawing of the species by Meigen himself (see Morge 1975 , Taf. CLXXX V Fig. 4 ). A male type of Scatopse annulipes von Roser, 1840 described from Württemberg ( Germany ) in coll. MNKS Stuttgart has been reexamined and found to be conspecific with C. nigripenne , as already stated by Duda (1928) . The type of Scatopse bureschiana Enderlein, 1926 in MNF1 UB Berlin has been reexamined: this male specimen is clearly conspecific with C. nigripenne , as already stated by Cook (1974) . Synonymy of C. stackelbergi Krivosheina, 2000 : according to the original description and drawings, C. stackelbergi (known only from one specimen from Russia , Leningradskaïa obi., Pojdestveno) appears to be extremely close to C. nigripenne , from which it may be distinguished according to Krivosheina (2000) by the shape of tergite 7, with a median posterior projection more elongated and acute posterior angles. Comparison of the drawings of C. stackelbergi with those of C. nigripenne in the same paper by Krivosheina (2000) clearly show extremely tiny differences between them. In my opinion, these differences fall into the specific variation of C. nigripenne , as can be seen by other aberrant specimens examined. For example, a male caught by the author in Skillingaryd ( Sweden ) has a very aberrant tergite 7 (posterior projection elongated, parallel-sided, rounded apically), but an absolutely normal genital capsule; on the other hand, another male caught in Cudrefin ( Switzerland ) has a nearly normal tergite 7 (though slightly more elongated and angular at tip than usual), while the genital capsule strongly resembles that of C. stackelbergi as drawn by Krivosheina (2000) . Unfortunately, it was not possible to examine the type since this unique specimen was not found in the collection of ZNI in St. Petersburg (Nartshuk in litt.). Although quite reluctantly without type examination, I consider C. stackelbergi a junior synonym of C. nigripenne . Distribution. C. nigripenne has been recorded from England Cook (1956) , Finland , Sweden , Germany , Poland , Bulgaria , Britain and also Tunisia ( Cook 1974 ), Sweden ( Andersson 1982 ), Hungary ( Papp 1983 , 1993 ), Norway ( Haenni & Greve 1995 , 2000 ), Germany ( Schacht 1997 ), Finland ( Krivosheina 2000 ), Russia ( Krivosheina 2000 , partly under the junior synonym name C. stackelbergi ; Krivosheina 2001 : Carelia , locality erroneously assigned to Finland ), France ( Withers 2004 , Haenni & Withers 2007 ), Czech Republic ( Martinovskÿ 1997 , Haenni & Bartâk 2000 , Haenni et al. 2005 ), Slovakia (Kozânek & Roller 1997, Martinovskÿ 1997 , Haenni 2009 ), Switzerland ( Haenni 1986 ), Germany ( Haenni 1999 , 2011 ), Netherlands ( Beuk 2002 ). It is widespread in Europe, from Great Britain to Bulgaria and Russia , and from Montenegro to Norway and Finland . The above-mentioned occurences in Montenegro and Slovenia are new records for these countries. Ecology. This is the most common species of the genus in Europe. It has been collected in various environments, including open, semi-open or forested biotopes at altitudes ranging from near sea-level to about 2000 m in the Alps. The flightperiod extends from end of March to beginning of September. C. nigripenne is considered by O’Toole (1978) as a myrmecophilous species scavenging in nests of Easius fullginosus and Formica rufa in the British Isles. In Sweden , it has been caught by Andersson (1982) in the vicinity of Formica mounds.