A monograph of the Xyleborini (Coleoptera, Curculionidae, Scolytinae) of the Indochinese Peninsula (except Malaysia) and China Author Smith, Sarah M. Department of Entomology, Michigan State University, 288 Farm Lane, East Lansing, Michigan 48824, USA https://orcid.org/0000-0002-5173-3736 camptocerus@gmail.com Author Beaver, Roger A. 161 / 2 Mu 5, Soi Wat Pranon, T. Donkaew, A. Maerim, Chiangmai 50180, Thailand Author Cognato, Anthony I. Department of Entomology, Michigan State University, 288 Farm Lane, East Lansing, Michigan 48824, USA text ZooKeys 2020 983 1 442 http://dx.doi.org/10.3897/zookeys.983.52630 journal article http://dx.doi.org/10.3897/zookeys.983.52630 1313-2970-983-1 7DED4CE2934C4539945F758930C927F9 C890C7FD4B2D57A8B1A062305ED42D53 Euwallacea validus (Eichhoff, 1876) Fig. 59C, D, H Xyleborus validus Eichhoff, 1876a: 202. Euwallacea validus (Eichhoff): Wood and Bright 1992 : 694. Type material. Syntype (IRSNB). New records. China: Chongqing, Youyang, 11.vii.2016, Tian-Shang (RABC, 1). W. Hupeh [= Hubei], Lichuan Distr., Suisapa, 1000 m, 29.vii.[19]48, Gressitt & Djou, ex Metasequoia glyptostroboides (CASC, 4). Fujian, Jiangle, Longqishan Mt., 700 m, 7.viii.1991, Xiaochun Zhang coll, ex pine (BPBM, 1); as previous except: 26[?].v.1991, Hong Liu (BPBM, 1). Diagnosis. 3.9-4.1 mm long (mean = 4.0 mm; n = 5); 2.5-2.73 x as long as wide. This species is distinguished by the pronotum appearing subquadrate (type 3) from dorsal view; outer margin of protibiae round, declivital interstriae 1 granulate; declivital posterolateral margin carinate never granulate; and moderately large size. It can be further separated from the strongly morphologically similar species E. interjectus by the declivity steeply sloped; declivital strial punctures deep giving the declivity a rugged appearance; and tubercles mostly absent from the apical 1/2 of interstriae 2. Similar species. Euwallacea funereus , E. interjectus , E. velatus . Distribution. China (Anhui, Chongqing*, Fujian, Hubei*, Yunnan), Japan, Nepal, South Korea, Taiwan, Vietnam. Introduced and established in USA (Wood 1975; Cognato et al. 2015 ; Gomez et al. 2018a ). Host plants. Polyphagous attacking both gymnosperm and angiosperm trees ( Wood and Bright 1992 ).