Revision of the southern African genera Nemopterella Banks and Nemia Navás (Neuroptera: Nemopteridae: Nemopterinae), with descriptions of new genera and species
Abdalla, Ishtiag H.
Mansell, Mervyn W.
Sole, Catherine L.
journal article
Key to males of
1. Forewings without emargination before apex, apex rounded (
Figs 81
148, 149
)................................ 2 - Forewings with slight or shallow emargination before apex, apex acute or sub-acute..............................….5 2. Small species (body length ≤
8 mm
Figs 125
).......................................................... 3 - Large species (body length ≥
9 mm
, Fig. 150)............................................................... 4 3. Pronotum and mesonotum with distinct mid and lateral stripes (
Fig. 100.............................
. parva (Tjeder) - Pronotum unstriped, mesonotum lacking the mid stripe (
Fig. 101
A. exigua
4. Prescutum with black hairs (
Fig. 52
), thorax unstriped..........................................
A. koranna
sp. nov.
- Prescutum with white hairs (
Fig. 97
), thorax with three stripes...................................
A. remifera
5. Species extremely pruinose, body unstriped (
Figs 43
, 44, 113)................................................. 6
- Species slightly pruinose or without pruinose body, body stripes distinct or appearing as faint brown shading.............8
6. Species with greyish body appearance (
Fig. 113
A. pruinosa
- Species with whitish body appearance (
Figs 43
, 44)...........................................................7
7. Prescutum and mesonotum with white pubescence (
Fig. 48
), antennae whitish yellow proximally and darker distally, short not reaching pterostigma (
Figs 43
), forewings with slight emargination before the apex, pterostigma long (
Fig. 80
A. alba
sp. nov.
- Prescutum and mesonotum with black pubescence (
Fig. 49
), antennae yellow, long reaching pterostigma (Figs 44, 82), forewings with shallow emargination before apex, pterostigma short (
Fig. 82
A. balli
sp. nov.
8. Small species (hindwing length <
49 mm
Figs 106
107, 110
- Large species (hindwing length ≥
49 mm
9. Antennae long reaching beyond pterostigma (
Figs 85
), forewings elongate, tapering towards apex with acute tip (
Fig. 85
A. maraisi
sp. nov.
- Antennae short not reaching pterostigma (
Fig. 110
), forewings broad with short rounded apex (
Figs 117, 120
10. Head with yellowish brown vertex and rounded yellowish spots near eye margins (
Fig. 142
), prescutum with white pubescence (
Fig. 105
), antennae whitish yellow, apical segment very long much longer than penultimate segments (
Figs 63
), hind wings with dark area shorter than white apical area (
Fig. 110
A. apicalis
- Head with reddish vertex without yellowish spots near the eye margins (
Fig. 141
), prescutum with black pubescence (
Fig. 103
), antennae pale brown, apical segment large, approximately same length as penultimate segment (
Fig. 65
), hind wing dark area as long as white apical area (
Fig. 107
A. aequabilis
11. Forewings elongate, with distinctly elongate rounded apex (
Figs 79, 86
- Forewings elongate or broad, with acute, or sub-acute apex................................................... 13
12. Prescutum with long dense white hair on disc (
Fig. 47
A. acuta
sp. nov.
- Prescutum with long sparse black hair on disc (
Fig. 46
A. folia
sp. nov.
13. Prescutum with white pubescence (
Figs 92, 93
96, 99
)....................................................... 14
- Prescutum with black pubescence (
Figs 50
90, 91, 94, 95
)............................................ 21
14. With white pubescence on abdominal tergites and sternites (
Fig. 147
)........................................... 15
- With white pubescence on abdominal tergites and black hairs on sternites (
Fig. 146
A. bitis
15. Species with light grey thorax (
Figs 51
92, 93
)............................................................. 16
- Species with yellow or yellowish brown thorax............................................................. 18
16. Vertex strongly concave, without yellow hind margin (
A. brinkmani
sp. nov.
- Vertex not concave, with yellow hind margin (
Fig. 144
)...................................................... 17
17. Pronotum dark shaded only centrally, lateral stripes on mesonotum faintly indicated (
Fig. 92
), hind wings dark area as long as white apical area (
Fig. 111
).............................................................. ..
A. munroi
- Pronotum and mesonotum with distinct mid and lateral stripes (
Fig. 93
), dark area of hind wing much shorter than white apical area (
Fig. 108
A. longicornis
18. Forewings broad (
Figs 127
A. lanata
- Forewings elongate (
Figs 137, 138, 139
).................................................................. 19
19. Head uniformly reddish yellow, antennae reddish yellow (
Fig. 131
)............................................ 20
- Head pale yellowish brown, antennae yellowish (
Fig. 123
A. segregata
20. Forewings with broad, short rounded apex and very slight emargination before apex (
Figs 131
), the hind wing dark area approximaly as long as white apical area (
Fig. 131
A. peringueyi
- Forewings with short, narrow rounded apex and slight emargination before the apex (
Figs 128
), the hind wing dark area shorter than white apical area (
Fig. 128
)..................................................... ..
A. papio
21. Abdomen with white hairs on dorsum and venter........................................................... 22
- Abdomen with white hairs on dorsum and black hairs on venter................................................24
22. Antennae yellow proximally dark distally, pronotum only with mid stripe (
Fig. 109
)................ ..
A. olivacea
- Antennae whitish yellow, pronotum with distinct mid and two lateral stripes......................................23
23. Forewings very broad with short rounded tip (
Fig. 133
A. dyscrita
- Forewings falcate, with sub-acute tip.......................................................
A. leptocera
24. Antennae long reaching beyond pterostigma (
Figs 54
- Antennae short not reaching pterostigma (
Fig. 126
).......................................................... 27
25. Mid and lateral stripes of pronotum and mesonotum of thorax distinct (
Figs 90, 91, 94
).......................... 26
- Mid and lateral stripes on pronotum abbreviated to brown spots, mid stripe on prescutum appears as faint brown shading (
Fig. 50
A. cylindrata
sp. nov.
26. Vertex with pair of yellow spots near eye margins (
Fig. 145
)................................ ...
A. nigrosetosa
- Vertex without pair of yellow spots near eye margins...........................................
A. sabuleti
27. Forewings broad (
Fig. 136
A. obtusa
- Forewings elongate (
Fig. 140
A. pilosa