Serpulids (Annelida: Polychaeta) from the Eastern Pacific, including a brief mention of Hawaiian serpulids Author Bastida-Zavala, J. Rolando text Zootaxa 2008 2008-03-07 1722 1 61 journal article 1175­5334 Salmacina chilensis Gallardo, 1969 ( Figures 10 F-G) Salmacina chilensis Gallardo, 1969: 9–12 , pl. I and II, figs. 1–6. Type locality: 20º48’S , 70º21’W , off Punta Patache , Chile . Salmacina chilensis .— Nogueira and ten Hove, 2000: 158–159 , tab. 1–2 (discussion of the genus). Diagnosis. Tube white, thin. Branchial crown with 9–10 radioles per lobe; radiole tip not inflated. Opercular peduncle or operculum absent. Thorax with seven chaetigers. Collar with fin-and-blade chaetae, with proximal denticulate expansion separate of distal limbate zone ( Fig. 10F ), with numerous teeth ( Fig. 10G ). All thoracic chaetigers (except collar segment) with “ Apomatus ” chaetae. Thoracic uncini saw shaped, with eight rows of teeth and two teeth in each row. Abdomen with 36 chaetigers. Habitat. Depth: 282 m . On the brachyuran crab Lophorochinia parabranchia . Distribution. Only known from northern Chile ( Gallardo 1969 ). Taxonomic remarks. According to Nogueira and ten Hove (2000) , Salmacina chilensis is very different to any other species of Salmacina , in terms of the large number of radioles present. Moreover, the arrangement of the teeth in the fin-and-blade collar chaetae ( Figs 10F–G ) “is rather more reminiscent of Protis or Chitinopoma , than of Salmacina ” ( Nogueira & ten Hove 2000: 157 ).