Four new species of Euodynerus Dalla Torre, 1904 (Hymenoptera: Vespidae: Eumeninae) from China, with a key to the Chinese species Author Ma, Zhenxia Author Chen, Bin Author Li, Tingjing text Zootaxa 2017 4300 2 245 258 journal article 32570 10.11646/zootaxa.4300.2.6 8073b36e-d12c-4687-8f4d-02a6ddcb5d98 1175-5326 838135 AA17A77F-C638-4C09-97BD-94EF9E173E35 Euodynerus ( Pareuodynerus ) ferrugineus Ma, Chen & Li , sp. nov. (Figs 33–41) Material examined. Holotype , 1♀ , China , Yunnan prov., Diqing Zang Autonomous Prefecture , Deqin County , Benzilan Town , 28°14'24.57"N , 99°18'11.65"E , 2025 m , 21.VII.2011 , Tingjing Li, No. 1004086 ( CQNU ) . Paratypes : 6♀ 2♂ , the same data as holotype, Nos. 1004087, 1004088, 1004089, 1004090, 1004091, 1004092, 1004093, 1004094 ( CQNU ) . FIGURES 10–20. 10–14. Euodynerus dantici . 10, 12–14, E. d. dantici , 11, E. d. violaceipennis ; 10–11, ; 12–14, . 15–20. E. deqinensis sp. nov. , holotype . 10, 11, 17. Clypeus; 12. Metanotum and propodeum; 13, 19. Apical flagellomeres, lateral view; 14, 16. Genitalia, ventral view; 15. Habitus, dorsal view; 18. T2, apex; 20. Metasoma, ventral view. FIGURES 21–32. Euodynerus nipanicus ; 21–23, 27–32, E. n. nipanicus , 24–26, E. n. tonkinensis ; 21, 23–25, 29, ; 22, 26– 38, 30–32, . 21, 22, 25, 26. Habitus, dorsal view; 23, 24. Clypeus; 27. Metasoma, ventral view; 28. Genitalia, ventral view; 29. Head, dorsal view; 30. T2, apex; 31. Apical flagellomeres, lateral view; 32. Metanotum and propodeum. FIGURES 33–41. Euodynerus ferrugineus , sp. nov. , 33, 36, 39, holotype , ; 34–35, 37–38, 40–41, paratype , . 33, 34. Habitus, dorsal view; 35. Genitalia, ventral view; 36, 37. Clypeus; 38. Apical flagellomeres, lateral view; 39. Head, dorsal view; 40. Metasoma, ventral view; 41. T2, apex. Diagnosis. This species is similar to E. ( P. ) nipanicus by cephalic fovea (Fig. 39) larger, its width distinctly more than distance between posterior ocelli, T2 with reflex apical lamella (Figs 30, 41), and S2 (Figs 27, 40) strongly convex. It differs from E. ( P. ) nipanicus and other congeners by whole antenna ferruginous (Fig. 38), cephalic fovea (Fig. 39) with comparatively sparse setae (denser in E. ( P. ) nipanicus (Fig. 29)), and large punctures laterally (irregular in E. ( P. ) nipanicus ), tegula with minute and sparse punctures (Figs 31–32), in male apex of F11 bent backward reaching apex of F7 (Fig. 38) (middle of F 8 in E. ( P. ) nipanicus (Fig. 31)), and volsella of male genitalia (Fig. 35) abruptly narrowed and then widen near the end (not narrowed near the end in E . ( P .) nipanicus (Fig. 28)). Description. Female . Body length 9.5 mm, forewing length 8.6 mm. Clypeus (Fig. 36) weakly convex, with distinct punctures, lateral surface with sparse setae, width 0.97 × length, ratio apical width: emargination depth = 0.34: 0.07, ratio total width: apical width = 1.40: 0.34; frons densely and strongly punctate and reticulate, punctures on vertex sparser and shallower than those on frons; frons and vertex with dense setae, setae on frons somewhat longer than those on vertex; ocellar triangle usual; cephalic fovea (Fig. 39) comparatively larger, its width distinctly more than distance between posterior ocelli, with somewhat dense setae, and large punctures laterally and irregular punctures medially. Masosoma densely and strongly punctate and reticulate, punctures distinctly larger and shallower than those on the head; punctures on propodeum somewhat larger and than those on pronotum, mesoscutum, mesepisternum, scutellum and metanotum (Fig. 33). Anterior surface of pronotum shiny, with sparse punctures, pronotal carinae completely and developed; mesoscutum and mesepisternum normal; scutellum slightly convex; metanotum with narrow horizontal and much longer vertical one, posterior margin of horizontal surface with small denticles, in lower half of vertical surface shagreened; dorsal surface of propodeum behind metanotum with two teeth, posterior surface concave and with weak and transverse rugae, irregular punctures, and median longitudinal carina; tegula with minute and sparse punctures, posteriorly distinctly curved inwards. In dorsal view, T1 width 1.61 × its length and 0.94 × T2 width, with semitransparent apical lamella, densely punctate, punctures distinctly smaller than those on frons and mesosoma; T2 with distinct reflex lamella apically, punctures sparser and smaller than those of T1, apex with deeper punctures than on other parts of T2; S2 (Fig. 40) strongly convex, with weak and short median longitudinal furrow basally, punctures somewhat sparser than those of T2; punctures on each apex of T3–T4 similar to those on T2; visible parts of remaining terga and sterna minutely punctate. Black; following parts ferruginous: mandible, clypeus (Fig. 36) except outer margin, small inter-antennal spot, antenna except each apical margin of F3–F12 dark-brown, postocular spots, thin band on pronotum, mesepisternal spot, tegula, parategula, metanotum dorsally, apex of mid and hind coxae ventrally, femur largely, tarsus, and apical band on T1–T6 and S2–S6 (Fig. 33); wings brown. Male . Body length 9.0 mm, forewing length 8.4 mm. Sculpture, punctuation, setae and coloration similar to those of female except follows: clypeus (Fig. 37) convex basally, weakly punctuate, with short and dense setae, width of clypeus 0.94 × its length, ratio total width: apical width = 1.17: 0.38, ratio apical width: depth of emargination = 0.38: 0.06; apex of F11 bent backward reaching apex of F7 (Fig. 38); in dorsal view, width of T1 1.67 × its length and 0.91 × T2 width; T2 with wider reflex apical lamella than in female (Fig. 41); male genitalia as in Fig. 35, apical tip of penis valve rounded, volsella with fewer setae and rounded apically, parallel spines elongate without setae; other characters same as those in female. Distribution. China ( Yunnan ). Etymology. The specific name is the Latin adjective ferrugineus , which refers to the ferruginous antenna.