Review of the genus Scaeosopha Meyrick, 1914 (Lepidoptera, Cosmopterigidae, Scaeosophinae) in the world, with descriptions of sixteen new species Author Li, Houhun College of Life Sciences, Nankai University, Tianjin 300071, China Author Zhang, Zhiwei College of Life Sciences, Nankai University, Tianjin 300071, China & College of Forestry, Shanxi Agricultural University, Taigu, Shanxi 030801, China Author Sinev, Sergey Yu. Zoological Institute of Russian Academy of Sciences, St. Petersburg, Russia text Zootaxa 2012 2012-05-23 3322 1 34 journal article 1175-5326 Scaeosopha grandannulata Li et Zhang sp. nov. ( Figs. 25 , 49 , 61 ) Description. Adult ( Fig. 25 ): Wingspan 14.0–14.5 mm. Head yellow, scale tuft behind compound eye tinged with black posteriorly. Antenna brown. Labial palpus with second segment whitish-yellow; third segment deep-brown except distal 1/3 and basal 1/3 whitish-yellow on dorsal surface. Thorax and tegula dark-brown tinged with yellow. Forewing whitish-yellow, overlaid with dark-brown spots and patches; dark-brown patches along costal margin; elliptical ocherous brown spots at middle of cell on anterior margin, at end of cell and at 3/4 length of fold respectively; several short brown streaks along veins from outer margin of cell to before apex; about six dark-brown spots from distal 1/5 of costal margin to tornus; area between fold and dorsum covered with dense dark-brown scales; terminal line deep yellowish-brown; cilia grayish-white, yellowish-brown at tornus. Hindwing and cilia yellowishbrown. Fore leg whitish-yellow, tarsus black on outer side; mid and hind legs yellow, distal three tarsomeres of mid leg black. Abdomen dark-brown. Male genitalia ( Fig. 49 ): Brachia of uncus slender, with hooked tip. Anterior margin of tegumen srongly concave mesially. Valva broad and short, with numerous commalike processes on ventral half; costa arched, ventral margin nearly straight; valvella finger-shaped, longer than valva in length, sparsely setose, slightly narrowed mesially. Anellus stout, cone-shaped, with numerous commalike processes in distal half. Phallus twisted, weakly sclerotized; cornutus composed of bundle of spicules extending from 2/3 to 5/6 length of phallus. Female genitalia ( Fig. 61 ): Posterior apophysis about twice as long as anterior apophysis. Sterigma triangular, straight anteriorly, pointed posteriorly. Ductus bursae twice length of posterior apophysis; ductus seminalis arising from about middle of ductus bursae. Corpus bursae elliptical, about half as long as ductus bursae; signa linear, sclerotized, placed posteriorly. Type material. Holotype , BRUNEI : Rampayoh R. [ 4°29' N , 114°29' E ], LP 291B, GR 951801, Lowland dipterocarp forest, 150 ft. , 11–15.iv.1988 , G. S. Robinson , BM 1988-160, BMNH Microlep. slide no. 31010, Houhun Li ( BMNH , London). Paratypes : BRUNEI : 1 ♀ , same data as for holotype, BMNH Microlep. slide no. 31025, Houhun Li ( BMNH , London ) ; 1 ♂ , Rampayoh R. , LP 195B, GR 960785, Lowland dipterocarp forest, 100 m ., 26–29.ix.1997 , G. S. Robinson , BMNH (E) 1997-261 ( BMNH , London ) ; 1 ♂ , 2 ♀♀ , Rampayoh R. , LP 195, GR 960785, Lowland dipterocarp forest, 300 ft. , 11–19.iii.1989 , G. S. Robinson , BM 1989-76, BMNH Microlep. slide no. 31009 ( ), Houhun Li ( BMNH , London ) ; 1 ♂ , Rampayoh R. , LP 195, GR 960785, Lowland dipterocarp forest, 300 ft. , 21–24.ix.1992 , G. S. Robinson , Brunei-Malaysia, BM 1993-2 ( BMNH , London ) ; 1 ♂ , 13 km W of Bandar SB, Kampong Katimanar , secondary forest, 10 m ., 24.Vi.1991 , G. S. Robinson , Malaysia-Brunei, BM 1991-134 ( BMNH , London ) ; 1 ♀ , Ulu Temburong , LP 298, Lowland forest , 1000 ft. , 19–22.ii.1982 , G. S. Robinson , BM 1982-156 ( BMNH , London ) ; 2 ♂ , Ulu Temburong , LP 298, GR 838892, 26–30.iv.1989 , G. S. Robinson , BM 1989-129 ( BMNH , London ) . MALAYSIA : 1 ♂ , W. Malaysia : Fraser’s Hill , Gap , 850 m , 2–3.xi.1989 , G. S. Robinson & M. A. Tobin , BM 1989-269, BMNH Microlep. slide no. 31020, Houhun Li ( BMNH , London ) . INDONESIA : 1 ♂ , N. Sumatra , Prapat , 1150 m ., 28. v.1.–vii.1984, E. Diehl , BM 1988-7, BMNH Microlep. slide no. 31024, Houhun Li ( BMNH , London) ; 1 ♂ , Sulawesi Tenggara , N slope Gn Watuwila , 21.x.1989 , at light, coll. R. de Jong & J. Huisman / S 8915, 3 km SW Sanggona dry secondary forest on sandy soil, along Sg Mokowu , 200 m , genitalia slide no. ZZWGW005 ( RMNH , Leiden). Distribution. Brunei , Indonesia , Malaysia . Diagnosis. This new species is similar to S . dentivalvula sp. nov. in the male genitalia, but can be separated from it by the valva having numerous commalike processes on ventral half, but lacking the toothlike ventroapical process. In S . dentivalvula sp. nov. , the valva has commalike processes in the distal part on the ventral half and bears a ventroapical toothlike process ( Fig. 47 ). Etymology. The specific epithet is derived from the Latin prefix grandi- = stout, and the word annulatus = annular, in reference to the stout anellus.