An appraisal of the genus Ptiloneura Enderlein (Insecta: Psocodea: Psocomorpha Ptiloneuridae), new species from Colombia and Peru, and a key to the males
Obando, Ranulfo González
Departamento de Biología, Facultad de Ciencias Naturales y Exactas, Universidad del Valle, Santiago de Cali, COLOMBIA. Departamento de Zoología, Instituto de Biología, Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México, Apdo. Postal 70 - 153, CdMx, MÉXICO. anga @ ib. unam. mx; https: // orcid. org / 0000 - 0001 - 7214 - 7966 & ranulfo. gonzalez @ correounivalle. edu. co; https: // orcid. org / 0000 - 0003 - 4047 - 8677
Gironza, Nancy Carrejo
Departamento de Biología, Facultad de Ciencias Naturales y Exactas, Universidad del Valle, Santiago de Cali, COLOMBIA. Departamento de Zoología, Instituto de Biología, Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México, Apdo. Postal 70 - 153, CdMx, MÉXICO. anga @ ib. unam. mx; https: // orcid. org / 0000 - 0001 - 7214 - 7966 & nancy. carrejo @ correounivalle. edu. co; https: // orcid. org / 0000 - 0002 - 2395 - 6887
Panche, Jeferson
Departamento de Biología, Facultad de Ciencias Naturales y Exactas, Universidad del Valle, Santiago de Cali, COLOMBIA. Departamento de Zoología, Instituto de Biología, Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México, Apdo. Postal 70 - 153, CdMx, MÉXICO. anga @ ib. unam. mx; https: // orcid. org / 0000 - 0001 - 7214 - 7966 & jefersonpanche @ gmail. com; https: // orcid. org / 0000 - 0003 - 4794 - 5282
Aldrete, Alfonso Neri García
journal article
Ptiloneura canoae
González, Carrejo & Panche.
Figs 38–43
Related to
P. hernandezi
n. sp.
, differing from it in the shape of the central sclerite of the hypandrium (compare
Figs 41
), in the shape of the side struts of the phallosome, and in the shape of endophallic sclerites, the size of the mesal sclerite being distinctly bigger in
P. canoae
Figs 41
. Body dark brown, with cream spots. Head pale brown, with pale and dark brown spots (
Fig. 40
), with oblique dark brown bands from the inner margin of each compound eye to the epistomal sulcus, surrounding the antennal fossae. Compound eyes black, ocelli hyaline, with ochre centripetal crescents. Vertex pale brown, with cream spots. Postclypeus with converging pale and brown slender bands on each side. Genae dark brown with small pale spots. Postgenae pale brown. Antennae: scape and pedicel brown, flagellomeres pale brown, with apices whitish. Maxillary palps brown. Tergal lobes of meso- and metathorax dark brown. Thoracic pleura ochre, except for the light brown metapleura. Legs: fore-, middle coxae and trochanters dark brown; hind coxae, trochanters and femora pale cream; fore- and middle femora brown proximally, cream distally; tibiae pale brown, tarsus 1 cream, tarsi 2-3 pale brown. Forewings hyaline, with a marginal brown band from R4+5 to 2A, and small pale spots at the end of veins M and Cu, pterostigma dark brown, veins brown. Hindwings hyaline, veins brown. Abdomen dark brown to ochre, with light brown irregular spots. Clunium, hypandrium and paraprocts brown, epiproct light brown.
Head (
Fig. 40
). H/MxW: 1.40; compound eyes large, H/d: 3.28; IO/MxW: 0.74; vertex slightly below the level of the upper border of the compound eyes; outer cusp of lacinial tips broad, with 6–7 short, rounded denticles. Mx4/Mx2: 1.02. Forewings (
Fig. 38
) L/W: 2.67; pterostigma: lp/wp: 5.07; M eight-branched; areola postica: la/ha: 1.06, tall, narrow, apically rounded. Hindwings (
Fig. 39
) l/w: 2.98; M four-branched. Hypandrium with a field of macrosetae on each side of the longitudinal midline (
Fig. 41
); apices of the posterior processes of the central sclerite of the hypandrium extended outwards. Phallosome (
Fig. 43
) anteriorly Y-shaped; five endophallic sclerites; anterior pair small, triangular. Mesal sclerite wider anteriorly, with long, pointed, median posterior process (
Fig. 43
). Lateral sclerites with distal area clearly widened and with abundant teeth on the inner margin. Paraprocts (
Fig. 42
) oval, with abundant distal setae; sensory fields with 32–33 trichobothria on basal rosettes. Epiproct (
Fig. 42
) convex anteriorly, broadly rounded posteriorly, with short setae and macrosetae as illustrated and a field of microspicules posteriorly.
. FW: 5200, HW: 3575, F: 1375, T: 2275, t1: 962, t2: 115, t3: 165, ctt1: 27, f1: 975, f2: 950, f3: 762, f4: 750, f5: 525, f6: 450, f7: 387, f8: 362, f9: 275, Mx4: 305, IO: 640, D: 525, d: 370, IO/d: 1.73, PO: 0.70.
Material studied.
Puerto Asís
0°23’21.01” N
76°31’41.87” W
264 m
J. Panche.
MUSENUV slide code 29294
1 male
, same data as the holotype
2 males
, Puerto Asís, Las Delicias trail,
0°22’09.50” N
76°31’01.98” W
264 m
, Led light trap in forest canopy. J. Panche. MUSENUV slide code 29295.
This species is dedicated to María de los Ángeles Cano Márquez, the first political woman leader in