Systematics and biogeography of the spider genus Mallinella Strand, 1906, with descriptions of new species and new genera from Southeast Asia (Araneae, Zodariidae) 3369 Author Dankittipakul, Pakawin Author Jocqué, Rudy Author Singtripop, Tippawan text Zootaxa 2012 2012-07-04 3369 1 1 327 journal article 10.11646/zootaxa.3369.1.1 1175­5334 5252563 Mallinella sciophana ( Simon, 1901 ) comb. nov. ( Figs 484–485 , 490–491 , 493–520 ) Storena sciophana Simon, 1901: 48 , description of . Kritscher, 1957: 268 m figs 25–27, description of Type material. , MALAYSIA , Perak State : Ulu Selama [in the Bintang Hijau Forest Reserve], MNHN, presumably lost. Old material. INDONESIA , Sumatra , West Sumatra Province : 1♂ , 5♀ , 36 juveniles ( NHMV , examined). Original label: / Storena sciophana Simon, 1901 / / Sumatra , Fort de Kock (= Bukittinggi ), leg. Jacobson. - Sammlung Reimoser ; Reimoser don. (A.-D. 15.X.1938 ), det. - Inv. Nr. 432, Kritscher prep/. New material. INDO- NESIA, Sumatra , West Sumatra Province : 1♂ , 1♀ , 1 penultimate male, 2 juveniles , Batang Palupuh Rafflesia Sactuary , 12 km north of Bukittinggi ( 00º14'32"S , 100º 21'10"E ) , 900–1,000 m , primary forest, 2–3 June 2006 , leg. P.J. Schwendinger ( MHNG , Sum –06/05). 1♂ , 1♀ , (at the foot of the Mt. Sigalang ) Anai Valley (= Lambah Anai ), 6 km south of Padang Panjang ( 00º 28'38"S , 100º 21'14"E ) , 500 m , primary forest, 1 June 2006 , leg. P.J. Schwendinger ( MHNG , Sum –06/03). 2♂ , 7♀ , Mt. Singalang , 400–520 m , secondary forest, 9–24 June 1994 ( RMHN ) ; Jambi Province : 1♀ , km 12 of Sungaipenuh to Tapan , 1,350 m , 9 September 1989 , leg. Agosti et al. ( MHNG ) . Remarks. Kritscher (1957) described the male of M. sciophana comb. nov. from Fort de Kock, Sumatra ( Figs 503, 505–506 , 509–511 ). There was no discussion regarding its relationship to Simon’s female type that was collected from Ulu Selama, Perak (Malay Peninsula). Examination of recently collected specimens which became available from that area confirms its distribution: the male proposed by Kritscher as male of S. sciophana and its conspecific females ( Figs 504, 507–508 ) were found only on Sumatra . It is likely that Kritscher matched the female only from indication in Simon’s original description: fovea genitalis semicircularis, plagulum regulam transversam leviter procurvam includes . This is translated to ‘genital pit (hollow, groove) being semi-circular, plagulum including a slightly procurved transverse ledge’. The word ‘ plagulum’ does not exist in Latin but ‘ plagula’ = a piece of paper; Kritscher probably referred to an epigynal plate. We could not locate the type of S. sciophana in Simon’s collection in the MNHN (13 ‘ Storena ’ species were examined from the Paris collection, three of which belong to Mallinella and are treated in the present study). Since we cannot prove that more than two species are currently called S. sciophana , we hereby provisionally retain Kritscher’s placement until specimens from the type locality become available. Diagnosis. The species mentioned here may not represent S. sciophana sensu Simon (1901) but they correspond to the male identified as S. sciophana by Kritscher (1957) . Males of this species can be easily recognized by its peculiar TA ( Figs 509–517 ), in which the basal process is distinctly elongate and pointing anteriorly, the terminal process is more slender, provided with sharply pointed apex, the mesolateral process is apically bifid, the subterminal process is partially membranous, its apex is sharply pointed, in combination with an anterior cylindrical hump on the membranous area of the tegulum ( Fig. 513 ). Females can be distinguished by the epigynal plate with a posterior median incision and well-developed lateral margin ( Figs 493–494 , 508 ). Distribution. Malay Peninsula and Sumatra (dubious identification).