A revision of the Palaearctic Pimeliini (Coleoptera: Tenebrionidae): a comparative analysis and systematic position of Eastern European and Asian taxa with dorso-lateral eyes Author Chigray, Svetlana N. 5097C803-AA1A-4856-95D7-F11DB747EB74 St. Petersburg State University, 16 line of Vasilevskiy Island, 29, St. Petersburg 199178 Russia. s.chigray@mail.ru Author Nabozhenko, Maxim V. A339C181-A65D-4F68-AA3E-01D07DFF25AD Precaspian Institute of Biological Resources of the Daghestan Federal Research Centre of the Russian Academy of Sciences, M. Gadzhiev str., 45, Makhachkala, Republic of Dagestan 367000 Russia. & Dagestan State University, M. Gadzhiev str., 43 a, Makhachkala, Republic of Dagestan 367000 Russia. & Severtsov Institute of ecology and evolution of the Russian Academy of sciences, Leninsky Prospect, 33, Moscow 119071 Russia. nalassus@mail.ru Author Chigray, Ivan A. 4CDA2EFB-5C20-4E11-870E-BDFD7DBB78F7 Zoological Institute of the Russian Academy of Sciences, Universitetskaya Emb. 1, St. Petersburg 199034 Russia. chigray93@bk.ru Author Abakumov, Evgeny V. 6E455A28-CEB1-419D-933D-98C9E9C2FED4 St. Petersburg State University, 16 line of Vasilevskiy Island, 29, St. Petersburg 199178 Russia. e.abakumov@spb.ru text European Journal of Taxonomy 2022 2022-04-05 809 1 71 http://dx.doi.org/10.5852/ejt.2022.809.1719 journal article 56065 10.5852/ejt.2022.809.1719 f76de735-01e3-454c-a7f1-bbafd26686f5 2118-9773 6419425 A754493E-5466-4479-B515-AABEDDE09D93 Earophanta planidorsis ( Reitter, 1889 ) Fig. 7B Earophanta autumnalis Semenov, 1903a: 9 (original description). Material examined Lectotype of Platyope planidorsis designated here TURKMENISTAN1 spec. ; “Sary-jasy 30.9.87 ”; “ Turkmenien Leder , Reitter ”; “Typus Platyope planidorsis Rtt. Coll. Reitter ”; “ Platyope planidorsis ”; 30 Sep. 1887 ; leg. H. Leder ; HNHM . Fig. 26. Protibiae of Pimeliini , optic microscopy. A . Habrochiton vernus Semenov-Tjan-Shansky, 1907 , ♂, lectotype (ZIN). B . Habrobates gabrieli ( Schuster, 1935 ) comb. nov. , paralectotype (NMB). C . Dietomorpha pardalis Kühnelt, 1957 , ♂ (ZIN). D . Mantichorula semenowi Reitter, 1889 , ♂ (ZIN). E . Przewalskia dilatata ( Reitter, 1887 ) , ♂ (ZIN). F . Apatopsis grombczewskii Semenov, 1891 , ♀, paralectotype (ZIN). G . Earophanta serrata ( Semenov, 1893 ) , ♂ (ZIN). H . Platyope leucogramma (Pallas, 1773) , ♂ (ZIN). Not to scale. Paralectotype TURKMENISTAN1 spec. ; “ Turcmenia Sary-jasi ”; “Cotypus Platyope planidorsis Rtt. Coll. Reitter ”; HNHM . Fig. 27. Protibiae of Pimeliini , SEM. A . Apatopsis grombczewskii Semenov, 1891 , ♀ (ZIN), dorsal view. B . Ditto, apical part. C . Habrobates vernalis Semenov, 1903 , ♂, paralectotype (ZIN), ventral view. D . Ditto, dorsal view. E . Habrochiton vernus Semenov-Tjan-Shansky, 1907 , dorsal view (ZIN). F . Mantichorula semenowi Reitter, 1889 , ♂ (ZIN), ventral view. G . Ditto, dorsal view. Holotype of Earophanta autumnalis TURKMENISTAN ; “Iолотань (Мервъ) X 99 K.O. Ангеръ” [Ýolöten, Merv ruins]; “ Earophanta planidorsis A. Bogačev det.”, “ Platyope autumnalis m. Typ un. (♂?) XI.02 A. Semenow det.”; Platyope sp. prope tomentosa sam. Sem. (надкрыльЯ съ 4–5 рЯдами желто- бурых волосковъ) det. A. Jakowlew” [translation from old Russian in parentheses: elytra with 4–5 rows of yellow-brown setae]; Oct. 1899 ; K.O. Anger leg.; ZIN . Additional material AFGHANISTAN1 ♂ ; Maymana; 17 Mar. 1964 ; O. Jakes leg.; ZIN . TURKMENISTAN2 ♂♂ ; Zaunguz Karakum , Aqsaqal ; A. Zatoka leg.; ZIN 2 ♂♂ , 6 ♀♀ ; 53 km of Bayramali ; 10 Apr. 1984 ; А. Sabirova leg.; ZIN . Distribution Turkmenistan , Afghanistan .