Four new species of Phyllophaga Harris (Coleoptera: Scarabaeidae: Melolonthinae) from western Cuba Author Serrano, Annery Author Morón, Miguel Ángel text Zootaxa 2017 2017-12-07 4362 4 575 583 journal article 31219 10.11646/zootaxa.4362.4.6 12479fa5-02c6-428f-8090-dec54fd70422 1175-5326 1095389 444BDC54-EAC9-470D-92C4-61EA87882A44 Phyllophaga ( Cnemarachis ) barroi Serrano & Morón , new species ( Figs. 18–24 ) Type series . Holotype male and 1 paratype female labeled: “ CUBA : Isla de la Juventud / Ensenada de Siguanea / collected at light / V/2015 ; Rives, A . Barro. Holotype and paratype deposited in MFP . Diagnosis . Length 18.9 mm , width 10.3 mm . Nearly black, dorsally glabrous, head, pronotum, and elytra shiny; clypeus barely sinuate and emarginate; antennal club much shorter than funicle and scape; pronotal lateral margin entire, much wider than the head; prosternum and metasternum densely and uniformly clad with long setae; abdominal sternite shiny with a few setae; pygidium disc glabrous; elytral apices strongly truncate; male genitalia distinct as in Figs. 19–22 . Holotype . Head : Small, surface densely punctate with deep, well-defined punctures; glabrous. Clypeus densely and uniformly punctate, anterior margin weakly reflexed, moderately or sinuate medially. Frontoclypeal suture well defined as line and punctures. Antennae with 9 antennomeres; club less than half the length of funicle and scape; club, funicle, and scape shiny. Frons convex, as punctate as clypeus; medial line undefined Pronotum: Surface moderately punctate, less so than elytra, clypeus, and frons, with punctures deep and distinct; glabrous. Anterior margin much wider than head. Anterior angles acute; lateral margins entire, rounded, and widest medially. Lateral margins reflexed, especially anteriorly. Elytra : Surface strongly punctate with deep, well defined punctures; glabrous. Sutural margin stout, same as color of disc. Elytral apices strongly truncate, almost rectangular. Notably widened at apical fourth. Scutellum with margins punctate, longitudinal line visible. Legs: Protibia with 3 equidistant teeth, 1 st and 2nd almost equally well developed, 3rd shorter. Mesotibia and metatibia without transverse medial carinae, with spines on lateral margin. Metatibial spurs unmodified, shorter spur more than 3/4 length of longer spur. Longer spur slightly longer than first tarsomere. Claws: Symmetrical with medial triangular tooth, apex unmodified, strongly curved, and sharp. Venter: Prosternum with 2 spines behind procoxae. Metasternum with long, slender setae. Abdominal sternites not pruinose, glabrous, weakly shiny, and less densely punctate than metasternum. Pygidium: Surface strongly punctate with, well-defined punctures; glabrous; shiny with dark borders. Male genitalia : Phallobase widened especially in bridge (area between the parameres and phallobase), oblong; parameres short, with nearly truncate apex; aedeagus wide, with tube-like, sclerotized support. Aedeagus caudally with C-shape open to the left, top weakly sclerotized. Middle of the aedeagus with two dorsal sclerotized and serrate plates. See Figs. 19–22 . Variation. Female is similar in appearance externally to male, but differs in the following respects: antennal club shorter than in male, clypeus larger and emarginate, pygidium shorter and slender. Proximal teeth of protibia less developed than in male. Length 18.9 mm , width 10.1 mm . Genital plates as in Fig. 23 . Etymology. This species is named in honor to Doctor Alejandro Barro (entomologist, Associate Professor of Biology Faculty at Havana University) in recognition of his support for this research project and his general interest in the Cuban entomofauna. Distribution ( Fig. 24 ). Cuba , Isla de la Juventud , Ensenada de Siguanea. Temporal data: May. Remarks. This species keys to couplet 10 in Chapin (1932) but does not match the description or genitalic illustrations of P. baracoana or P. rangeleana Chapin, 1935 , a related species. None of the species described by Garcia-Vidal (1975 , 1978 , 1984 , 1987 , 1988 ) or Smith & Paulsen (2015) have similar characters combination.