The bumblebees of North China (Apidae, Bombus Latreille) Author An, Jiandong Author Huang, Jiaxing Author Shao, Youquan Author Zhang, Shiwen Author Wang, Biao Author Liu, Xinyu Author Wu, Jie Author Williams, Paul H. text Zootaxa 2014 3830 1 1 89 journal article 36819 10.11646/zootaxa.3830.1.1 bee37b6c-7c93-4c85-a3e9-1733eb5acba8 1175-5326 286560 D1B92849-3D00-4C27-809E-15A3B50ECF19 21. Bombus ( Thoracobombus ) muscorum (Linnaeus) ( Figs 44, 45 ) Apis Mucorum [ muscorum ] Linnaeus, 1758 :579 . Material examined. 1 worker , 2 males (IAB). FIGURES 44–45. 44. Map showing the distribution of B. muscorum in North China with records as black spots, the province boundaries in dark grey, and all sites with records of all bumblebee species in light grey. 45 . B . muscorum worker visiting Onobrychis pulchella (Fabaceae) in Xinjiang. Distribution in North China . Rare at low elevations of the Hulunbeir grasslands and the Nenjiang river valley in northeastern Neimenggu. 3 localities ( Fig. 44 ) between 315–678 m (IAB). Similar species in North China . This species is very similar in its orange-brown colour pattern to some B. laesus , B. tricornis and B. atripes (see the key; Figs 41 , 45 , 69 , 71 ) Distribution in China . Neimenggu, Heilongjiang, Xinjiang (IAB). Forage plants. ASTERACEAE : Helianthus annuus ; ONAGRACEAE : Chamerion angustifolium .