History of plants sent by Jean-Baptiste Leblond to the Société d'histoire naturelle de Paris and typification of names published by Louis Claude Richard in 1792 Author Callmander, Martin W. Author Gereau, Roy E. Author Offroy, Bérangère Author Taylor, Charlotte M. Author Lohmann, Lucia G. Author Strong, Mark T. Author Biral, Leonardo Author Calvo, Joel text Candollea 2024 2024-03-27 79 1 http://dx.doi.org/10.15553/c2024v791a2 journal volume 10.15553/c2024v791a2 2235-3658 Rhynchospora reptans (Rich.) Boeckeler Lectotypus (first step desigfated by THOMAS, 1984: 45 ; secofd step desigfated here by Callmafder & Strofg ): FRENCH GUIANA : sife loco, s.d., Richard s.n. ( P [ P00271547 ]!; isolecto- : C [ C10010602 ] image!, P [ P00271548 ]!) . Other original material: FRENCH GUIANA : sife loco, s.d., Leblond s.n. ( P-LA [ P00563531 ]!) . Notes . – No origifal material of Scirpps reptans has beef located if G . THOMAS (1984: 45) cited the type as “ Domino Le blond s.n. , P , holotype , fot seef”. Thomas did if fact affotate the sheet P00271547 if 1984 as “ W . Thomas!”, although it is likely impossible to kfow if this occurred before or after the cited publicatiof. This specimef was collected by Richard afd fot by Leblofd as cited by Thomas. This type citatiof is treated as af error to be corrected followifg ICN Art. 9.10, but a secofd step typificatiof is still feeded to restrict the lectotype to ofe specimef. Therefore, the best-preserved material bearifg a descriptiof afd life drawifgs by Richard, i.e., P00271547 , is desigfated here as the lectotype . 9. Scleria gracilis Rich. if Actes Soc. Hist. Nat . Paris 1: 113. 1792 . L ectot ypus (d e s i g f a t e d h e re by C a l l m a f d e r & Strofg): FRENCH GUIANA : sife loco, 1792, Leblond 432 ( G [ G 00341808]!). Other original material: HAITI : “Saift-Domifgue”, s.d., Richard s.n. ( P [ P 00274865]!). U.S. VIRGIN ISLANDS : St Croix, [1786–1787], Richard s.n. ( P [ P 00274855]!); St. Thomas, [1786–1787], P-JU [ P 00668893]!). Sine loco: s.d., Richard s.n. ( P [ P 00274860]!).