Lamourouxia (Orobanchaceae) of Mexico Author Francisco-Gutiérrez, Antonio 0000-0003-2013-9811 Red de Biodiversidad y Sistemática, Instituto de Ecología A. C., Carretera Antigua a Coatepec 351, El Haya, 91073, Xalapa, Veracruz, México. antoniofco 52 @ gmail. com; https: // orcid. org / 0000 - 0003 - 2013 - 9811 Author Ruiz-Sanchez, Eduardo 0000-0002-7981-4490 Departamento de Botánica y Zoología, Centro Universitario de Ciencias Biológicas y Agropecuarias (CUCBA), Universidad de Guadalajara, Camino Ing. Ramón Padilla Sánchez 2100, Nextipac, 45200, Zapopan, Jalisco, México. ruizsanchez. eduardo @ gmail. com; https: // orcid. org / 0000 - 0002 - 7981 - 4490 Author González, Dolores 0000-0001-9010-2833 Red de Biodiversidad y Sistemática, Instituto de Ecología A. C. dolores. gonzalez @ inecol. mx; https: // orcid. org / 0000 - 0001 - 9010 - 2833 Author Lira-Noriega, Andrés 0000-0003-2013-9811 Red de Biodiversidad y Sistemática, Instituto de Ecología A. C., Carretera Antigua a Coatepec 351, El Haya, 91073, Xalapa, Veracruz, México. antoniofco 52 @ gmail. com; https: // orcid. org / 0000 - 0003 - 2013 - 9811 & Red de Estudios Moleculares Avanzados, Instituto de Ecología, A. C. aliranoriega @ gmail. com; https: // orcid. org / 0000 - 0002 - 3219 - 0019 * Corresponding author & Red de Biodiversidad y Sistemática, Instituto de Ecología A. C., Carretera Antigua a Coatepec 351, El Haya, 91073, Xalapa, Veracruz, México. antoniofco 52 @ gmail. com; https: // orcid. org / 0000 - 0003 - 2013 - 9811 text Phytotaxa 2023 2023-01-31 582 1 1921 1935 journal article 10.11646/phytotaxa.582.1.1 1179-3163 7609060 2. Lamourouxia barbata (Bertoloni) MacVean, Cristofoloni, Daniel & Baldini. Phytotaxa 420(3): 205. 2019. Basionym: Justicia barbata Bertoloni in Alessandrini. Nuovi Ann. Sci. Nat. 1(1): 410. 1838 . Type:— GUATEMALA . Antigua Guatimalae , 1836, D. Vellasquez [Velásquez] s.n. ( Holotype : BOLO0507985 !) = Lamourouxia lanceolata Bentham. Prodr. 10: 542. 1846. Lectotype designated here:— MEXICO . Chiapas , In Mexici prov. Chiapas ad Amatenango, 1839, J.J. Linden 198 ( Lectotype : K000533705!; isolectotypes: F [IRN:219874 photo!], K000533707!). Figure 4 E–H . Herbs up to 300 cm tall, stems branched along the plant, reclining, woody, glabrescent non-glandular. Leaves opposite, sessile, narrowly lanceolate, rarely ovate, 19–57 × 7–14 mm , margin serrate, 4–11 teeth each side, teeth up to 0.5 mm long; apex acute, base attenuate; papyraceous, glabrous or glabrescent, non-glandular. Inflorescence a raceme with inverted flowers, arching forward, pedicels thin, 1–14 mm long. Bracts equal along inflorescence, sessile, lanceolate, 14–34 × 4–7 mm , 4–7 teeth per side, apex acute, base attenuate. Calyx campanulate without dots on the surface, 10–18 × 4–6 mm , four-lobed, lobes oblanceolate to narrowly triangular, 6–15 × 1.3–3.8 mm , margin entire, apex acute, glabrous or glabrescent, non-glandular. Corolla tubular, 32–37 × 5–8 mm , bilabiate, upper lip 8–20 mm long, lower lip 7.9–14.6 × 4 mm , apex three-lobed, lobes 2–3 mm long; orange to red, pubescent, non-glandular. Stamens exserted 2, filaments 31–34 mm long. Anthers 2.9–4 mm long, lanose with white non-glandular trichomes. Style 31–39 mm long. Stigma bilobed, 1.3–2.2 mm long. Capsule ovoid, 9–12 × 6–8 mm , glabrous. Seeds not seen. Etymology: —The name of this species refers to the appearance of the anthers’ indumentum. Common name: —Kaka’an wamal, Tzajal nich (Tzeltal language, Chiapas ). Uses: —Macerated leaves are used in showers three times a day to relieve body pain ( López-Pérez 196 , MEXU). Leaves in cold water once a day in shower are used for headaches ( López-Pérez 237 , MEXU). Distribution and Ecology: —This species spreads from southern Mexico to Costa Rica . In Mexico , the species is distributed in the state of Chiapas ( Fig. 4H ). It is reported from pine and oak forests ( Quercus Linnaeus (1753: 994) and Pinus Linnaeus (1753: 1000) with Dendropanax Decaisne & Planchon (1854: 107) , Saurauia Willdenow (1801: 407) , pine forests, tropical deciduous forests, seasonal evergreen forest ( Calycophyllum Candolle (1830: 367) , Zanthoxylum Linnaeus (1753: 270) , cloud forest ( Oecopetalum Greenman & Thompson (1915: 408–409) , Magnolia Linnaeus (1753: 535) , Podocarpus L’Héritier ex Persoon (1807: 580) , and corn crops in an elevation range of 1350–2800 m . Phenology: —The flowering season of this species is from November to March, with the peaks of collections in January and February (26 of 36 examined collections). Discussion: —Williams (1972) proposed to include the taxon under the species Lamourouxia longiflora but no morphological characters were defined and only it was separated by its geographical distribution, specified as “Distributed from southern Mexico , through Guatemala to El Salvador and Costa Rica ” with no enough evidence to segregate it to infraspecific rank. Nomenclatural notes:— Baldini et al. (2019) , proposed the priority of the name Lamourouxia barbata (Bertoloni 1838: 410) MacVean, Cristofolini, Daniel & Baldini (2019: 205) instead of L. lanceolata . They argued that the name L. barbata was given by Bertolini (1838) to one species of Justicia ( Acanthaceae ), and referred to the similarity of the type specimen of J. barbata with L. lanceolata . They indicated the specimen BOLO 0507985 as holotype . The specimen was requested to the BOLO herbarium and it was received a high resolution image of it. Certainly, the specimen described as J. barbata corresponds to a specimen of L. lanceolata . Applying the priority of names (Chapter II, Section 3 of the Shenzhen Code, Turland et al. 2018 ), the correct name of the species is L. barbata . Thus, the name L. lanceolata now is treated as a synonym. The original description of Lamourouxia lanceolata ( Bentham 1846 ) cited one specimen ( Linden 198 ) in Herbarium Hook (K). Later, Ernst (1972) referred to type specimens in G and K. The search of the type collection in GBIF (revealed two specimens in K, one of them (K000533707!) includes two different collections with the plant of taxonomic importance confined to the corner of it. The other specimen (K000533705!) contains only the collection of L. lanceolata , because of it, it was designed as the lectotype . Also, were found two photographs from the Field museum photo negatives collection ( Grant & Niezgoda 2020a ) taken from one specimen in G. The online database of type specimens of the G herbarium ( =en&criteria= Lamourouxia &mode=tout) does not include any specimen of the type collection. The existence of the specimen in G is unknown, because Ernst (1972) did not argue if the specimen or its photograph were revised. FIGURE 4. Lamourouxia avendanoi . A–B) inflorescences of live specimens. C) Inflorescence of a dry specimen. D) Distribution map. Lamourouxia barbata . E) Inflorescence. F) Leaves. G) Habit. H) Distribution map. Credits in Appendix I. Examined specimens:MEXICO . Chiapas : Amatenango del Valle, highway 190, Las Rosas-Teopisca 3.2 mi S of junction with highway 190, 27 January 1979 , Croat 46498 (MO); Kampor, 4 km al sur de la cabecera municipal, 1670 m , 16 December 1987 , Gómez 218 (ENCB!); Ti’Tontikil, 2 km al sur de la cabecera, López 196 (MEXU!); Siol, 3 km este de la cabecera, 1645 m , 14 January 1988 , López 237 (ENCB!, MEXU!); near the center of Amatenango del Valle, 05 January 1967 , Shilom 1837 (ENCB!, US !). Bochil, 5 km north of Soyalo along road to Bochil, 19 December 1971 , Breedlove 23332 (ENCB!, MO); along highway 195 between Chiapa de Corzo and Pichucalco, 14 miles north of Ixtapa, 22.7 miles south of Pemex station in Bochil, 25 January 1979 , Croat 46326 (MEXU!); along highway 195 between Chiapa de Corzo and Pichucalco, 5–7 mi S of Bochil, 17 February 1987 , Croat & Hannon 65052 (MEXU!); 5 miles northeast of Soyalo on road to Bochil, 23 January 1975 , Raven & Breedlove 19777 (ENCB!, US !). Chiapa de Corzo, Cerro El Escopetazo, 10 January 1995 , Chamé & Luna 935 (ENCB!, MEXU!). Comitán de Domínguez, 3.4 miles by road northwest of Comitan, 17 January 1970 , W.R. Anderson & C. Anderson 5485 (ENCB!); 3 km al sureste de Comitán, 19 December 1979 , González-Medrano & Hiriart 11527 (MEXU!); NO de Comitán, 22 December 1948 , Miranda 5004 (MEXU!). Escuintla, Monte Ovando, February 1939 , Matuda 2647 (MEXU!). La Trinitaria, Zapaluta Cave, 3 km south of La Trinitaria, 29 January 1981 , Breedlove 49648 (ENCB!, MEXU!, MO); a 15 km al este de Tziscao, sobre el camino a Santa Elena, 05 December 1983 , Cabrera & de Cabrera 6107 (MEXU!); Hidalgo, cerca de la carretera, Ramamoorthy et al. 1880 (MEXU!, XAL!). Las Rosas, 4 miles northwest of Pinola, 28 January 1965 , Raven & Breedlove 20116 (ENCB!). Motozintla, 45–50 km of northeast of Huixtla along road to Motozintla, 28 December 1972 , Breedlove & Thorne 31095 (MEXU!, MO). Rayón, La Selva Negra, 13 November 1964 , MacDougall s.n. (MEXU!). San Juan Chamula, Paraje Chiotik 1 km , 2070 m , 14 January 1988 , Santíz-Ruiz 550 (ENCB!, MO). Siltepec, camino Ejido Santa María a El Bejucal, polígono zona núcleo 2, 25 March 2006 , Martínez 1236 (MEXU!, MO). Siltepec, cascada near Siltepec, 03 March 1945 , Matuda 5048 (MEXU!). Tuxtla Gutiérrez, El Sumidero, 22 km al north of Tuxtla Gutiérrez, 01 January 1981 , Breedlove 49059 (MEXU!); a 10 km al norte de Tuxtla Gutiérrez sobre el camino a Parque Nacional Cañón del Sumidero, 03 December 1983 , Cabrera & de Cabrera 5961 (ENCB!, MEXU!); El Sumidero, 23 November 1970 , MacDougall s.n. (ENCB!); Cañón del Sumidero, en el último mirador, 14 November 1984 , Martínez et al. 8604 (MEXU!). Unión Juárez, on the southeast side of Volcán Tacaná above Talquián, 16 January 1973 , Breedlove & Smith 31642 (MEXU!, MO); en el camino de Talquián a Chiquihuite, 03 February 1987 , Martínez et al. 19319 (MEXU!); Chiquihuite, Volcán Tacaná, 27 March 1939 , Matuda 2842 (MEXU!, MO); Talquián, 1550 m , 22 January 1986 , E. Ventura & López 3133 (ENCB!, MEXU!, XAL!); la línea divisoria, 8 km al sur de Unión Juárez, 12 January 1988 , E. Ventura & López 5013 (XAL!); El Berral por el Tacaná, 21 January 1992 , E. Ventura & López 10026 (MEXU!, XAL!). Venustiano Carranza, 1 km northwest of Aguacatenango, 15 December 1964 , Breedlove 7879 (ENCB!, US !).