Taxonomic contributions to the genus Charops Holmgren, 1859 (Hymenoptera: Ichneumonidae), with description of seven new species from Brazil Author Santos, Alvaro Doria Dos Author Onody, Helena Carolina Author Brandão, Carlos Roberto Ferreira text Zootaxa 2019 2019-06-18 4619 1 45 76 journal article 26467 10.11646/zootaxa.4619.1.2 1d1f5565-905a-488d-82e0-9837e47f423b 1175-5326 3248433 44177B4C-17ED-4EA6-B32C-2DA5D9F35B32 Charops mucioi Santos & Onody sp. nov. ( Figs. 9 A–H, 11C, 17) Material examined : Holotype : ( DCBU 330612 ), BRASIL : Minas Gerais , Sete Lagoas Malaise 10–17.iv.2000 I. Cruz col. Paratypes : 1 ♀ ( DCBU 330613 ), BRASIL : Minas Gerais , same data as holotype ; 1 ♀ , 1?# ( DCBU 330632 , 330621 ), same data except 12–26.xi.1999 ; 2 ♀ ( DCBU 330614 , 330652 ), same data except 14–28.ii.2000 ; 1 ♀ ( DCBU 330635 ), same data except 28.ii. 13.iii.2000 ; 1 ♀ ( DCBU 330616 ), same data except 13.iii.2000 ; 10 ♀ ( DCBU 330639–330648 ), same data except 13–27.iii.2000 ; 8 ♀ ( DCBU 330623–330630 ), same data except 27.iii– 10.iv.2000 ; 1 ♀ ( DCBU 330636 ), same data except 13–27.iv.2000 ; 2 ♀ ( DCBU 330587 , 330620 ), same data except 19.iv–02.v.2000 ; 1 ♀ ( DCBU 330651 ), same data except 29.v– ; 2 ♀ ( DCBU 330618 , 330619 ), same data except 12– ; 2 ♀ ( DCBU 330622 , 330638 ), same data except–10.vii.2000 ; 1 ♀ ( DCBU 330637 ), same data except 27.vii–08.viii.2000 ; 1 ♀ , 1♂ ( DCBU 330633 , 330634 ), same data except 8–22.viii.2000 ; 2 ♂ ( DCBU 330649 , 330650 ), same data except 22.viii–04.ix.2000 ; 1 ♀ ( DCBU 330631 ), same data except 23.viii– 06.ix.2000 ; 1 ♀ ( DCBU 330615 ), same data except 11–12.ix.2000 ; 1 ♀ ( DCBU 330617 ), same data except 01– 13.iii.2004 ; 2 ♀ ( MZSP 52019 , 52020 ), Mato Grosso do Sul , Bodoquena , Faz. [Fazenda] Califórnia ( Ciliar ), 20º41’49.9”S 56º52’54”W , 21.vii–06.viii.2012 , Malaise 04, Lamas , Nihei & eq. cols .; 5 ♀ , 1♂ ( MZSP 62072 , 62073 , 62079–62082 ), same data except 06–21.viii.2012 ; 1 ♀ ( MZSP 62083 ), same data except 21.x–06.xi.2012 ; 1 ♀ ( MZSP 52331 ), same data except Transição , 20º41’53.5”S 56º52’55.7”W , 21.vii–06.viii.2012 Malaise 05 ; 1 ♀ ( MZSP 62084 ), same data except 21.xi – 06.xii.2012 ; 4 ♀ ( DCBU 84601 , 84040 , 83986 , 223991 ), Campo Grande , Fazenda Escola UCDB [Universidade Católica Dom Bosco] pasto, 20º24’13.16”S 54º36’45.69”W , Armadilha Mal- aise 01, 01– , J. B. B. Oliveira col ; 4 ♀ ( MNRJ 000.001–000.004), Rio de Janeiro , Parque Nacional de Itatiaia. Setor Lago Azul , Mata , Ponto M3B, 22º27’01.10”S , 44º36’55.30”W , 830m , 01.x–02.xi.2015 ; 4 ♀ ( MNRJ 000.004–000.005), same data except 04.xii.2015 06.i.2016 ; 3 ♀ ( DCBU 4462 , 4463 , 4465 ), São Paulo , Luís Antônio , Estação. Ecológica de Jatai 21º3’’S 47º48’W armadilha Malaise 1 e 2, 04.i.2007 , N. Perioto col. ; 1 ♀ ( DCBU 4484 ), same data except 18.i.2007 ; 1 ♀ ( DCBU 4456 ), same data except 01.ii.2007 ; 1 ♀ ( DCBU 4478 ), same data except 15.ii.2007 ; 2 ♀ ( DCBU 4434 , 4460 ), same data except 01.iii.2007 ; 1 ♀ ( DCBU 4708 ), same data except 29.iii.2007 ; 6 ♀ ( DCBU 4435 , 4436 , 4437 , 4449 , 4450 , 4451 ), same date except 12.iv.2007 ; 2 ♀ ( DCBU 4474 , 4712 ), same data except 14.xii.2007 . Other specimens : 1 ♂ ( MZSP 62071 ), Ceará , Crateús , Serra das Almas , Grajaú , 05º07’05”S 40º52’25’W , 03– , Brandão & Eq col.; 1 ♀ ( UFES 48896 ), Espírito Santo , Cariacica , Res [erva] Biol [ógica] Duas Bocas , 16–17.ix.2006 , Malaise, R. Kawada & eq. Leg.; 1 ♀ ( UFES 124481 ), same data except 05.xii.1996 , (v) , Aspirada, C. O. Azevedo col.; 1 ♀ ( UFES 46844 ), Guarapari - Restinga P. E. Paulo César Vinha , 20º36’S 40º25’W , 4m Mata 7, 02–09.xi.2006 , Malaise (msc02), B. Araujo & M. Santos leg.; 2 ♀ ( DCBU 153597 , 153600 ), Linhares , FLONA [Floresta Nacional] dos Goytacazes , 19º25’51.8”S 40º4’10.2”S , Armadilha Malaise 4, ( 21m ), 28.ix.2009 , V. L. R. M. Benassi col.; 2 ♀ ( DCBU 153594 , 153595 ), same data except S 19º26’24.1” W 40º5’13.6” , Armadilha Malaise 5, ( 21m ) ; 3 ♀ ( DCBU 140335 , 140337 , 140338 ), same data except 27.x.2009 ; 1 ♀ ( DCBU 151310 ), same data except S 19º25’38.1” W 40º4’ 26.3”, Armadilha Malaise 3, 19,1m; 1 ♀ ( DCBU 153722 ), same data except S 19º26’0.5” W 40º4’ 22.4”, Armadilha Malaise ( 26.5m ) ; 1 ♀ ( UFES 96618 ), Pinheiros , Res. [Reserva] Biol. [Bi- ológica] Córrego do Veado Trilha Jaboti , 18º21’S 40º10’W , 27.xi–06.xii.2011 , Malaise 7, M. T. Tavares & eq. col.; 1 ♀ ( UFES 94239 , 95605 ), Sta. [Santa] M. [Maria] de Jequitibá , Faz. [Fazenda] Clarindo Krüger 20º04’27.9”S 40º44’51.3”W , 29.xi–06.xii.2002 , Malaise B5, Tavares, Azevedo & eq. col.; 1 ♀ ( UFES 47996 ), João Neiva , Sítio Monte Negro , 7–3.vii.2007 , Malaise, F. Rampinelli & eq. Leg.; 4 ♀ ( DCBU 102593 , 102614 , 102616 , 102649 ), Minas Gerais , Borda da Mata , Sítio São Romano , 22º17’13.2”S 46º12’26.3”W , Armadilha Malaise , 1006m , 23.xi.2009 , I. F. Melo col.; 1 ♀ ( DCBU 62085 ), Conceição do Mato Dentro, S. [Serra] Serpentina , 19.02495ºS 43.39019ºW , Canga Área 2, 17–27.iv.2011 , R. R. Silva & E. Z. Albuquerque cols.; 1 ♀ ( DCBU 155314 ), Jacutinga , Morro da Forquilha , 22º21’40.5”S 46º35’28.2”W , Armadilha Malaise 5 ( 1017m ), 11.ii.2010 , I. F. Melo col.; 1 ♀ ( DCBU 178351 ), same data except 03.v.2010 ; 1 ♀ ( DCBU 178362 ), same data except ; 3 ♀ ( DCBU 46003 , 46012 , 46027 ), same data except 17.ix.2010 ; 1 ♀ ( DCBU 143001 ), Timóteo , Parque Estadual do Rio Doce , 19º39’S 42º34’W , Armadilha Malaise , 21.iii.2010 , A. J. Santos col.; 1 ♀ ( DCBU 148507 ), same data except 21.v.2010 ; 1 ♀ ( DCBU 142971 , 143640 , 148505 ), same data except 23.v.2010 ; 1 ♀ ( DCBU 144340 ), same data except 20.vii.2010 ; 6 ♀ ( DCBU 144790 , 144792 , 144798 , 150956 , 150958 , 150961 ), same data except 18.ix.2010 ; 8 ♀ ( DCBU 143419 , 145510 , 145511 , 145770 , 146936 , 146938 , 143416 , 143418 ), same data except 18.x.2010 ; 1 ♀ ( DCBU 148515 ), same data except 17.xii.2010 ; 1 ♀ ( DCBU 143642 ), same data except 22.ii.2011 ; 1 ♀ ( DCBU 262230 ), Pará , Pousada Thaimaçu - Mata , S 09° 03’ 21” W 56° 35’ 09” , Armadilha Malaise ( 164m ), 19.ix.2015 , M. M. B. Lutz & J. C. M. Lutz cols ; 1 ♀ ( INPA ), Paraná , Castro , Pq. [Parque] Est. [Estadual] do Guartelá , – 24.33455 S , – 50.1532W , 1000m , 10.xi.2007 , Malaise, J. Rafael & P. G. Rossi; 1 ♀ ( MZSP 62086 ), Colombo Canguiri , 910m , 25º22’44.65”S 49º07’53.30”W , iii.2015 , Malaise, M. Savaris & S. Lampert cols.; 1 ♀ ( DCBU 330599 ), Pernambuco , Projeto Garjaú algodão, UFPE [Universidade Federal de Pernambuco ], Malaise 19.x.2002 ; 1 ♀ ( DCBU 330598 ), same data except 09.xi.2003 ; 1 ♀ ( DCBU 330588 ), same data except 30.xii.2003 ; 2 ♀ ( DCBU 122200 , 122201 ), Rio de Janeiro , Casemiro de Abreu , Reserva Biológica União , 22º24’31”S 42º01’54”W , Varredura - ponto 5 ( 55m ), 13.xii.2010 , R. F. Monteiro col.; 1 ♀ ( DCBU 110582 ), Itatiaia , PARNA [ Parque Nacional ] de Itati- aia, 22º26’16.8”S 44º36’41.4”W , Armadilha Malaise 2, 987m , 8 xi.2011 , R. F. Monteiro col.; 1 ♀ ( DCBU 273766 ), same data except 11.xii.2015 , A. S. Soares e L. A. M. Soares cols.; 1 ♀ ( DCBU 213288 ), Teresópolis Parque Nacio- nal da Serra dos Orgãos , 22º29’37”S 43º00’07”W , Armadilha Malaise 01 ( 419m ), 03.xi.2009 , R. F. Monteiro col.; 3 ♀ ( MZSP 62068 , 62069 , 62074 ), São Paulo , Bertioga , Pq. [Parque] Est. [Estadual] Restinga de Bertioga Trilha Cachoeira , Malaise , 23º45’15”S 45º55’46”W , 21.xii.2012 5.i.2013 , Biffi, Cesar & Fuhrmann col.; 1 ♀ ( MZSP 62070 ), same data except rio Perequê Mirim , 23º45’35”S 45º56’10”W , 5.i–14.ii.2013 ; 1 ♀ ( DCBU 330592 ), Cam- pos do Jordão , Usina Santa Izabel , 22º44’S 45º30’W , Malaise , 29.iii–14.iv.2002 , S. A. G. Gomes & eq. col.; 4 ♀ ( DCBU 330602 , 330603 , 330656 , 330657 ), same date except–13.vii.2002 ; 1 ♂ ( DCBU 330600 ), same date except 27.viii–12.x.2002 ; 5 ♀ ( DCBU 330597 , 330610 , 330653 , 330654 , 330655 ), same data except 27.ix– 12.x.2002 ; 1 ♀ ( DCBU 330601 ), same date except 30.ix.2002 ; 1 ♀ , 1 ♂ ( DCBU 330611 , 330658 ), same date except 23.xi–10.xii.2002 ; 1 ♀ ( DCBU 330589 ), Descalvado Malaise , 13.ii.2000 ; 1 ♀ ( DCBU 330604 ), same data except Mata–mesófila , Malaise , 09.x.1999 ; 1 ♀ ( DCBU 330590 ), same data except 8.i.2000 ; 6 ♀ ( DCBU 198772–198777 ), same data except Fazenda Escaramuça - Mata ciliar, 21º 54’05”S 47º 37’26”W , Armadilha Malaise ( 654m ), 04.ii.2009 , A. M. Penteado-Dias col.; 2 ♀ ( DCBU 206913 , 206915 ), Jaboticabal , UNESP - Horto Florestal , 21º14’08’S 48º17’04”W , Armadilha Malaise ( 677m ), 11.xii.2008 , Araújo col.; 1 ♀ ( DCBU 49406 ), Jundiaí , Reser- va Biológica da Serra do Japi , Sub -Bosque / Eucalipto , 23º14’14.4”S 46º53’33.1”W , Armadilha Malaise 3, 26. vi.2012 , A. S. Soares & C. Vilela cols.; 1 ♀ ( DCBU 272023 ), same data except 29.x.2012 ; 1 ♀ ( DCBU 188634 ), same data except S 23º 14’’29.6”W 46º56’14.1”, Armadilha Malaise , 22.xii.2009 ; 1 ♀ ( DCBU 121767 ), Luís An- tônio, Est. [ Estação ] Ecológica de Jatai , 21°36,58’S 47°48,24’W , Armadilha Malaise 01 ( 538m ), 31.i.2014 , A. S. Soares col.; 1 ♀ ( DCBU 121578 ), same data except 01.v.2014 ; 1 ♀ ( DCBU 121804 ), same data except ; 1 ♀ ( DCBU 121898 ), same data except 21.ii.2015 ; 1 ♀ ( DCBU199820 ), same data except 21°35’46”S , 47°48’19,3”W , Armadilha Malaise ponto 1 - 600m , 09.v.2014 ; 1 ♀ ( DCBU 199823 ), same data except 11.ix.2014 ; 2 ♀ ( DCBU 191354 , 191628 ), same data except 30.ix.2008 ; 1 ♀ ( DCBU 199819 ), same data except 06.xi.2014 ; 1 ♀ ( DCBU 199822 ), same data except 20.xi.2014 ; 1 ♀ ( DCBU 199818 ), same data except 24.xi.2014 ; 1 ♀ ( DCBU 199821 ), same data except 22.i.2015 ; 1 ♀ ( DCBU 198689 ), Matão , Fazenda Cambuhy - mata ciliar (elev. 529m ), 21º37’37.8”S 48º32’11.1”W , 07.v.2009 .; 1 ♀ ( DCBU 21161 ), Nazaré Paulista , 12–16.viii.2001 , B. H, Dietz.; 1 ♀ ( DCBU 42708 ), Ribeirão Grande , Parque Estadual de Intervales , S 24º 16’27.7”W 48º 25’19.3” , Armadilha Malaise 3, 22.iv.2010 , N. W. Perioto e eq. cols ; 1 ♀ ( DCBU 183723 ), same data except 22.x.2010 ; 1 ♀ ( DCBU 82727 ), same data except 24º16’23.6”S 48º25’21.8”W , Armadilha Malaise 5, 22.iii.2010 ; 3 ♀ ( DCBU 56047 , 80342 , 98059 ), Rio Claro, Flo- resta Estadual de Rio Claro, 22º24’39.5”S 47º30’59.6”W , 657m , Armadilha Malaise 5, 30.xi.2009 , A. S. Soares col. ; 1 ♀ ( DCBU 271182 ), same data except 30.x.2009 ; 1 ♀ ( DCBU 198784 , 198793 , 198795 ), same data except Usina Parque do Curumbataí , Mata Ciliar S 22º 27’06”W 47º 35’32” , Armadilha Malaise ( 537m ), 22.xi.2009 , S. Athiê col . 1 ♀ ( DCBU 62078 ), Salesópolis , Est. [Estação] Biol. [Biológica] Boracéia , Malaise , 23º38’28”S 45º51’22”W , 02.viii–01. ix.2008 , Nihei, S. Figueiredo, R. & Leite, P. col.; 1 ♀ ( DCBU 62088 ), same data except 23º38’29”S 45º51’22”W , 23.x–24.ix.2008 , Fernandes.; 1 ♀ ( DCBU 330596 ), São Carlos , Fazenda Canchim , EMBRAPA Mata sede, 21º57’56”S 47º50’37”W Malaise 1 ( 830m ), 03.vii.1995 , L.A. Joaquim col.; 2 ♀ ( DCBU 330606 , 330607 ), same data except 25.v.1998 ; 1 ♀ ( DCBU 330593 ), same data except 08.xi.1998 ; 1 ♀ ( DCBU 330609 ), same data except 04.xii.1998 ; 1 ♀ ( DCBU 330608 ), same data except 22.xi.1999 ; 1 ♀ ( DCBU 330591 ), same data except 29.ii.2000 ; 2 ♀ ( DCBU 330594 , 330605 ), same data except 17.vii.2000 ; 1 ♀ ( DCBU 330595 ), São Carlos , UFSCar - Cerrado Malaise 21°58’S 47°53’W , 20.x.1998 ; 2 ♀ ( DCBU 65681 , 65688 ), São Carlos , UFScar - Bosque , 21º59’04”S 47º52’51”W , rmadilha Malaise , 27.i.2007 , E. M. Shimbori col; 1 ♀ ( DCBU 65663 ), same data except 17.iv.2007 ; 1 ♀ ( DCBU 65632 ), same data except 29.x.2007 ; 1 ♀ ( DCBU 66008 ), São Carlos , UFScar - Sub- Bosque Pinus, S 21º 59’05” W 47º 52’42” Armadilha Malaise, 17.iv.2007 , A. M. Penteado-Dias col.; 1 ♀ ( DCBU 65620 ), São Carlos, Faz.[Fazenda] Macaúbas, mata, S 21º 50’ 50” W 47º 53’ 34”, 10.i.2007 , Armadilha Malaise, Shimbori E. M. col.; 1 ♀ ( DCBU 18528 ), São Carlos , Armadilha Moericke , 09.ii.2011 , S. C. Buta & K. F. G. Car- valho col.; 2 ♀ ( DCBU 64191 ), São Luiz do Paratinga , PESM [Parque Estadual Serra do Mar] Núcleo Santa Virgí- nia, 23º19’17.9”S 45º5’42.9”W , Armadilha Malaise , 23.xi.2009 , N. W. Perioto e eq. cols.; 1 ♀ ( DCBU 151033 ), same data except 21.i.2011 ; 1 ♀ ( MZSP 62087 ), São Paulo , Pico do Jaraguá , 27.ix.1988 , R.L.C. Baptista & A.P. Chaves, col.; 2 ♀ ( DCBU 130374 , 110430 ), Teodoro Sampaio , Parque Estadual do Morro do Diabo , 22º36’S 52º18’W Armadilha Malaise , 16.xii.2009 , N. W. Perioto e eq. cols; 3 ♀ ( DCBU 98176 , 194889 , 194891 ), same data except; ; 6 ♀ ( DCBU 216769 , 216770 , 216778 , 228086 , 228087 , 228095 ), same data except 16.viii.2010 ; 1 ♀ ( DCBU 228113 ), same data except 16.ix.2010 ; 10 ♀ ( DCBU 201335 , 201347 , 201350 , 201351 , 201354 , 201355 , 201358 , 228080 , 228081 , 228118 ), same data except 16.x.2010 ; 1 ♀ ( DCBU 212088 , 212100 , 216761 , 216786 , 216793 , 216796 ), same data except 16.xi.2010 ; 1 ♀ ( DCBU 179216 ), same data except 17.ii.2011 ; 1 ♀ ( DCBU 110406 ), same data except 17.vii.2011 ; 1 ♀ ( DCBU 330586 ), Ubatuba Malaise , 27.i–02.ii.1997 ; 3 ♀ ( DCBU 70995 , 116488 , 116488 ), same data except PESM [Parque Estadual Serra do Mar] - Núcleo Picinguaba , 23º20’S 44º49’W , Armadilha Malaise , 18.xii.2009 , N. W. Perioto e eq cols.; 2 ♀ ( DCBU 215295 , 215298 ), same data except 19.ix.2010 ; 2 ♀ ( DCBU 193723 , 193727 ), same data 18.x.2010 ; 1 ♀ ( DCBU 102693 ), same data except 18.xi.2010 ; 2 ♀ ( MZSP 62075 , 62076 ), same data except Restinga , 20–25.i.2006 , E. F. Santos & C Scott-Santos,cols.; 1 ♀ ( MZSP 62077 ), same data except 03–09.ii.2006 . Diagnosis . Medium sized, inner margin of eyes parallel near clypeus; supraclypeal area subquadrate; antenna with 38–40 flagellomeres, propodeum with its petiolar area with complete wrinkles, areola and basal area with vestigial wrinkles; metasomal tergite II with a distinct black stripe on its posterior part. Description. Female ( Fig. 9H ): Fore wing 4.5–5.2 mm . Head . Densely punctate and covered with setae; lateral height of head 0.79–0.87× the size of mesopleuron; mandibles short and stout, apex 0.66–0.81× as wide as base, upper tooth broader than the lower tooth; malar space 0.40–0.52× as long as basal width of mandible; inner margin of eyes parallel near clypeus; supraclypeal area subquadrate ( Fig. 9A ), width 1.14–1.20× its height; lateral ocellus separated from eye by 0.18–0.35× its own diameter; interocellar distance 0.88–1.07× the diameter of lateral ocelli; interocellar area with sparse small setae; antenna with 38–40 flagellomeres; width of first flagellomere 4.09–5.22× its height; height of second flagellomere 0.53–0.59× height of first flagellomere; last flagellomere cone shaped with a rounded apex, occipital area slightly imbricate. Mesosoma . Pronotum dorsolaterally imbricate, laterally and ventrolaterally polished with transverse wrinkles; epomia present reaching the base of mesoscutum; mesoscutum punctate; scutellum and post scutellum densely covered with setae; mesopleuron dorsolaterally reticulate with complete wrinkles and covered with setae; speculum denudate with strong wrinkles ( Fig. 9C ); epicnemial carina present reaching only basal part of mesopleuron; mesopleuron ventrally foveolate without wrinkles and covered with setae; sternaulus absent; metapleuron punctate and covered with setae with its posterior part densely covered with setae; juxtacoxal carina complete with first perpendicular carina vestigial; pleural carina complete; spiracle elliptical with its width 0.33–0.46× the spiracle height; propodeum hairy and reticulose; petiolar area with complete wrinkles, areola and basal area with vestigial wrinkles ( Fig. 9B ); lateral longitudinal carina of propodeum incomplete not reaching propodeum neck; median longitudinal carina of propodeum complete; propodeum neck 0.73–0.86× the size of hind coxa. Legs . Fore legs coxae with a slim lateral carina; height of fore t1 0.69–0.73× height of fore t2–t5, height of mid legs with t1 0.76–0.83× height of mid t2–t5; height of hind legs with t1 0.75–0.81× height of hind t2–t5. Wings. Hyaline and covered with small setae; fore wing: vein 1cu-a arising after of 1m +rs ; vein 3/cu placed near 2/cu ; 2/cu 0.81–1.14× the size of 2cu+a ; 1/rs+m curved; bulla of 1/rs+m placed after its midlength near 2/m ; 2/rs 0.36–0.62× as long as 2/m ; bulla of 2m-cu placed near 2/m 0.37–0.46× the distance between the bulla and 4/cu vein; hind wing: vein 1-rs forming a curve with 1r-m angle; hind wing with 5 hamuli. Metasoma . Tergites imbricate; first tergite with sparse setae, first sternite glabrous with subpetiolar process conspicuous ( Fig. 9D ); tergite II 0.81–0.89× the length of tergite I; remaining tergites and sternites finely punctate covered with small setae; thyridium rounded; ovipositor sheath covered with long setae; ovipositor straight with 1.22–2.48 mm long; ovipositor notch not deep ( Fig. 9G ), distant from apex 0.23× length of ovipositor; ovipositor notch angle 91.89–108.32º; ovipositor ventral valve with an inconspicuous lobe near apex. Color . Pubescence golden. Head : black; palpi pale-yellow; mandibles pale-yellow with brown teeth; ocelli orange brown; antenna dark brown, scape and pedicel bicolored, anteriorly dark yellow and posteriorly brown. Mesosoma : black; tegula, fore and mid legs pale-yellow with t5 brown; mid legs with brown and pale-yellow coxae, trochanter and t4 pale-yellow, t5 brown; hind legs color vary between plain orange brown to dark brown, sometimes forming a gradient between these two colors. Metasoma : first segment orange brown, dorsal part of postpetiole dark brown; tergite 2 dorsally dark brown and ventrally orange brown with a distinct black stripe on its posterior part ( Fig. 9E ), thyridium light orange brown; sternite II light orange brown; remaining tergites dorsally black and ventrally orange brown; remaining sternites dark yellow; ovipositor sheaths and cerci black, ovipositor dark yellow. Male ( Fig. 11C ): Similar to female in structure and color, except: apex of mandible 0.72–0.87× as wide as base; malar space 0.47–0.55× as long as basal width of mandible; width of supraclypeal area 1.01–1.2× its height; interocellar distance 0.85–1.25× the diameter of lateral ocelli; width of first flagellomere 3.72–4.5× its height; height of second flagellomere 0.5–0.6× height of first flagellomere; propodeum neck 0.69–0.81× size of hind coxae; fore leg with height of t1 0.68–0.73× height of fore t2–t5, mid legs with height of t1 0.69–0.85× height of mid t2–t5 and hind legs with height of t1 0.78–0.87× height of hind t2–t5; length of tergite II 0.82–0.88× length of tergite I; remaining tergites and sternites finely punctate covered with small setae; gonoforceps and cercus black or dark brown. Biology : Attracted to light. Host unknown. Comments : This species has no epomia and a dark orange metasoma, similar to C. angelicae n. sp. , C. terezae sp. nov. and C. lucianae sp. nov. However, it differs from these species because C. mucioi sp. nov. shows the metasomal tergite II with a distinct black stripe on its posterior part (vs second tergite of metasoma usually dark brown or black, black stripe if present, not distinct), medium size (vs small size). Etymology : This species is named in honor of Mucio Alvaro Doria first author’s grandfather.