A new, remarkable genus and two new species of Ectrichodiinae (Hemiptera: Heteroptera: Reduviidae) from Madagascar
Chłond, Dominik
journal article
Gibbosella elongata
sp. n.
Figs 2
4, 6, 8, 10, 12
– Apterous female: Madagascar-Est / dct. Andapa / Anjanaharibe
/ (
50 km
Ouest Andapa) /
P.Soga [printed]; Institut / Scientifique /
[printed on blue label]; 70 [handwritten by pencil];
[printed on red label]; Gobbosella /
[handwritten] / det. D. Chłond 2009 [printed].
Gibbosella elongata
sp. n.
, holotype, dorsal habitus.
Colour: Body generally dark brown and brown with pale markings on connexiva (
Fig. 2
). Head brown with very small pale spots and light-colored labrum. Antennifers, maxillary and mandibular plates as well as buccula dark brown. Transversal sutures of head brown, same colour as head. Eyes black. Basal half of first antennal segment dark brown; apical half brown. Second antennal segment light brown with dark basal part and dark brown annulus in 1/3 of apical part. Third and fourth segment dark brown; fourth segment with light-colored apex. Pronotum and thorax dark brown with very small paler spots and black sutures. Scutellum brown. Coxae and trochanters light-colored. Femora bicolorous, basal 1/2 of fore-femora and 2/3 of mid- and hind femora yellowish as well as apical part of all femora. All tibiae yellowish with whitish base and brown basal and apical part; brown markings on hind tibiae very small. All tarsi reddish with dark apical part of each segment. Setae on the body pale. Hemelytra, reduced, brown with darker margins. Abdominal II–V tergites brown with darker posterior margin. Abdominal tergites VI–VIII dark brown. Connexiva bicolorous dark brown with yellowish anterior part in dorsal view. In dorsal side pale markings of connexiva subquadrangular. On ventral side markings large, subrounded, placed on apical half of connexiva. Abdomen beneath dark brown with paler middle part of abdominal sterna II–IV. Tip of abdomen dark brown.
Gibbosella mirabilis
sp. n.
: 3 - pronotum, lateral view; 5 - styloids, outer view; 7 - valvifer I, outer view; 9 - valvula 1, outer view; 11 - intersegmental sclerite, dorsal view.
Gibbosella elongata
sp. n.
: 4 - pronotum, lateral view; 6 - styloids, outer view; 8 - Valvifer I, outer view; 10 - valvula 1, outer view; 12 - intersegmental sclerite, dorsal view.
Distribution of the genus
gen. n.
in Madagascar.
Structure: Small, slender; shining body with very convex anterior lobe of pronotum. Head cylindrical, slightly elongated, and shining with relatively small eyes and slightly convex gula. Ocelli absent. First antennal segment surpassing apex of the head by half of its length. Second antennal segment relatively long. Second, third, and fourth segments with dense, various-sized, erected setae and distinctly longer, regularly arranged trichobothrial setae. Anterior pronotal lobe enlarged – elongated and elevated; distinctly longer than in
G. mirabilis
Fig. 4
) and without depression in posterior part. On both lobes of pronotum visible medial, longitudinal sutures. Posterior pronotal lobe with visible sculpturation in lateral parts. Apical part of anterior pronotal lobe with rounded lateral calli in dorsal and lateral view. Scutellum with separate apices. On fore femora a few long setae. Hemelytra reduced, triangular with rounded apical margin. Intersegmental sclerite with irregular posterior margin (
Fig. 12
). Abdomen shining; in dorsal view distinctly visible lace sculpturation on posterior margin of each tergite as well as sculpturation on surface of tergites VI and VII. Connexiva with distinct sculpturation on dorsal surface. Posterior margin of each tergite (except III tergite) distinctly rounded (
Fig. 2
). In ventral view a distinct visible fold of sternites near lateral margin of abdomen. Tip of abdomen with scarce, short setae.
Genitalia: Valvifer I triangular with flat dorsal part and one long setae (
Fig. 8
). Valvula III elongate, convolute in apical part with distinct dome-shaped elevation (
Fig. 6
). Valvula I small with long hairs placed on small fold visible in middle part (
Fig. 10
Measurements (in mm): Body length: 9.4; maximum width of abdomen: 4.05; head length: 1.9; head width: missing (one half of the head is damaged); length of anteocular part: 1; length of postocular part: 0.55; length of synthlipsis: 0.6; length of antennal segments I:II:III:IV: 1.7: 2: 1: 0.75; length of rostral segments I:II:III: 1.2: missing: missing; maximum length of anterior pronotal lobe: 2; maximum length of posterior pronotal lobe: 0.5; maximum width of anterior pronotal lobe: 1.6; maximum width of posterior pronotal lobe: 1.5; length of scutellum: 1.
: The head of this specimen is incomplete; the left part of the head from base of the antennifer to the transversal sutures, including the eye, is missing. The first visible labial segment is incomplete, sencond and third segments are missing.
: Unknown.
Fig. 13
: The name of the species is connected with its elongated anterior pronotal lobe.