Hemiptera Heteroptera of Guam
Usinger, Robert L.
Bernice P. Bishop Museum, Bulletin 189
Honolulu, Hawaii
Insects of Guam II
book chapter
Lygus guamensis
new species
Oval, polished, and uniformly clothed above with rather short, backwardly directed, pale hairs except on head where the hairs are shorter, more irregular, and directed upward or forward. General color fulvous to brownish ferrugineous. Antennae long, slender, and pale. Rostrum slightly exceeding apices of hind coxae.
Head transverse, about two thirds as long as broad across eyes, 29: 42; produced less than half as far in front of eyes as length of an eye, 8: 20, the tylus, juga, and lora moderately swollen, the anteocular portion of head thus appearing short and. rounded at sides. Inner margins of eyes strongly concave near insertions of antennae, the interocular space at this point over twice as wide as narrowest width across vertex, 36: 16; vertex at narrowest point more than one third as wide as head including eyes, 16: 42. Vertex distinctly margined posteriorly, the ledge feebly arcuate and the actual hind margin of head strongly depressed behind this margin. Disk of head impunctate. Rostrum exceeding apices of hind coxae but not exceeding apices of hind trochanters, proportion of segn'lents 17: 20: 15: 20. Antennae shorter than body from head to apex of membrane, 150: 173, slender, the second segment very slightly and gradually thickened apically, proportion of segments 22: 68: 40: 20.
Pronotum about one third longer than head, 38: 29, less than twice as broad across humeri as long, 64: 38, collar very narrow, half as thick as base of second antenna! segment, callosities poorly defined, the pronotal disk feebly depressed behind them, shallowly but evenly punctate. Side margins nearly straight, feebly arcuate anteriorly, hind margin broadly arcuate, feebly sinuate at middle. Scutellum moderately convex, impunctate but transversely rugose.
Hemelytra moderately long, the membrane surpassing apex of cuneus but not reaching apex of abdomen. Surface of clavus, corium, and. even cuneus slightly roughened by shallow punctures, mostly at bases of hairs. Costal margin of corium moderately, evenly arcuate, one third longer than width of pronotum, 86: 64.
Under surface very sparsely pubescent. Hind femora 4.5 times as long as greatest thickness. Tibiae with a few erect spines.
Color pale fulvous on head and pronotum with brown and red oblique stripes at middle of head and generally reddish anterior portion of head. First and second antenna! segments entirely pale ochraceous, the last two segments embrowned. Rostrum ochraceous with reddish base and black apex. Disk of pronotum brown antero-laterally including outer portions of callosities and broadly brown posteriorly (not reaching humeri) except for narrow testaceous posterior margin. Scutellum pale fulvous to ochraceous with white apex and with two ill-defined reddish longitudinal vittae at middle. Hemelytra brownish ferrugineous, the costal margins narrowly pale basally and broadly pale at middle. Cuneus subhyaline, white laterally, red apically and along inner margin. Membrane uniformly, faintly clouded, the veins reddish. Under surface brown on thorax, ochraceous on abdomen, with reddish laterally. Legs pale, testaceous tinged with reddish, the hind femora, except at bases, brownish ferrugineous.
Size: length
4.34 mm
., width (hemelytra)
1.9 mm
Tuman Beach
May 30
, taken from a spider web,
L. guamensis
runs to
Poppius from Sumatra in Poppius' key to the Inda-Australian species (Hist.-Nat. Mus. Nat. Hung., Ann.
1914) but
lacks the brown basal portion of pronotum, has anarrower vertex, longer second antenna! segment and a relatively longer last antenna! segment.