A new rare species of Oedipoda Latreille, 1829 (Orthoptera: Acrididae) from South Italy Author Fontana, Paolo Author Buzzetti, Filippo Maria Author Massa, Bruno text Zootaxa 2019 2019-06-07 4614 1 50 60 journal article 26560 10.11646/zootaxa.4614.1.2 0e9d9c2b-c867-4538-8dc9-8e4622fdbcdf 1175-5326 3241085 73085439-1EB3-4764-97ED-4E98815501E5 Oedipoda cynthiae n. sp. Material examined (in total 40 males and 34 females ; 1 holotypus and 73 paratypi ). Holotype : Italy , Apulia , Foggia ( Holotypus ) ( MSNG ). Paratypes : Italy , Apulia , Foggia ( 4♂ , 1♀ paratypi ) ; Ascoli Satriano ( Foggia ) ( 2♀ paratypi ) ( MSNG ) ; Italy , Apulia , Gargano Isola di Lago Varano 13.IX.1956 ( 3♂ , 2♀ paratypi ), 25.VII.1957 ( 1♂ paratypus ), 30.VII.1968 ( 2♀ paratypi ), M. La Greca; Apulia , Mouth Candelaro stream 23.VII.1957 ( 1♀ paratypus ), M. La Greca ; Apu- lia, Murgia Serraficaja ( Bari ) 11.IX.1956 ( 2♂ , 1♀ paratypi ), M. La Greca ; Apulia , Torre Santa Sabina (Brindisi) 19.VII.1957 ( 2♂ , 1♀ paratypi ), M. La Greca ; Apulia , Castro ( Lecce ) 16.VII.1957 ( 1♀ paratypus ), M. La Greca ; Apulia , Poggiardo ( Lecce ) 7–8.IX.1956 ( 2♀ paratypi ), 17.VII.1957 ( 1♂ paratypus ), M. La Greca; Apulia , Alessano ( Lecce ) 26.IX.1948 ( 2♂ paratypi ), C. Conci and S. Ruffo ; Apulia , Avetrana ( Taranto ), 15.VII.1957 ( 2♀ paratypi ), M. La Greca ; Lecce ( 2♀ paratypi ) ( MSNM ) ; Apulia , Murgia Serraficaja ( Bari ) 11.IX.1956 ( 1♂ , 1♀ paratypi ) ; Italy , Apulia , Murge , Masseria Camerino ( 571 m ) 23.VI.2000 ( 5♂ , 1♀ paratypi ) ( FMCR ) ; Italy , Apulia , Alessano ( Lecce ) 26.IX.1948 ( 1♂ , 1♀ paratypi ), Ruffo & Conci ; Italy , Apulia , Manfredonia , Sciale Bartolomeo ( Foggia ) 12.IX.1972 ( 2♀ paratypi ), A. Galvagni ; Italy , Apulia , Gargano , Lago Lesina (Foggia) 4.IX.1972 ( 1♀ paratypus ), A. Galvagni ( FMCR ) ; Italy , Apulia , Santa Maria Siponto ( Manfredonia , Foggia ) 14.VI.2007 ( 2♀ paratypi ), B. Massa ( BMPC ) ; Italy , Apulia , Santa Maria Siponto ( Manfredonia , Foggia ) 14.VI.2007 ( 8♂ , 3♀ paratypi ), F.M. Buzzetti ( FBPC ) ; Italy , Apulia , Murge , Masseria Camerino ( 571 m ) 23.VI.2000 ( 2♂ , 2♀ paratypi ) ; same locality 9.VII.2000 ( 7♂ , 4♀ paratypi ) ( RKPC ) . FIGURE 1. O. cynthiae n. sp. in nature. Diagnosis. Oedipoda cynthiae n. sp. is different from other congeneric species for the combination of the following characters: notch on keel of hind femora strong (Figs. 14–17), hind wings dark rose; brown band very well defined both in the inner and outer margins; the band is extended beckwards only for 3 veins after jugal one (clearly schorter than in O. germanica , O. miniata and O. charpentieri ); the band is wider than in O. miniata and narrower than in O. charpentieri ; the apex of hind wings is completely transparent and the apical transparent portion is smaller than in O. miniata and wider than in O. charpentieri (see Figs. 2–7 ). Description . Male. Habitus as typical for the genus ( Fig. 1 ). Color: variable, brownish or cream, antennae alternating dark and light segments. Black spots on hind margin of pronotum and on carinae of femora. Inner face of hind femora black with a pre-apical whitish area and black knees; dorsal area of femora cream with three dark spots. Inner tibiae basally dark and apically cream, spines black. Tegmina with three brown alternating with three light stripes. Hind wings dark pink with well defined outer dark band and spur; the band is extended beckwards only for 3 veins after jugal one, the spur directed to the wing base is very intensely coloured; the apex of hind wings is completely transparent ( Fig. 2 ). Head. Antennae filiform, longer than head and pronotum together. Frontal ridge concave, with lateral carinae, widest part between antennae. Fastigium of vertex concave, foveolae small, trapezoidal. Pronotum. Disc of pronotum much rugose, with two transverse sulci, median carina present to the hind margin of pronotum, lateral carinae present in metazona. Prozona in lateral view a bit higher than metazona. Posterior margin obtusely angulate. Metazona 2.5–3.0 times longer than prozona (Figs. 8, 9, 18, 19). Mesosternal interspace 2.0–2.5 times wider than long. Tegmina densely reticulated, 5.2–6.0 times longer than wide. Intercalary vein straight, costal margin expand- ed. Legs. Hind femora 3.4–4.0 times longer than wide. Arolium small. FIGURES 2–7. Pattern of hindwings in O. cynthiae n. sp. from Apulia, Italy (Fig. 2), O. charpentieri from Spain (Fig. 3 redwinged; Fig. 4 blue-winged), O. germanica meridionalis from Dalmatia (lectotype after Orthoptera Species File) (Fig. 5), O. g. germanica from Italian Alps (Fig. 6), O. miniata mauritanica from Sicily, Italy (Fig. 7a) and O. miniata miniata from Greece (Fig. 7b). Abdomen. Tympanum large, as high as long, ca. 40% of opening anteriorly covered by ventral lobe. Supra-anal plate slightly concave, cerci stout, shorter than supra-anal plate. Subgenital plate slightly pointed. Phallic complex. See Figs. 26–28 and comments below. Female. Same characters as the male, with the following differences. Antennae shorter than head and pronotum together, mesosternal interspace 3 times wider than long. Tegmina 4.8–5.2 times longer than wide. Valves of ovipositor short.