A revision of the Sunius species of the Western Palaearctic region and Middle Asia (Coleoptera: Staphylinidae: Paederinae) Author Assing, V. Author A, North text Linzer biologische Beiträge 2008 2008-07-10 40 1 5 135 journal article 0253-116X 4.55. Sunius vaulogeri ( COIFFAIT 1973) ( Figs. 135-138 , Map 20 ) Hypomedon vaulogeri COIFFAIT 1973: 118 . Holotype 3: " Algeria , Teniet el Had, de Vauloger / Holotype / Hypomedon vaulogeri Coiff., H. Coiffait det. 1973 / Sunius vaulogeri (Coiffait) det. V. Assing 2007" ( MNHNP ). C o m m e n t: The original description is based on a male holotype and two female paratypes from "Teniet el Had, Algérie " ( COIFFAIT 1973 ). The illustrations of the aedeagus in COIFFAIT (1973 , 1984 ) are highly misleading. A d d i t i o n a l m a t e r i a l e x a m i n e d: Algeria : 3 exs. , "Oran" ( DEI , cAss) ; 1♀ [identification tentative], Oran , Tianet ( HNHM ) . D i a g n o s i s: Smallspecies, 2.5-2.7mm .Externalappearance(coloration,size,and proportions) as in S. tuniseus and allied species; distinguished only by the male sexual characters: 3: sternite VIII with deep posterior excision, otherwise unmodified ( Fig. 138 ); aedeagus shaped as in Figs 135-136 , apex of ventral process very slender in ventral view; internal sac with a distinctive comb-like row of about 9 weakly sclerotised curved spines ( Fig. 137 ). C o m p a r a t i v e n o t e s: The species is distinguished from other small-sized, micropterous and pale-coloured congeners from Algeria by the morphology of the male sternite VIII, by the shape of the aedeagus, and especially by the distinctive internal structures. D i s t r i b u t i o n a n d b i o n o m i c s: Thetypelocality issituated some 150 km to the southwest of Algier ( Map 20 ); it is identical to that of S. rectus . The exact locality of the additional material is doubtful; in view of the considerable distance from the type locality, it seems highly unlikely that it refers to the town of Oran . Bionomic data are not available .