Riethia (Kieffer 1917) (Diptera: Chironomidae) revised for the Austro-Pacific region Author Cranston, Peter S. text Zootaxa 2019 2019-07-25 4646 3 461 500 journal article 25594 10.11646/zootaxa.4646.3.3 4a3d31ca-e16b-4ccf-8407-231aa27702f1 1175-5326 3351058 25CA4A18-955F-4EA7-8978-E93032B54A2E Key to Riethia species Adult male ( R. paluma unknown) 1 Legs banded......................................................................................... 2 - Legs pale, unbanded................................................................................... 5 2 Gonostylus short and triangular, tapering to point ( Fig. 1E ). Superior volsella simple lobe without digitus ( Fig. 2K )............................................................................................. stictoptera Kieffer - Gonostylus elongate oval. Superior volsella with digitus...................................................... 3 3 Digitus of superior volsella narrow at base, dilate medially. Inferior volsella with pectinate setae ( Fig. 2F ) neocaledonica sp.n. - Digitus of superior volsella broadest at base, tapering. Inferior volsella lacks pectinate setae.......................... 4 4 Digitus of superior volsella broad, tapered to tooth ( Fig. 2B ). Wing with dark band.................... cinctipes Freeman - Digitus of superior volsella tapered evenly to rounded apex ( Fig. 2C ). Wing plain, unpigmented.......... donedwardi sp.n. 5 Some setae on inner margin of gonostylus apically plumose ( Fig. 1C, D )......................................... 6 - All gonostylar setae simple ( Fig. 1A, B, E, F )............................................................... 7 6 Gonostylus attenuated, apex abruptly angled ( Fig. 1C )............................................. phengari sp.n. - Gonostylus tapered conventionally ( Fig. 1D ).................................................. plumosa Freeman 7 Digitus of superior volsella with 1 pectinate scale ( Fig. 2L )...................................... wazeylandica sp.n. - Digitus without pectinate setae........................................................................... 8 8 Inferior volsella with only simple setae ( Fig. 2G ).................................................. noongar sp.n. - Inferior volsella with several pectinate scales ( Fig. 2D, E, F )................................................... 9 9 Inferior volsella distally bare, with 3 pectinate scales ( Fig. 1B , 2D )................................ hamodivisa sp.n. - Inferior volsella microtrichiose, with 5–7 pectinate scales.................................................... 10 10 Digitus of superior volsella slender from base, bearing 2 long setae; inferior volsella setose from base ( Fig. 2E )..................................................................................................... kakadu sp.n. - Digitus of superior volsella broad at base, lobe bearing 3–10 short setae ( Figs 2A, K, L, M ). Inferior volsella bare at base..................................................................................................... 11 11 Pseudovolsella a prominent lobe ( Fig. 1F , 2M ). New Zealand .................................... zeylandica Freeman - Pseudovolsella absent (no more than inner contour of gonocoxite). Australia ..................................... 12 12 Inferior volsella with pectinate setae subapical on ridge, on same plane as superior volsella ( Fig. 2J )...................................................................................................... queenslandensis sp.n. - Inferior volsella curved, broad, lacking ridge, more ventral than superior volsella ( Fig. 2A ).............. azeylandica sp.n. Pupa 1. Hook row on tergite II medially divided ( Fig. 3G )........................................................... 2 - Hook row on tergite II complete.......................................................................... 3 2. Conjunctival spinule bands continuous ( Fig.3G ). TII and III near infilled with spinules, VI with paired posterior patches of spinules ( Fig. 3G )........................................................................ hamodivisa sp.n. - Conjunctival spinule bands interrupted. TII without spinules, III with very reduced pattern, VI posteriorly bare...................................................................................................... paluma sp.n. 3. Conjunctival spinule bands on III and IV, V bare ( Fig. 3D )..................................................... 4 - Conjunctival spinule bands on III, IV & V ( Fig. 3E, F )....................................................... 10 4. Conjunctival spinule bands both medially interrupted ( Fig. 3H )........................................ kakadu sp.n. - Conjunctival spinule bands continuous ( Fig. 3D )............................................................ 5 5. Tergite II broadly spinulose, with anterior broad transverse spinule area extending to wide postero-median area ( Fig. 3D )....................................................................................................... 6 - Tergite II with few spinules, restricted to postero-median area.................................................. 9 6. Cephalic area without warts ( Fig. 3A )..................................................................... 7 - Cephalic area with distinct warts ( Fig. 3B )................................................................. 8 7. Tergites mid-brown. Comb with subdominant spines ( Fig. 3I )..................................... azeylandica sp.n. - Tergites almost translucent. Comb with one dominant spine ( Fig. 4J )................................. phengari sp.n. 8. TVII ( Fig. 4A ) and all sternites bare. Cephalic warts separated at base, tapering ( Fig. 3B ).................. noongar sp.n. - TVII spinulose ( Fig. 4M ), sternites VI–VII spinulose in posterior 1/3, VIII less so ( Fig. 4N ). Cephalic warts rounded, near contiguous from base to rounded apex.................................................... queenslandensis sp.n. 9. Pedes spurii B on II ( Fig. 4D ). Tergite II with spinule area narrower than hook row ( Fig. 4D )........... stictoptera Kieffer - Pedes spurii B absent. Tergite II with spinule area as wide as hook row ( Fig. 4C )...................... plumosa Freeman spinulose ( Fig. 3E )........................................................................ cinctipes Freeman - Conjunctival spinule bands clearly separated from posterior tergal spines. Tergite VIII and anal lobe with few or no spinules ( Fig. 3F )........................................................................................... 11 10. Conjunctival spinule bands near merged with posterior tergal spines. Tergite VIII with posterior spinule areas, anal lobe dense 11. Conjunctival spinule bands on III, IV & V c.10 spines deep, dense and broad ( Fig. 3F )................. donedwardi sp.n. - Conjunctival spinule bands on III and IV 3–5 spinules deep, sparse and bands narrower; on V sparser, narrower ( Fig. 4L )..................................................................................................... 12 12. Conjunctival spinule band on V clearly divided medially ( Fig. 4L ). Exuviae golden-brown, with dark apophyses. New Caledonia .................................................................................. neocaledonica sp.n. - Conjunctival spinule band on V sparse, continuous. Exuviae pale, with indistinct apophyses......................... 13 13. Segment V with L setae simple ( Fig. 4O ). New Zealand ........................................ zeylandica Freeman - Segment V with 3 L setae all taeniate. Western Australia ........................................ wazeylandica sp.n.