Towards a Monophyletic Infrageneric Circumscription of Adesmia DC. (Dalbergieae, Leguminosae): a Taxonomic Revision in Adesmia series Adesmia Author Monteiro, Thiago Cobra E Author Iganci, João Ricardo Vieira Author Miotto, Silvia Teresinha Sfoggia Author Simpson, Beryl B. Author Vatanparast, Mohammad Author Lewis, Gwilym P. Author Klitgård, Bente B. Author Pezzini, Flávia Fonseca Author Vargas, Oscar M. Author Fortuna-Perez, Ana Paula text Phytotaxa 2024 2024-03-06 639 1 1 69 journal article 10.11646/phytotaxa.639.1.1 1179-3163 13213359 9. Adesmia latifolia (Spreng.) Vogel, Linnaea 12: 74–75 (1838) . Type :— URUGUAY . in Brasilia merid, in Montevideo aliis que leis, s.d., {fl./fr.}, Sellow , F . s.n. ( lectotype designated here: K barcode K000222464 !, isolectotypes : K barcode K000222465 !; K barcode K000222466 !, L barcode L1929867 [photo!], B [presumed destroyed], negative of the isolectotype F barcode F 0BN027912 [photo!]) . Aeschynomene latifolia Spreng., Syst. Veg. , ed. 16 [Sprengel] 3: 322 (1826). Patagonium latifolium (Spreng.) Kuntze, Revis. Gen. Pl. 1: 200 (1891) . Prostrate stoloniferous subshrubs with adventitious roots from stem branch nodes. Stem pilose, scarce white tector hairs on the leaflets, and long ochraceous to black glandular setules on all plant parts. Stipules 4–9× 1–4 mm , deltate to lanceolate, pilose to glabrous. Leaves with (7–)11–14(–16) pairs of leaflets; petiole 2–20 cm long, rachis 5–18 cm long, pilose; leaflets 9.6–30.6× 3.4–11.8 mm , elliptic, apex truncate to mucronate, base acute to rounded, margin entire, venation camptodromous, glabrescent to glabrous. Raceme axillary or terminal, (2–) 10–50 cm long, pilose; bracts 4–7 mm long, lanceolate, pilose; pedicel 10.2–24.8 mm long, pilose. Flowers 7.7–11.4 mm long; calyx 5.2–8.3 mm long, externally pilose, internally glabrous; lobes 2.8–5.9 mm long, narrowly triangular to deltate; standard petal 7.4–12.7× 8.2–13.3 mm , orbicular, apex obtuse, externallY glabrous; claw 3–5× 0.8–2.5 mm , internallY pubescent on the median portion; wing petals 7.3–11.2× 3.1–5.5 mm , oboVate, claw (2–) 3–4.7 mm long; keel petals 6.3–9.3× 2.6–4 mm , falcate, claw 2.5–4.5 mm long; stamens 7–11.5 mm long, anthers elliptical; gynoecium 10–12.5 mm long; ovary 4–6 mm long, velutinous, (4–)7–9-ovulate. Hemicraspedium 18.5–25.3 mm long, straight, dark brownish to black, pilose to muricate, stiff black setules at the centre of each article, fruit with (4–)7–9 articles, these 2.2–4.2× 2.4–3.7 mm , lenticular. Seeds brownish, 0.8–1.7× 0.9–1.6 mm , orbicular, without an aril. ( Figures 18 and 19 ). Distribution and Habitat— In Brazil , the species occurs in the south of Santa Catarina state and throughout Rio Grande do Sul state ( Figs. 6 , 15 and 18 ). It is also recorded from all departments of Uruguay ( Davyt and Izaguirre 1996 ) and from the Argentinian provinces of Buenos Aires, Corrientes, and Entre Ríos. The species usually occurs near water, by streams and in wet grasslands. Adesmia latifolia is one of the few species of Adesmia that tolerates shade, this perhaps related to its large leaves. Phenology— Commonly found in flower between October and December, and with fruits from November to January. Conservation status— Least Concern (LC). Adesmia latifolia has an EOO of 233,128.053 km ² and an AOO estimated at 200 km ². The species does not face any major threat to habitat loss, and was recently collected inside protected areas (e.g., Parque Nacional de São Joaquim, Santa Catarina state , Brazil – Monteiro, T.C. & Monteiro, G.C. 354). Etymology— The epithet alludes to the relatively large leaves, the largest in the genus Adesmia . Notes— Adesmia latifolia is unique amongst other Adesmia species by having leaves up to 36 cm long, and by the stiff setules on its fruit articles ( Fig. 19 ), which probably assist fruit dispersal by zoochory. Sprengel cited Sellow’s collection from Montevideo as the type of the species; there were duplicates distributed to Kew ( K000222464 ; K000222465 ; K000222466 ), Leiden ( L1929867 ) and Berlin ( B ), the last presumed destroyed during World War II . Here we designate a specimen at K ( K000222464 ) as a lectotype because it has more flowers and fruits than the others and better fits the description in the protologue. The species appears to be closely related to Adesmia securigerifolia ; A . bonariensis of the previously recognised series Subnudae ( Fig. 1 ). This suggests that the stiff setules of Adesmia latifolia ( Fig. 19 ) and A . securigerifolia are homologous. FIGURE 18. Adesmia latifolia (Spreng.) Vogel. A. Glandular trichomes on the stem. B. Apex of a raceme with yellow flowers with red nectar veins. C. Racemes with yellow flowers. (Photos: T.C. Monteiro). FIGURE 19. Adesmia latifolia (Spreng.) Vogel. A. Terminal obovate leaflet, adaxial surface. B. Sulcate leaf rachis, adaxial surface; short tector trichomes adpressed. C. Adaxial surface of a leaflet, tector trichomes close to the main vein. D. Flower; calyx lobes equal to the tube in length. E. External indumentum of the calyx, with long glandular hairs. F. Hemicraspedium, the lenticular articles muriculate. G–H. Fruit articles, with stiff glandular trichomes (Voucher: A–C: Leaf of a cultivated plant, from the same population as Monteiro, T. C. 367 ; D–H: Monteiro, T. C. 367 ). Additional Specimens Examined ARGENTINA . CORRIENTES : San Martín , Carlos Pellegrini , 11 km al N , arrocera Drews , 30 October 1971 , Krapovickas , A . 20281 ( MBM 23920 ; PACA 66602 ) . BRAZIL . RIO GRANDE DO SUL : Alto Alegre , Alto Alegre-Pedro Osorio , 01 October 1990 , Machado , L . A . Z . 631 ( SMDB 3758 ). Bagé , estrada para Dom Pedrito , 11 November 1985 , Záchia , R . A . 1984 ( SMDB 12051 ); à 12 km do trevo, 07 December 1991 , Machado , L . A . Z . 1609 ( SMDB 3759 ). Bom Jesus , a 38 km em direção a Vacaria , 18 November 1986 , Abruzzi , M . L . 1203 ( HAS 22711 ); 5, 2 km ao Sul da ponte sobre o Rio Pelotas , ao Longo da estrada São Joaquim-Bom Jesus , 10 December 1986 , Valls , J . F . M . et al. 10788 ( UEC 55361 ); rodovia Bom Jesus- São Joaquim , descida ao Rio Pelotas (Mun. Bom Jesus), 13 November 2001 , Hatschbach , G . et al. 72662 ( MBM 263331 ). Caçapava do Sul , Cerro do Vigia , 01 November 1990 , Machado , L . A . Z . 641 ( SMDB 3763 ). Cambará do Sul , 22 November 1991 , Machado , L . A . Z . 1527 ( SMDB 3764 ); Cambará p. São Francisco de Paula , 1 Feb 1948 , Rambo , B . S . J . s/n ( PACA 36198 ). Capão da Canoa , arroio Teixeira , dunas à beira mar, 17 November 1991 , Santos , I . A . 1409 ( MPUC 13623 ); 22 November 1991 , Santos , I . A . 1413 ( MPUC 13623 ); 10 November 1992 , Santos , I . A . 1722 ( MPUC 13623 ). Caxias do Sul , Vila Seca–Apanhador , 01 December 1999 , Scur , L . 199 ( HUCS 15166 ). Cidreira , 15 December 2011 , Valduga , E . 197 ( BOTU 33296 ; HUCS 38433 ). Dom Pedrito , Estância Ponche Verde do sr. Riva Silva , 3 km a Sudoeste da sede, 04 December 1982 , Valls , J . F . M . et al. 6950 ( HAS 27114 ). Farroupilha , 18 November 1957 , Camargo , O . R . 2566 ( PACA 61722 ). Nova Tramandaí , 08 October 2005 , Silva , T . N . s/n ( MPUC 17491 ). Osório , 10 km de Osório em direção a Tramandaí , 28 November 1988 , Neves , M . 1111 ( HAS 87324 ). Pinhal , 03 November 2003 , Britto , G . P . s/n ( HAS 42829 ). Pinheiro Machado , cerca de 10 km a NW de Pinheiro Machado ao longo da BR-293, 27 November 1985 , Valls , J . F . M . 9537 ( UEC 55363 ). Piratini , 2° Distrito , estrada para Bagé , 10 November 1995 , Záchia , R . A . 1966 ( FLOR 42853 ); BR-293 para Pinheiro Machado , 80 km após Pelotas , 19 November 1993 , Bastos , N . R . 352 ( PACA 86869 ); 07 November 1973 , Santos , E . C . et al. 8816 ( FUEL 40322 ). Porto Alegre , 19 November 1974 , Rosa , Z . M . s/n ( HAS 3901 ). São Francisco de Paula , de São Francisco de Paula para Joá , 22 November 2010 , Pasini , E . 585 ( HUCS 36768 ); acesso para Cambará do Sul , 22 November 1991 , Machado , L . A . Z . 1516 ( SMDB 3761 ). São Sepé , BR-290, km 290, 25 October 1981 , Abruzzi , M . L . 547 ( HAS 13789 ). Torres , Morro do Farol , 20 October 2005 , Marett , F . 411 ( MBM 316689 ); 21 November 2003 , Freitas , E . s/n ( HVAT 1335 ); margens do Rio Mampituva , em terreno Baldio , 11 October 2004 , Marett , F . 62 ( MBM 506130 ); Praia da Guarita , 04 November 1989 , Wasum , R . et al. s/n ( HUCS 6291 ); na estrada para Itapeva , 13 October 1984 , Lifreira , N . 1810 ( HAS 84533 ). Tramandaí , praia de Santa Terezinha. 22 November 1982 , Abruzzi , M . L . 862 ( HAS 19178 ); horto florestal do Litoral Norte , 04 November 2009 , Cordeiro , J . 3236 ( MBM 355601 ); na estação experimental, 24 January 1979 , Mattos , J . 20644 ( HAS 84541 ); saco do Ratão , 23 November 2011 , Silva , J . O . s/n ( HVAT 2635 ). Vacaria , quase na baixada para o Vale do Rio Pelotas , 20 January 1978 , Mattos , J . 18299 ( HAS 84572 ) . SANTA CATARINA : Bom Jardim da Serra , campos de Santa Bárbara , ca. 35 km a partir da estrada do PARNA , em Urubici . Próximo ao Rio Pelotas , 27 October 2008 , Iganci , J . R . V . et al. 378 ( CTBS 18 ); Mantiqueira , 16 November 2008 , Silva , J . M . 7246 ( MBM 347793 ); beira de estrada, 17 November 2008 , Iganci , J . R . V . et al. 500 ( CTBS 48 ). Lages , km 27 da rodovia SC-438, a 16 km ao Norte do rio Lava Tudo , 30 November 1989 , Valls , J . F . M . 12116 ( RB 607816 ). São Joaquim : 3.5 km a S de São Francisco Xavier , e 4.1 km ao N do Rio Pelotas , na estrada São Joaquim-Rio Pelotas , 22 November 1984 , Valls , J . F . M . 7957 ( UEC 55362 ); aproximadamente a 25 km à direção do Rio Lava-Tudo , 16 December 1982 , Dalagnoll , M . s/n ( HAS 17635 ); Rio Rondinha , 22 January 1956 , Mattos , J . 3214 ( HAS 84569 ); Rodeio Velho , January 1957 , Mattos , J . s/n ( HAS 84570 ); Beira da SC-114, 01 December 2020 , Monteiro , T . C . & Monteiro , G . C . 342 ( BOTU ). Urubici , 6 km a NW de Urubici , na estrada para Rio Rufino , 25 November 1984 , Valls, J . F . M . 8056 ( UEC 55357 ); estrada para Morro da Igreja e Serra do Corvo Branco , logo após sair da cidade, 28 October 2008 , Iganci , J . R . V . et al. 404 ( CTBS 26 ); estrada SC-110, entre São Joaquim e Urubici , 02 December 2020 , Monteiro , T . C . & Monteiro , G . C . 364 ( BOTU ). Vacas Gordas , estrada de terra para o Parque Nacional de São Joaquim , 01 December 2020 , Monteiro, T . C . & Monteiro , G . C . 356 ( BOTU ). URUGUAY . RIVIERA: Tres Fornos p . Rivera , 14 August 1941 , Rambo , B . S . J . s/n ( PACA 4042 ) .