A Review Of The Australian Macrotomini (Coleoptera: Cerambycidae: Prioninae) Author Jin, Mengjie State Key Laboratory of Biocontrol, School of Life Sciences / School of Ecology, Sun Yat-Sen University, Guangzhou 510275, China Author Keyzer, Roger De Research Associate, Entomology, Australian Museum, 1 William Street, Sydney, NSW 2010, Australia Author Hutchinson, Paul Quarantine WA, Department of Primary Industries and Regional Development, Level 1, 24 Fricker Road, Perth Airport, WA 6105, Australia Author Pang, Hong State Key Laboratory of Biocontrol, School of Life Sciences / School of Ecology, Sun Yat-Sen University, Guangzhou 510275, China Author Ślipiński, Adam Australian National Insect Collection, CSIRO, GPO Box 1700, Canberra, ACT 2601, Australia; adam. slipinski @ csiro. au text Annales Zoologici 2020 2020-03-30 70 1 33 96 journal article 10.3161/00034541ANZ2020.70.1.003 6110e21e-b367-41ab-98f4-14b4b437c1c3 1734-1833 3776678 Pseudoplites hamali ( Lameere, 1903 ) comb. nov. ( Figs. 13 A–C, 14L , 15O , 17E ) Cnemoplites ( Cnemoplites ) hamali Lameere, 1903a: 43 . TL: (probably) Queensland , Australia . Holotype in IRSN (examined). Macrotoma ( Pseudoplites ) inexpectata Lameere, 1916: 233 . syn. nov. TL: Victoria , Australia . Lectotype in MNHN (examined). Pseudoplites inexpectatus : Quentin and Villiers, 1981: 393 . Diagnosis . Pseudoplites hamali is morphologically similar to species of Geoffmonteithia , Eurynassa and some species of Cnemoplites . It can be separated from G. queenslanda by having distinct lateral spines on protibia and distinctly longer prosternal process extending well beyond procoxae. It is distinguished from all Eurynassa species by having elongate antennomere 3. Pseudoplites hamali can be separated from Cnemoplites species by having shiny, smooth area on the centre of pronotum. Types . Cnemoplites ( Cnemoplites ) hamali Lameere , Holotype female deposited in IRSN , with the following labels “Cbenoplites hamali Lamee. , Type | hamali Lameere ex. coll. de Moffarts ”. Macrotoma ( Pseudoplites ) inexpectata Lameere , Lectotype male deposited in MNHN, with the following labels “ Macrotoma inexoectata, A. Lameere vid. 1916 | TYPE| Victoria | Pseudoplites inexpectatus Lam. Lectotype , Quentin and Villiers det. 1979”. Material examined ( Fig. 17E ). Queensland : AM (3 ♂♂ ; 3 ♀♀ ): Byfield , Dec. 1975 , F.T. Fricke ; Cairns ; Kuranda , May 1971 , R.A. Faragher ; Kuranda , Nov. 1969 , R.A. Faragher ; L.M.P.; [no data]; ANIC (7 ♂♂ ): 2: Smithfield , Cairns , Feb. 2014 , J. Hasenpusch ; 2: 14km ENE Heathlands , Nov. 1993 , P. Zborowski and M. Horak ; Bucasia , Nov. 2005 , K.J. Sandery ; Crystal Falls , Paluma , Jan. 1968 , R. Dorson ; Smithfield , Cairns , Jan. 2014 , N. Laird ; MV (1 ; 1 ): Cooktown; [no data]; QM (2 ♂♂ ; 1 ): Cape Hillsborough , Jan. 1979 ; 2: Fraser Island , Dec. 1979 , K.J. Lambkin ; QVMAG (2 ♂♂ ; 3 ♀♀ ): 2: Maroochy River Resort, Maroochydore , Dec. 2014 , S. Fearn ; 2: Rowes Bay , Townsville , Nov. 2000 , S. Fearn ; School Road , Buderim , Dec. 2014 , S. Fearn ; RDKC (3 ♂♂ 4 ♀♀ ): 3: Cairns , {from Jan. 2015 to Jan. 2016 }, N. Laird ; 2: Smithfield , Cairns , Jan. 2014 , N. Laird ; Bald Hills Stn. Nr. Cookton , Dec. 1986 , M.S. Moulds ; Bloomfield , Dec. 2015 , S. Lamond . Molecular data . BioSample ID: SAMN12650112, SAMN12650113, SAMN12650114, SAMN11080877. Notes . Our examination of both female types found them being morphologically identical and distinguished from Cnemoplites females by the following characters: antennomere 3 long, about 1.5 times of antennal scape and twice as long as antennomere 4; tarsi surface very rough, covered with spines and dense nodules; the whole body more or less flattened dorsally.