Revealing the diversity of ant-eating spiders in Colombia I: morphology, distribution and taxonomy of the barronus group of the genus Tenedos O. Pickard-Cambridge, 1897 (Araneae: Zodariidae) Author Martínez, Leonel Author Brescovit, Antonio D. 0000-0002-1511-5324 Author Quijano, Luis G. 0000-0001-5434-8588 text Zootaxa 2022 2022-05-02 5130 1 1 154 journal article 54143 10.11646/zootaxa.5130.1.1 cb1cf563-e6fb-49fe-a5c9-bacb69eb2576 1175-5326 6520717 ABF61117-DD64-4A32-BD61-20E577F80C3D Tenedos calebi sp. n. Figs 48 ; 50A–B ; 106 . Type material. Holotype : COLOMBIA . Chocó : Lloró , Centro de Prácticas e Investigación de la Universidad Tec-nológica del Chocó “Diego Luis Córdoba ”, Secondary forest , Winkler extractor, 70m [ 5°30′52.81″N , 76°33′9.76″W ], F. Cala , G. Galvis , S. Galvis , V . Vásquez, G. P . Fiorentino & A. Novoa leg., 22-27.I.2018 , 1 ♂ (ICN-Ar-10935). Etymology. The specific epithet is a patronymic in honor of the Indian arachnologist John Caleb by his contributions to the taxonomy of the Jumping spiders of India . Diagnosis. Males of Tenedos calebi sp. n. are distinguished by median apophysis (MA) with small anterior projection, bifid retrolateral tibial apophysis (RTA), anterior branch (aRTA) laminar, popsicle stick-shaped, posterior branch (pRTA) short, wide; tegulum with small, sclerotized prolateral projection ( Figs 48C–F ; 50A–B ). FIGURE 48. Tenedos calebi sp. n. A–B. Male habits (ICN-Ar-10935): A. Dorsal view. B. Ventral view. C–F. Male palp: C. Ventral view. D. Prolateral. E. Retroventral view. F. Retrolateral view. Scale bars: A–B: 2.5mm; C–F: 500µm. Description. Male ( Holotype , ICN-Ar-10935). Coloration ( Fig. 48A–B ): carapace light orange, cephalic area and margins brown. Chelicerae with paturon brown and brown-reddish fangs. Endites yellow, white on anterior region. Labium and sternum light brown. Legs: Coxae I–IV light yellow. Femora-tarsi I–IV yellow. Abdomen: dorsally dark gray with five white guanine spots organized as follows: two elongated and large spots, anteriorly positioned; two oval spots smaller than previous ones, medially positioned; a large, wide and traversal spot, posteriorly positioned. Lateral and ventrally dark gray without spots. Spinnerets pale brown. Measurements: total length 5.29, carapace length 2.68, width 1.84, height 1.11. Clypeus height 0.71. Eye diameters and interdistances: AME 0.06, ALE 0.08, PME 0.08, PLE 0.09; AME–AME 0.16, AME–ALE 0.21, AME–PME 0.23, PME–PME 0.25, PME–PLE 0.34, ALE–PLE 0.26. Chelicerae 0.92 length. Sternum length 1.05, width 0.96. Legs: I—femur 1.68/ patella 0.68/ tibia 1.81/ metatarsus 1.63/ tarsus 1.17/ total 6.97; II—1.49/ 0.65/ 1.26/ 1.41/ 0.86/ 5.67; III—1.41/ 0.68/ 1.21/ 1.56/ 0.76/ 5.62; IV—1.88/ 0.81/ 1.67/ 2.04/ 0.87/ 7.27. Abdomen length 2.26. Legs spines pattern (only the differences from the general pattern): I—metatarsus v1r-1r-2; IV—metatarsus d1p-1p-0. Palp: retrolateral process of cymbium (RPC) long, widening towards base; tegulum (T) rounded, with small sclerotized projection; subtegulum (St) small, almost as long as wide, covered by embolus in ventral view; conductor (C) small, laminar, wide, with short, thin sclerotized region on distal side; appendix (ApC) short, apically squared; embolus (E) long, filiform towards apex; base of embolus approximately as long as two times as basal tegular membrane; basal tegular membrane (BTM) originated basally on tegulum, reticulated, ending as very short, apically rounded; spermatic ducts (SD) S-shaped, short and wide, with both folds full open; ventral tibial apophysis (VTA) very short; median apophysis (MA) small, rounded, with small projection; retrolateral tibial apophysis (RTA) bifid, longer than palpal tibia ( Figs 48C–F ; 50A–B ). Female. Unknown. Distribution. Known from Chocó department ( Fig. 106 ).