Hortipes, A Huge Genus Of Tiny Afrotropical Spiders (Araneae, Liocranidae) Author BOSSELAERS, JAN Author JOCQUÉ, RUDY text Bulletin of the American Museum of Natural History 2000 2000-10-19 2000 256 4 4 http://www.bioone.org/perlserv/?request=get-abstract&doi=10.1206%2F0003-0090(2000)256%3C0004%3AHAHGOT%3E2.0.CO%3B2 journal article 10.1206/0003-0090(2000)256<0004:HAHGOT>2.0.CO;2 0003-0090 5351417 Hortipes orchatocnemis , new species Figures 14f–k , 16c ; Map 1 TYPES: Male holotype : in forest litter, Mwenembwe Forest , elev. 2300 m , Nyika Plateau , Malawi S10°40' , E33°50' ( 17 December 1981 ; R. Jocque´ ) ( MRAC 155.928 ). Paratypes : 16, 1♀ together with holotype ; 1♀ in forest litter, mainly Hagenia , same lo­ 2000 BOSSELAERS AND JOCQUÉ: HORTIPES 51 stream bank, elev. 2150 m ,: Nyika Plateau , Chowo Forest , Malawi S10°40' , E33°50' ( 4– 18 December 1981 ; R. Jocque´ ) ( MRAC ) ; 16, 1♀ from litter in Juniper Forest , elev. 2150 m , Nyika Plateau , Malawi , S10°40' , E33°50' (13 December 13 1981 ; R. Jocque´ ) ( MRAC ) ; 26, 3♀ from evergreen forest, forest area 51, elev. 2200 m , Nyika Plateau , Malawi , S10°40' , E33°50' (10 December 10, 1981; R. Jocque´ ) ( MRAC ; 16, 1♀ in AMNH ) ; 16 in pitfall near stream, Kasyaula Forest , elev. 2050m , Nyika Plateau , Malawi S10°37' , E32°40' (18 January –4 February , 1982; R. Dowsett and F. Lemaire ) ( MRAC ) ; 3♀ from evergreen forest, Chamambo Forest , Chikangawa , Viphya Mountains , Malawi S11°50' , E33°48' ( 5 February 1978 ; R. Jocque´ ) ( MRAC ) . ETYMOLOGY: The species’ epithet is derived from the classical Greek κνημιs, shinplate, and opxατos, fenced garden. Like the genus name, this species’ epithet refers to the peculiar circular arrangement of setae on the dorsal side of the mt I and II, which resembles a small fenced garden according to the authors. DIAGNOSIS: Males of H. orchatocnemis are recognized by the strongly bent RTA with two sharp, diverging prongs, one pointing up, the other one outward. Females can be recognized by the short, stout ID and the sessile, piriform ST2. MALE: Measurements. Total length 1.84; carapace 0.86 long, 0.68 wide; length of fe: I 0.73, II 0.76, III 0.57, IV 0.84. Leg spination. Fe: I rv 2; IV plt 0 rlt 0; ti: I, II vsp 5; mt: III plt 1 vt 0 rlt 0; IV plt 1 vt 1 rlt 1. Coloration. Carapace yellow with eight darker radial striae, lighter at the fovea. Chelicerae yellow. Sternum pale yellow, legs yellow. Abdomen pale yellow, no pattern. Palp. RTA a ventrolateral swelling that is strongly curved, its retrolateral side provided with two sharp, subequal, diverging prongs, one pointing up, one pointing outward; cymbium fairly elongate, without retrolateral concavity or series of long curved setae; sperm duct fairly narrow over entire course, slightly more narrowed toward embolus, with shallow turn before entering ill­defined swelling at base of embolus; MA originating ward, ending in evenly curved, gradually tapered part pointing down; embolus originating on posterior part of tegulum, whiplike, looped over slightly less than 360° (fig. 14f– h). FEMALE: Measurements. Total length 2.62; carapace 1.11 long, 0.95 wide; length of fe: I 0.97, II 1.03, III 0.78, IV 1.11. Leg spination. Fe: I rv 2; IV plt 0 rlt 0; ti: I, II vsp 6; mt: III plt 1 vt 0 rlt 0; IV plt 1 vt 1 rlt 1. Coloration. Carapace orange brown with eight darker radial striae. Chelicerae and sternum yellow brown. Legs orange yellow. Abdomen peach, no pattern. Genitalia. Vulva: first stretches of IDs fused into one weakly sclerotized entrance chamber with entrance toward posterior side, second stretch of ID with sclerotized wall, short and stout, running in posterior direction and entering the globular ST1 after having described onehalf of a corkscrew loop. A piriform, sessile ST2 attached to ID at transition between thin walled and sclerotized parts (figs. 14i, j; 16c). OTHER MATERIAL EXAMINED: Malawi : 16, 1♀ from: Chamambo Evergreen Forest , Chikangawa , Viphya Mountains S11°50' , E33°48' ( 1 November 1977 ; R. Jocque´ ) ( MRAC ) ; 1♀ from Chelinda , Nyika Plateau S10°19' , E33°48' ( 12 December1977 ; R. Jocque´ ) ( MRAC ) ; one from under bark, Chowo Evergreen Forest , Nyika Plateau , elev. 2150 m , S10°40' , E33°50' ( 4 December 1981 ; R. Jocque´ ) ( MRAC ) ; 16 in pitfalls at streambank, same locality, elev. 2150 m ( 4– 18 December 1981 ; R. Jocque´ ) ( MRAC ) ; 26, 1♀ in pitfalls , same locality, elev. 2150 m ( 4 –18 December 1981 ; R. Jocque´ ) ( MRAC ) ; 16 in pitfalls near stream, elev. 2050 m , Kasyaula Forest , Nyika Plateau , S10°37' , E32°40' ( 18 January–4 February 1982 ; R. Dowsett and F. Lemaire ) ( MRAC ) ; 26 from Dambo , along circular drive, 500 m south from the side road to Dembo Bridge , Nyika Plateau , elev. 2350 m , S10°40' , E33°50' ( 12 December 1981 ; R. Jocque´ ) ( MRAC ) ; 1♀ isolated wood west of Dembo Bridge , from road to N’Ganda hill, Nyika Plateau , elev. 2450 m , S10°40' , E33°50' ( 12 December 1981 ; R. Jocque´ ) ( MRAC ) ; 16, 1♀ from isolated wood, same locality (12 52 BULLETIN AMERICAN MUSEUM OF NATURAL HISTORY NO . 256 2150 m , S10°40' , E33°50' ( 13 December 1981 ; R. Jocque´ ) ( MRAC ) ; in litter next to falls, Juniper Forest , Nyika Plateau , elev. 2150 m , S10°40' , E33°50' ( 13 December 1981 ; R. Jocque´ ) ( MRAC ) ; 16 in pitfalls near stream, Manyenjere , Nyika Plateau , elev. 2025 m , S10°35' , E33°39' ( 3–20 February 1982 ; R. Dowsett and F. Lemaire ) ( MRAC ) . VARIABILITY: The transparency of the vulva and the exact orientation of ID connection to ST1 are variable. DISTRIBUTION: Viphya Mountains and Nyika Plateau, Malawi .