A revision of the genus Olivancillaria (Mollusca: Olividae) from the southwestern Atlantic Author O, Va L E R I A T E S Author Pastorino, Guido text Zootaxa 2011 2889 1 34 journal article 46845 10.5281/zenodo.207201 104bba85-f85f-4edb-bc76-3467cc30aff5 1175-5326 207201 Olivancillaria carcellesi Klappenbach, 1965 Figures 15–17 Oliva auricularia . Chenu, 1845 : pl. 35, figs. 1–2, ( non Lamarck, 1811 ). Agaronia steeriae Lange de Morretes, 1949 , 101 ( non Reeve, 1850 ); Rios 1970 , 102, pl. 32. Olivancillaria carcellesi Klappenbach, 1965 : 2 –6, pl. 1; Klappenbach 1966 : 76 –77; Figueiras 1967 : 61 ; Sicardi 1967 : 57 ; Castellanos 1970 : 120 , pl. 9, figs. 3–4; Rios 1970 : 99 , pl. 30; Penchaszadeh 1971: 50; Figueiras & Sicardi 1973 : 263 , pl. 14, fig. 191; Rios 1975 : 110 , pl. 32, fig. 462; Milstein et al . 1976 : 152 ; Scarabino 1977 : 191 ; Rios 1985 : 109 , pl. 37, fig. 482; Calvo 1987 : 162 , fig. 142; Aguirre 1991 : 164 ; Borzone 1994 : 27 ; Rios 1994 : 142 , pl. 45, fig. 605; Borzone 1995 : 52 ; Pastorino 1995 : 11 , pl. 2, fig. 13; Forcelli 2000 : 104 , N° 301; Thomé et al . 2004 : 56 , N° 46; Clavijo et al . 2005 : 388 ; Scarabino 2004 : 322 ; Scarabino et al . 2006: 145; Rios 2009 : 268 , N° 662; Teso et al . 2010 . Olivancillaria teaguei . Castellanos, 1964 : partim 98, ( non Klappenbach 1964 ). Olivancillaria buckuporum Thomé, 1966 : 163 –168, figs. 1–8. Olivancillaria steeriae . Rios 1975 : 110 , pl. 32, fig. 465; Wagner & Abbott 1978: 812, fig.19262 ( non Reeve 1850 ). Diagnosis. Shell large (up to 54 mm ), oval-oblong; spire medium height; columella straight, aperture narrow; posterior columellar callus distinct; fasciolar band dark brown with irregular axial lines; shell bluish. Description. Shell oval-oblong, solid, somewhat thick (~ 1 mm ), smooth, glossy; protoconch of 1 2/3 whorls, translucent; spire of medium height, of 3 3/4 to 4 convex whorls, transition to teleoconch indistinct; suture channeled, columellar callus uniform, reaching to the suture; aperture elongated, 7/8 of total shell length; outer lip smooth, curved; columella slightly convex, 10–12 anterior oblique folds, 3 or 4 pronounced folds parallel to columellar edge; fasciolar band dark brown with irregular axial lines; posterior groove deep; siphonal channel deep ( Figures 15A –J). Shell ultrastructure of three layers: as in O . auricularia ( Figure 16 B). Radula ( Figure 16 A) as in O . urceus . Color of living specimens white with dark purple on the foot, siphon alternating between purple and brown. Penis elongated with tip rounded ( Figure 16 C) as in O . deshayesiana , siphon ( Figure 16 D) as in O . urceus . Egg capsules semispherical with the attached surface elliptical, the walls rigid as in O . deshayesiana . A large operculum ( Figures 16 E–F) covers the whole capsule, which contains a single embryo. Egg capsules are laid on living specimens of Buccinanops globulosus , Olivella tehuelcha and O . puelcha . FIGURE 15. A–C, Olivancillaria carcellesi Klappenbach, 1965 holotype MNHNM 0 773, from Punta del Este, Maldonado department, Uruguay; D–F, paratype of Olivancillaria buckuporum Thomé, 1966 , MZUSP 16208 from Cassino, Rio Grande do Sul state, Brazil; G–H, Olivancillaria cf. carcellesi MORG 10.660 from Espírito Santo state, Brazil; I, Olivancillaria cf. carcellesi MZUSP 61339 from Praia Grande, São Paulo state, Brazil; J, Olivancillaria cf. carcellesi MZUSP 73374, São Tomé, Rio de Janeiro state, Brazil; scale bar = 1 cm. Distribution. From Praia do Forte ( 12°33'S ; 37°59'W ), Bahia state, Brazil to Punta Pardelas ( 42°37'S , 64°15'W ), Chubut province, Argentina in 0–70 m depth. This species has the largest range within the genus. Type material. [ O . carcellesi ] holotype : MNHNM 773; 28 paratypes : MORG 3715, 2 specimens, (Cassino, RS); MNHNM 638, 1, 737, 4, 1298, 1, (La Paloma, Rocha department); MNHNM 22, 3, 774, 2, 795, 2, 886, 1, MORG 17764, 1, (Punta del Este, Maldonado department); MNHNM 590, 3, (Punta Ballena, Maldonado department); MNHNM 699, 2, (Puerto Militar, Buenos Aires province); MZUSP 10647, 6, (Monte Hermoso, Buenos Aires province); [ Olivancillaria buckuporum ] holotype : MRCN 1117, paratypes : MORG 2606, 4, 3715, 3, 7949, 3, 9525, 4, MZUSP 16208, 1, (Cassino, RS state). Type locality. [ O . carcellesi ] Punta del Este, Maldonado department, Uruguay . [ O . buckuporum ] Cassino, Rio Grande do Sul state (RS), Brazil . FIGURE 16. Olivancillaria carcellesi . A, radula, frontal view, scale bar = 100 µm; B, ultrastructure of the shell, scale bar = 200 µm; C, penis, scale bar = 200 µm; D, siphon, scale bar = 1 mm; E–F, egg capsule from Punta Pardelas, Chubut province, Argentina, scale bar = 1 mm. Other material examined. Brazil . Praia do Forte, Bahia (BA): MORG 25073 (intertidal); Victoria, Espírito Santo ( ES ): MNHNM 9612, MZUSP 73478, 73677 ( 50–60 m ), 74647 ( 50–60 m ); Guarapari, ES : MNHNM 3026, NMR 61856, MORG 100, 8244, 9138, 10660, 10715 (intertidal), 12307, 13338, 13345, 17375, 17769, 19258, 27561 (intertidal), 31677 (intertidal), 33895, 34654, 49176, 50011, MNRJ 4258, MZUSP 73477 ( 50–60 m ); Cabo Frio, Rio de Janeiro (RJ): MORG 4187, 43970 ( 30–40 m ), MZUSP 73678 ( 60–70 m ); São Tomé , RJ: MORG 43975 ( 60 m ), MZUSP 65711 ( 30–40 m ), 68958 ( 30–40 m ), 69707 ( 60 m ), 72673, 73374 ( 30–40 m ), 73780 ( 30– 40m ); Guanabara, RJ: MORG 12971 ( 25 m ); RJ: MZUSP 73676 ( 60 m ); Santos, São Paulo ( SP ): MORG 30463 ( 50–60 m ); Praia Grande, SP : MZUSP 61339; Porto Belo, Santa Catarina (SC): MORG 41536; Araçatuba, SC: MORG 25081; Pinheira, SC: MORG 38834 (intertidal); Torres, RS: MORG 43046 ( 15–25 m ), MZUSP 32722 ( 15–25 m ); Lagoa do Passo, RS: MORG 8832 ( 40 m ); Tramandaí, RS: MORG 43052 ( 15–25 m ); Mostardas, RS: MORG 41536 ( 35 m ), 46625 ( 20 m ), 49906 ( 12–20 m ), MZUSP 32886; São José do Norte, RS: MORG 15216, 46626 (intertidal); Cassino, RS: MNHNM 15048, MORG 27603, 31346, 40187, 42701, MZUSP 3606, 35487, 44169, MNRJ 6933; RS: MORG 18903 ( 16 m ), 21096, 22258 ( 53 m ), 23125 ( 24 m ), 24755, 32855, 32906, 43037, 45741, MZUSP 32719, 332921, 6307; Chuí, RS: MORG 14023. Uruguay . La Coronilla, Rocha: MORG 16238, 49187 (intertidal); La Paloma, Rocha: MNHNM 3866, 4401, 4520, 6122, 9114, 9115, MORG 19053, 32607, 32809 (intertidal); Punta del Este, Maldonado: MNHNM 4423, MZUSP 74376 ( 30 m ); Punta Ballena, Maldonado: MNHNM 9113. Argentina . Mar Chiquita, Buenos Aires: MNHNM 9116 ( 10 m ); Mar del Plata, Buenos Aires: MACN-In 12222-002, 37505, MNHNM 11779, MORG 10703 ( 37 m ), 10806, 11164 ( 37 m ), 11670 ( 20 m ); Quequén, Buenos Aires: MLP 2176, MZUSP 91228; Necochea, Buenos Aires: MACN-In 14254, MLP 3093; Monte Hermoso, Buenos Aires: MLP 3031, 3032, 3036; Bahía Blanca, Buenos Aires: MACN-In 24161, 24296; San Blas, Buenos Aires: MACN-In 20264, 20577; Carmen de Patagones, Buenos Aires: MZUSP 10644, 51156; Boca del Río Negro, Río Negro: MLP 3029, 3041; Bahía Creek, Río Negro: MLP 4176-1; San Antonio, Río Negro: MLP 1331, 1337-2, 3034, 3671-2; Puerto Lobos, Chubut: MLP 601; Puerto Pirámide, Chubut: MLP 3028, 5177; Punta Pardelas, Chubut: MACN-In 37506; Patagonia: NHMUK 1854.12.4.415, 1854.12.4.416. Remarks. Revision of the type material of O . buckuporum Thomé 1966 ( Figures 15 D–F) from Cassino, Brazil suggested that it is a local variant of O . carcellesi and therefore the name is a junior synonym, as previously reported by Rios (1970) and Thomé et al . (2004) . Oliva steeriae Reeve, 1850 ( Figures 14 C–D) with type locality the Republic of Gambia , was reported from the coast of Brazil by several authors ( i.e. : Lange de Morretes 1949 , Rios 1970 , 1975 ) however it was not found in any of the revised collections. Given the shell size and the completely uncovered channeled suture, it could belong to Agaronia . However soft parts were not available to analyze anatomical characteristics ( e.g. the morphology of the seminal vesicle) that differentiates both genera (Pimenta 2005). FIGURE 17. Canonical variates analysis of the nine groups on the first two axes. FIGURE 18. Voluta gibbosa Born 1778 . A–B, type material NHMW 14209; C–D, type material NHMW 14208; scale bar = 1 com. Lange de Morretes (1949) and Rios (1970 , 1975 ) mentioned Olivancillaria steeriae from some localities between São Paulo and Espírito Santo states, Brazil based on some doubtful specimens. Later Rios (1985) cited those specimens as Olivancillaria vesica vesica . Shell shape ( Figures 15 G–J), penes and siphon morphology of these specimens identified as “ O . steeriae ” by Lange ( non Reeve) are comparable to O . carcellesi , suggesting that this material is only a variation of the latter species at the northern limit of its distribution. When this material (here cited as O . cf. carcellesi ) is included in the geometric morphometric analysis with all the species of the genus, the CVA shows a separated group closer to O . carcellesi than to the other species ( Figure 17 ). In addition, no differences in centroid size were found between these two groups (Tukey tests P = 0.29, Table 1 ). As a result of CVA of all species two groups are differentiated: O . vesica and O . teaguei on one side and O . cf. carcellesi , O . contortuplicata , O . orbignyi and O . carcellesi on the other. However, DFA revealed significant differences among all groups (pairwise comparisons, P <0.0001). This analysis correctly classified 94% of the species mentioned above. However, a detailed study of the anatomy and genetics of the population of O . cf. carcellesi is required. If this material is confirmed as O . carcellesi the range of the latter species extents to Praia do Forte, Bahia state, Brazil .