Updated taxonomic checklist of Chalcidoidea (Hymenoptera) associated with Bruchinae (Coleoptera: Chrysomelidae) Author Pérez-Benavides, A. Lucía Author Hernández-Baz, Fernando Author González, Jorge M. Author Riverón, Alejandro Zaldívar text Zootaxa 2019 2019-07-17 4638 3 301 343 journal article 26180 10.11646/zootaxa.4638.3.1 b5e739da-88f7-4427-b260-5972e0e25e03 1175-5326 3338806 21094B25-B0C7-4224-9000-A4491AF1BAAB Trichomalopsis sp. Host . Bruchus pisorum (L.) on Pisum sativum L. ( Brindley 1939 ). Distribution. AFROTROPICAL: West Africa. AUSTRALASIAN: Australia ( Queensland ), New Zealand . INDO-AUSTRALIAN: Malaysia , Philippines . NEARCTIC: Canada ( Alberta , British Columbia , Ontario ), United States of America ( California ). NEOTROPICAL: Argentina . ORIENTAL: India ( Andhra Pradesh , Gujarat , Himachal Pradesh , Punjab), Taiwan . PALEARCTIC: Belgium , Czech Republic , Egypt , Finland , France , Germany , Hungary , Iran , Italy , Japan , Kazakhstan (Tselinograd Obl.), Morocco , Netherlands , Peoples’ Republic of China (Jiangsu (Kiangsu), Yunnan, Zhejiang (Chekiang)), Portugal ( Azores ), Romania , Russia , Slovakia , Spain , Switzerland , Unit- ed Kingdom ( England ), USSR, Yugoslavia .