A new genus and three new species of leafhopper tribe Scaphoideini (Hemiptera Cicadellidae: Deltocephalinae) from India with a note on Gunghuyana cingalensis Distant Author Viraktamath, C. A. Department of Entomology, University of Agricultural Sciences, GKVK, Bengaluru 560065, India. Author Yeshwanth, H. M. 0000-0002-5104-3401 Department of Entomology, University of Agricultural Sciences, GKVK, Bengaluru 560065, India. & hmyeshwanth @ gmail. com; https: // orcid. org / 0000 - 0002 - 5104 - 3401 hmyeshwanth@gmail.com text Zootaxa 2020 2020-12-14 4895 1 67 85 journal article 9301 10.11646/zootaxa.4895.1.3 f98bf04b-5258-48c9-8f36-cd153f554967 1175-5326 4321462 C8A44B7E-7BB4-4425-A092-D31531FDCAA8 Key to Scaphoideini genera of the Indian subcontinent Note. The Sri Lankan species Gunghuyana cingalensis Distant , probably does not belong to the genus Gunghuyana Distant and its generic position is uncertain as only the female sex is known, hence it is not included in the key. It can be easily recognised among the genera of the tribe by its large size, measuring 8 mm long, a size not attained by any other species of the genera of the tribe known from India . In coloration it resembles Advikus gen. nov , but is paler. 1. Gena expanded, visible behind eyes in dorsal view ( Fig.1A )................................................... 2 - Gena not so expanded, not visible behind eyes in dorsal view ( Fig.1B )........................................... 6 2. Forewing with 4 or more reflexed veins in costal area ( Fig.1E )................................................. 3 - Forewing with 1 or 2 reflexed veins in costal area ( Fig. 2A ).................................. Grammacephalus Haupt 3. Crown with minimum distance between eyes shorter than dorsal diameter of each eye ( Fig. 1A ); style with apex of apophysis flared ( Fig. 2C )............................................................. Univagris Viraktamath & Murthy - Crown with minimum distance between eyes greater than dorsal diameter of each eye; style with apex of apophysis not flared ................................................................................................... 4 4. Transition between vertex and face rounded; male subgenital plate upturned near apex ( Fig. 2D ).............................................................................................. Sudhamruta Viraktamath & Murthy - Transition between vertex and face angled but not carinate; male subgenital plate with apex flat ( Fig. 3C )............... 5 5. Aedeagal shaft a slender tube, with pair of ventrolateral plate-like processes, connective with an apical process ( Fig. 2F ).............................................................................. Sikhamani Viraktamath & Webb - Aedeagal shaft stout, neither with ventro-basal process nor with apex of connective produced into process ( Fig. 2E )................................................................................. Thryaksha Viraktamath & Murthy 6. Dorsum chocolate brown or brown, venter including face lemon or pale yellow; forewing chocolate brown contrasted with pale yellow costal area ( Fig. 2B )............................................................................. 7 - Body and forewings not with above colour combination....................................................... 8 7. Male style degenerate, lodged in infolding of subgenital plate ( Fig. 2G ); aedeagus with two shafts ( Fig. 2 HI); female pregenital sternite not lobed but simple.............................................................. Parallygus Melichar - Male style well developed ( Fig. 3A ); subgenital plate not infolded (Fug. 3C); aedeagus with one shaft ( Fig. 3B ); female pregenital sternite trilobed, median lobe flap-like ( Fig. 3D )........................................ Platyretus Melichar 8. Male with connective and aedeagus fused, anterior arms appressed ( Figs 8 FH, 9FG, 10EF).............. Advikus gen . nov . - Male with connective and aedeagus articulated ( Fig. 3E ), anterior arms not appressed............................... 9 9. Forewing with apex of R 1 and other cross veins in costal cell reflexed ( Figs 1 E–J) and/or with black or brown transverse stripes on fore margin of head and upper part of face ( Figs 1 BC)..................................................... 10 - Forewing with apex of R1 and other cross veins in costal cell not reflexed ( Figs 1 KL); fore margin of head and upper part of face without dark brown or black transverse stripes ( Fig. 1D )................................................. 19 10. Crown depressed, fore margin sharply angled but not carinate; forewing costal area with more than two reflexed cross veins in addition to reflexed veins connecting outer anteapical cell, series of cross veins present between CuA and CuP ( Fig. 1J )........................................................................................... Coroticus Distant - Crown neither depressed nor with sharply angled fore margin; forewing costal area without or at most with one reflexed vein in addition to reflexed veins connecting outer anteapical cell, cross veins between CuA and CuP absent ( Figs 1 F–I)...... 11 11. Connective stem with apical pair of processes or with an intermediate sclerite between connective and aedeagus......... 12 - Connective neither with apical pair of processes nor with an intermediate sclerite between aedeagus and connective ( Fig. 3E ) .................................................................................................. 14 12. Connective stem with pair of posteriorly directed processes ( Fig. 3H ); aedeagus distant from connective and joined to it by a membrane,............................................................................ Scaphoideus Uhler - Connective stem without posteriorly directed processes; aedeagus articulated with an intermediate sclerite which in turn articulated with connective ( Fig. 3F ); intermediate sclerite may ( Fig. 3G ) or may not possess processes..................... 13 13. Crown medially longer than interocular distance, acutely produced in front of eyes; slender species (4.3 to 5.4 times as long as width of head including eyes); intermediate sclerite between aedeagus and connective without processes ( Fig. 3F )........................................................................... Scaphodhara Viraktamath & Mohan (part) - Crown shorter (0.9 or less) than interocular distance, obtusely or acutely produced in front of eyes; comparatively stouter species (less than 3.2 times as long as width of head including eyes); intermediate sclerite between aedeagus and connective with long posteriorly directed processes ( Fig. 3G )........................................... Scaphoidella Vilbase (part) FIGURES 1 A–M. Scaphoideini genera, head and thorax (A–D), and forewings (E–M). A, Univagris pallida Viraktamath & Murthy ; B–C, Scaphomonus redundance (Distant) ; D, Phlogotettix indicus Rao ; E, Sikhamani delicatula Viraktamath & Webb ; F, Scaphoideus bicoloratus Viraktamath & Mohan ; G, Scaphoidella zhangi (Viraktamath & Mohan) ; H, Scaphomonus indicus (Distant) ; I, Scaphomonus freytagi (Viraktamath & Mohan) ; J, Coroticus tessellatus Distant ; K, Banus oblatus Distant ; L, Monobazus dissimilis (Distant) M, Mimotettix alboguttulatus ( Melichar) . FIGURES 2 A–I. Scaphoideini genera, forewings (A–B) and male genitalia (C–I). A, Grammacephalus indicus Viraktamath & Murthy ; B, Platyretus marginatus Melichar ; C, Univagris pallida Viraktamath & Murthy , style; D, Sudhamruta wesleyi Viraktamath & Murthy : valve and subgenital plates; E, Thryaksha recurvatus Viraktamath & Murthy : aedeagus and connective; F, Sikhamani delicatula Viraktamath & Webb : aedeagus and connective; G–I, Parallygus rameshai Viraktamath & Webb : style and subgenital plate (G); aedeagus (H–I). Redrawn from Viraktamath & Murthy 1999 (Figs C–E); Dai et al. 2012 (Figs G–I). FIGURES 3 A–H. Scaphoideini genera, male genitalia (A–C, E–H) and female sternite VII (D). A–D, Platyretus marginatus Melichar : A, style, B, aedeagus, C, subgenital plate and part of valve; D, female sternite VII; E, Scaphomonus redundance (Distant) : connective and aedeagus; F, Scaphodhara raoi Viraktamath & Mohan : connective, intermediate sclerite and aedeagus; G, Scaphoidella zhangi (Viraktamath & Mohan) : connective, intermediate sclerite and aedeagus; H, Scaphoideus bicoloratus Viraktamath & Mohan : connective and its processes. Redrawn from Viraktamath et al. 2008 (Figs A–D); Viraktamath & Mohan 1993 (Fig. E); Viraktamath & Mohan 1994 (Fig. F); Viraktamath 2004 (Figs G–H). FIGURES 4 A–I. Scaphideini genera, male genitalia. A, Neolimnus egyptiacus (Matsumura) : subgenital plate; B–C, Banus oblatus Distant , aedeagus; D, Phlogotettix indicus Rao , aedeagus; E, Mimotettix alboguttulatus (Melichar) , aedeagus; F, Osbornellus (Mavromoustaca) macchiae Lindberg , aedeagus; GH, Monobazus dissimilis (Distant) , aedeagus; I. Phlogothamnus maculiceps Ishihara , aedeagus. Figures E–G redrawn from Khatri & Webb 2010 . 14. Male subgenital plate with mesal sclerotized process ( Fig. 4A )................................ Neolimnus Linnavuori - Male subgenital plate without mesal sclerotized process ( Fig. 2C ).............................................. 15 15. Male pygofer with two groups of posterior marginal tooth-like short setae ( Khatri & Webb 2010 : Fig. 2a ).................................................................................................... Bampurius Dlabola - Male pygofer without such marginal setae................................................................. 16 16. Crown shorter than interocular distance................................................................... 17 - Crown longer than interocular distance................................... Scaphodhara Viraktamath & Mohan (part) 17. Aedeagus with preatrium ventrally prolonged and with pair of long processes ( Dai & Dietrich 2011 : Fig. 41)........................................................................................... Scaphoidella Vilbaste (part) - Aedeagus with processes of preatrium poorly developed or absent ( Fig. 3E )...................................... 18 18. Crown and pronotum with reddish brown transverse bands ( Fig. 1B ); forewing claval veins either connected by a cross vein ( Fig. 1H ) or fused ( Fig. 1I ), without transparent round spots on forewing; aedeagal shaft process when present paired ( Fig. 3E )....................................................................................................................................................................... Scaphomonus Viraktamath & Mohan - Dark brown species with transparent round spots on forewing ( Fig. 1M ); aedeagal shaft with single apical process directed ventrally ( Fig. 4E )................................................................... Mimotettix Matsumura 19. Crown pale brown or ochraceous either with one large median ( Fig. 1D ) or two round ( Fig. 5A ) prominent black spots...... .................................................................................................. 20 - Crown without such well-defined round black spots, may have diffused brown or black spots or lines................. 21 20. Crown with median large round black spot ( Fig. 1D ); aedeagus with ventral process arising beyond midlength ( Fig. 4D )......................................................................................... Phlogotettix Ribaut - Crown with two smaller round black spots ( Fig. 5A ); aedeagus without ventral process ( Fig. 4I )..... Phlogothamnus Ishihara 21. Aedeagus with strongly asymmetrically oriented processes ( Fig. 4 BC)................................. Banus Distant - Aedeagus symmetrical................................................................................ 22 22. Aedeagal shaft with basal processes arising on ventrolateral surface of shaft ( Fig. 4F )..................................................................................................... Osbornellus (Mavromoustaca) Dlabola - Aedeagal shaft with basal processes arising on dorsal surface of shaft ( Fig. 4 GH).................... Monobazus Distant