Odonata (Insecta) from Different States of North Eastern India Author A. R. Lahiri text Oriental Insects 1979 13 119 132 journal article http://doi.org/10.5281/zenodo.3516933 90339e7e-e883-4877-8a2c-fdda8d271281 3516933 1. Calicnemia spec. indet. Specimen examined: India : Mizoram : Bank of Darnam stream , Serchip , 1 ♀ , 5.ix.1975 , K. R. Rao . The single female has the vertex marked with a yellowish transverse stripe passing through the interocellar space and extending from one antenna to the other. This marking agrees with the description of C. pulverulans Selys, as provided by Fraser (1933) and is readily distinguishable from that of the closely allied C. imitans Lieftinck (1948) . The vertex of latter is marked by yellowish triangular spots one on either side of the median ocellus. Specific identification, however, is not possible by in absence of a male and also because this female is considerably smaller in size (abdomen 24.0 mm . hind wing 23.0 mm). Published August 1919 Family Coenagrionidae