Review Of The Nearctic Genera Macrozercon Błaszak, 1976 And Microzercon Błaszak, 1976 (Mesostigmata: Zerconidae) Author Ujvári, Zs. text Acta Zoologica Academiae Scientiarum Hungaricae 2013 2013-11-15 59 4 347 389 journal article 10.5281/zenodo.5736238 2064-2474 5736238 Macrozercon Błaszak, 1976 Macrozercon BŁaSzak, 1976: 565 , 567; HalaškoVÁ 1977: 69 ; BŁaSzak 1978: 853 ; 1979: 101 , 103; 1980: 547; 1984: 600; BŁaSzak et al. 1995: 254 ; SIkoRa & SkoRackI: 2008: 253; DÍaz- AguIlaR & UJVÁRI 2010: 26. Typespecies: Prozerconpraecipuus SellnIck, 1958 a : 128 , byoriginaldesignation. Diagnosis. Idiosomawide, oval. Theslitbetweenperitrematalshields anddorsalshieldsnarrow, posterolateraltipsofperitrematalshieldstruncate. Peritremesofgeneralsize, expandedtoanteriorhalfofcoxaeIII, straightor bent. Setaer1 andr3 shiftedventrallytoperitrematalshields, bothshort, bris- tle-like, smoothorbarbed. Glands gv2 present, theiropeningssurroundedby smalladgenitalsclerites. Ventrianalshieldwide, withtwodeep, verticalinci- sionsinitsanterolateralregion. Anterolateraledgeofventrianalshieldnearly reachingposteriormarginofperitrematalshields, inmalestheseshieldsmay befusedwitheachother. Ventrianalshieldbearing 19 setae, setaeZv1 absent. Glands gv3 situated anterolateral or lateral to adanal setae. Setae z1 absent. ThirdpairofopisthonotalporesassociatedwiththeJ-series (inposition gdJ2 or gdJ3 ). Marginofopisthonotumwith 7 pairsofR-setae. SetaeS1 andanterior R-setae (R1–2) significantlylongerthantherestofR-setae. Posterodorsalcavi- tieswell-sclerotized, ofmoderatesize.