Polydora and related genera (Polychaeta: Spionidae) from the Grand Caribbean region Author Author Delgado-Blas, ctor H. text Journal of Natural History 2008 2008-01-31 42 1 - 2 1 19 http://dx.doi.org/10.1080/00222930701831240 journal article 10.1080/00222930701831240 1464-5262 4651778 Genus Boccardia Carazzi, 1893 Type species: Boccardia polybranchia Haswell, 1885 , by monotypy. Diagnosis Prostomium anteriorly rounded or incised, extending posteriorly as caruncle. Chaetiger 1 with or without notochaetae. Chaetiger 5 modified, with two types of major spines, capillary notochaetae few or absent. Bidentate hooded hooks with wide angle between teeth, without constriction on shaft, first appearing on chaetigers 7–11. Posterior notopodial spines present or absent. Branchiae present on chaetiger 2–4, absent from chaetiger 5, present thereafter from chaetiger 6 or 7 for variable number of segments. Pygidium disc-like, with or without separate lobes, or reduced to lobes or cuffs. Remarks Boccardia was reviewed by Blake and Woodwick (1971) and emended by Blake and Kudenov (1978) . Boccardia is one of the largest of the polydorid genera, with 21 described species ( Woodwick 1963a , 1963b ; Blake 1966 , 1979 , 1981 , 1986 ; Blake and Woodwick 1971 ; Rainer 1973 ; Read 1975 ; Blake and Kudenov 1978 ; Hutchings and Turvey 1984 ; Gue«rin 1990).