A revision of the species of the pseudoscorpion subgenus Chthonius (Ephippiochthonius) (Arachnida, Pseudoscorpiones, Chthoniidae) from Italy and neighbouring areas Author Gardini, Giulio text Zootaxa 2013 3655 1 1 151 journal article 10.11646/zootaxa.3655.1.1 a6990774-66c7-4586-b14e-354b42d0857b 1175-5326 223358 FC302AA5-49CC-41B0-9A66-23C11AB4EBAE Chthonius (E.) thaleri Gardini, 2009 ( Figs 235–241 , 286 ) Chthonius (Ephippiochthonius) thaleri Gardini 2009a: 546 , figs 1–7. Type locality: Italy , Veneto, Padua Prov., Arquà Petrarca, Mt Ventolone (45°17ʹ0 1.8ʺN 11°42ʹ27.8ʺE). Distribution. Italy : Venezia Giulia, Veneto. Diagnosis ( Ƥ ). An anophthalmic endogean Chthonius (Ephippiochthonius) from northeastern Italy that differs from other species of the C. fuscimanus group in the following combination of characters: movable chelal finger with isolated subapical tooth ( di ); posterior margin of carapace with 2 macrosetae, ocular series with 4 macrosetae and 2 microsetae; chelal hand (in lateral view) with a rounded hump distad of trichobothria ib-isb and a marked hollow just before base of movable finger; proximal half of movable chelal finger with thick marginal lamina with rounded vestigial teeth on high base at level of trichobothrium sb . Type material examined. ITALY Veneto: Padua Prov.— 1 3 ( holotype ), Arquà Petrarca, N slope Monte Ventolone, 196 m a.s.l., 8.IV.1996 , E. Piva leg., digging in a valley; 1 Ƥ ( paratype ), id., 19.IV.1996 ; 3 Ƥ ( paratypes ), id., 22.X.1995 , G. Peretto & E. Piva leg. (1 Ƥ EPV). Other material examined. ITALY Venezia Giulia: Trieste Prov.— 1 3 (remains) 1T, Duino-Aurisina, Grotta delle Radici 256 VG/TS, 213 m a.s.l., 29.V.1988 , F. Gasparo leg. Veneto: Padua Prov.— 1 3 1 Ƥ, Arquà Petrarca, N slope of Monte Ventolone, 196 m a.s.l., 20.VII.2008 , D. Bianco & E. Piva leg., digging in upper valley; 1 3, id., 14.VI.2009 , E. Piva leg., digging in a valley. Description of adults ( Ƥ ) . Weak troglomorphic facies. Integument depigmented, yellowish-brown pale. Lateral surface of carapace, cheliceral palm and chelal hand with slight hispid granulation. Carapace 1.0–1.1 times longer than broad, posteriorly slightly constricted; anterior margin (figs 235–236) medially a little prominent and dentate, with a small epistome in female; no eyes or eye-spots (fig. 237); chaetotaxy mm 4mm :m 4m :4:2:2(16) rarely one preocular microseta on each side; length of anteromedian macrosetae 0.10 mm . Chaetotaxy of tergites I– X 4 :4:4:4:6:6:6:6:6:4. Chaetotaxy of sternites II–X 10 :(3)6–8(3):(2)6–8(2):8:6:6:6:6:6; genital opening of males flanked by 6–7 setae on each side. Chelicerae (figs 238–239) 2.1–2.3 times as long as broad, palm with 5 setae and 5 (rarely 6) microsetae laterally; fixed finger with 7–9 teeth proximally reduced in size and with few proximal microtubercles; movable finger with an isolated subapical tooth ( di ), slightly proximal with respect to spinneret, and 7–9 teeth proximally reduced in size; gl ratio 0.54–0.57; spinneret prominent, apically rounded, larger in females; rallum with 11 blades. Coxal setae: pedipalp 5 (including 2 on manducatory process), I 3 + 3 marginal microsetae, II 4 , III 5 , IV 6 ; coxa II with 8–9 coxal spines, coxa III with 4–5 coxal spines; intercoxal tubercle bisetose. Pedipalp: femur 6.3–6.8 (3), 6.1–6.5 (Ƥ) times as long as broad; chela (figs 240–241) 6.0 (3) 5.5 (Ƥ) times as long as deep; hand of chela 2.2–2.3 (3), 2.0–2.1 (Ƥ) times as long as deep, with a rounded hump distad of trichobothria ib-isb and a marked ventral hollow just before the base of the movable chelal finger; fixed chelal finger with 14–16 triangular teeth with dental canals—the two distal ones small and without dental canals—and 2– 3 rounded teeth at level of sb ; the third tooth from tip is a little wider and with curved sides; base of fixed finger with a few microtubercles; tip of fixed chelal finger with a modified accessory tooth ( td ) on antiaxial face; fixed chelal finger at level of est-it with 4–5 teeth occupying 0.1 mm (distance between successive apices 0.024–0.025 mm ); distal half of movable chelal finger with 7–10 large, triangular, upright teeth with dental canals, proximal half of movable finger with 6–11 rounded vestigial teeth without dental canals; marginal lamina raised at level of sb , with a few microtubercles between sb and b ; coupled sensilla pc at level of sb or a little distad of sb ; trichobothria as in figs 240–241; basal apodeme of movable chelal finger long, rectangular, apically indented; ratio of movable finger/hand of chela 1.6–1.7 (3Ƥ); ratio of pedipalpal femur/movable finger 1.2 (3Ƥ); ratio of pedipalpal femur/ carapace 1.5 (3), 1.3–1.4 (Ƥ). FIGURES 235–239 . Chthonius (E.) thaleri Gardini, 2009 . 235, male holotype, anterior margin of carapace; 236, female paratype, id; 237, male holotype, anterolateral portion of carapace; 238, id., right chelicera; 239, female paratype, id. (redrawn after Gardini 2009). FIGURES 240–241 . Chthonius (E.) thaleri Gardini, 2009 . 240, male holotype, right chela, lateral view; 241, female paratype, id. (redrawn after Gardini 2009). (Scale bar 0.1 mm). Measurements (in mm). Body length 1.30–1.35 (3), 1.40–1.55 (Ƥ). Carapace 0.38 × 0.365 (3), 0.43–0.44 × 0.40–0.43 (Ƥ). Chelicerae 0.325 × 0.145 (3), 0.365–0.37 × 0.16–0.17 (Ƥ), movable finger length 0.16 (3), 0.185– 0.19 (Ƥ). Pedipalp: femur 0.565–0.575 × 0.085–0.09 (3), 0.59–0.62 × 0.095–0.10 (Ƥ); chela 0.78 × 0.13 (3), 0.82–0.86 × 0.15–0.155 (Ƥ); hand length 0.29–0.30 (3), 0.31–0.33 (Ƥ); movable finger length 0.47–0.485 (3), 0.50–0.52 (Ƥ). Remarks. Among the species of the C. fuscimanus group, C. thaleri is closely related to C. parmensis , an epigean species widespread in the same geographical area. For a comparison between the two species, see Remarks under C. parmensis .