LECTOTYPE DESIGNATION AND REDESCRIPTION FOR ANACRONEURIA FUMIGATA KLAPÁLEK (PLECOPTERA: PERLIDAE), WITH NEW RECORDS AND DESCRIPTION OF A NEW SPECIES OF ANACRONEURIA FROM ARGENTINA Author Stark, Bill P. text Illiesia 2013 9 7 94 100 journal article http://doi.org/10.5281/zenodo.4765326 113e013b-fc98-4a18-8e30-c8056c1e1493 1854-0392 4765326 7462DDCD-6635-4686-A320-F7662836F106 Anacroneuria trimacula Jewett Anacroneuria trimacula Jewett 1959:155 . Holotype (California Academy of Sciences), Nova Teutonia , Santa Catarina , Brazil Anacroneuria trimacula : Froehlich, 2002:88 Material examined. ARGENTINA : Misiones , Arroyo Coati , 15 km E San Jose , 18-19 November 1973 , O.S. Flint , Jr. 2♂ , 1♀ ( USNM ) . Comments. Froehlich (2002) previously reported this species from the same site and several additional ones in Brazil , Argentina and Paraguay . More recently, De Ribeiro & Froehlich (2007) reported the species from Rio Grande do Sul State in Brazil . A. trimacula Jewett 1959 Misiones Froehlich, 2002