Nineteen new genera and 82 new species of Cremnorrhinina from Australia, including analyses of host relationships and distributions (Insecta: Hemiptera: Miridae: Phylininae: Cremnorrhinini) Author Randall T. Schuh Author Michael D. Schwartz text Bulletin of the American Museum of Natural History 2016 401 1 279 journal article 39161 10.5281/zenodo.269465 4e88a985-9cb4-4912-9b10-71db96ba36f5 269465 Dicyphylus pilbara , new species Figures 19, 23, map 6, table 1, plates 6, 7, 43A–C DIAGNOSIS: Recognized by the mostly black hemelytron with the basal half of cuneus white and strongly contrasting (pl. 6); endosoma with a stout spine adjacent to gonopore and arising from dorsal rather than ventral surface as in most species, apical spine apparently singular and distinctively with numerous strong spicules over entire length (fig. 23, pl. 7); phallotheca with very large posterior ridge (fig. 23). Black coloration of body and appendages most similar to D. halganii , but that species with corium and clavus not entirely black and base of cuneus not contrastingly white; structure of endosomal spines also distinctive for the two species (figs. 22, 23, pl. 7). DESCRIPTION: MALE : Mean total length 2.18, mean pronotum width 0.65. COLORATION (pl. 6): Background color black, scutellum laterally, cuneus on basal half, hind femur medially, and hind tibia on apical half much paler; pygophore black, in moderate contrast to remainder of abdomen. SURFACE AND VESTITURE (fig. 19A–C): Dorsum smooth, very weakly polished and weakly shining, venter dull; dorsum clothed with short, black, reclining, simple setae. STRUCTURE: Head (fig. 19A–C, pl. 6): As in generic description; antennal segment 2 long (0.74), 1.61 times width of head. Thorax (fig. 19A–C, pl. 6): As in generic description. Pretarsus as in figure 19E, F. Hemelytron : As in generic description. GENITALIA (figs. 19D, 23, pl. 7): Pygophore: Broadly conical, posterior margin indented ventrad of left paramere insertion. Endosoma: J-shaped, basal fusion of straps on dorsal side, distal one-half bent to left; strap with stout, proximally directed spine arising laterad and distant from secondary gonopore and one apical spine with numerous conspicuous spicules over entire length; endosoma subapically expanded without inflated membrane; secondary gonopore situated just distad of middle of endosoma on margin of projecting strap. Phallotheca: Apical portion with large prominent, serrate ridge on ventroposterior surface, smooth dorsoposterior crest, and narrow trough separating ridge and crest; ridge with height subequal to crest, aperture narrow, slitlike, situated on dorsal edge; posterior surface without denticles or prominent spicules; basal portion with strong internal ridge on right side. Parameres: Left paramere with dorsoposterior margin straight, not produced dorsad of posterior and anterior processes; posterior process straight; anterior process large and rounded apically, prominent seta apparently absent; right paramere with relatively long, medial, apical projection. Fig. 23. Male genitalic structures of Dicyphylus pilbara . FEMALE (pl. 6): Coloration as in male; structure as in generic description; mean total length 2.33, mean pronotum width 0.71. GENITALIA: As in plate 43A–C. ETYMOLOGY: Named for the Pilbara Region of Western Australia, the area of the type locality; a noun in apposition. HOST: Recorded from Olearia xerophila (Asteraceae) . DISTRIBUTION (map 6): Known from the Pilbara District of Western Australia. HOLOTYPE: AUSTRALIA: Western Australia: Pilbara Dist., 21 km NW of Tom Price, 22.6513°S 117.8853°E, 712 m, 0 1 Jun 1999, G. Cassis, R. Silveira, Olearia xerophila (F. Muell.) Benth. (Asteraceae) , det. WA Herbarium PERTH5636485, 1♂ (AMNH_PBI 00390109) (WAMP). PARATYPES: AUSTRALIA: Western Australia: Pilbara Dist., 21 km NW of Tom Price, 22.6513°S 117.8853°E, 712 m, 0 1 Jun 1999, G. Cassis, R. Sil ‐ veira, Olearia xerophila (F. Muell.) Benth. (Asteraceae) , det. WA Herbarium PERTH5636485, 29♂ (00389989–0 0 389994, 0 0 389996–0 0 389998, 0 0 390001–0 0 390017, 0 0 390021, 0 0 390022, 00390047), 37♀ (00390028–0 0 390037, 0 0 390046, 0 0 390048– 0 0 390052, 0 0 390055, 0 0 390056, 0 0 390058– 0 0 390062, 0 0 390064, 0 0 390117–00390129), 1♂ (00087551) (AM), 22♂ (00389988, 0 0 389995, 0 0 389999, 0 0 390000, 0 0 390098–0 0 390108, 0 0 39 0 110–00390116), 14♀ (00390053, 0 0 390054, 0 0 390057, 0 0 390063, 0 0 390065–00390074), 1♂ (00087360), 1♀ (00087361) (AMNH), 2♂ (00390024, 00390025), 2♀ (00390042, 00390043) (ANIC), 2♂ (00390020, 00390023), 2♀ (00390040, 00390041) (CNC), 2♂ (00390026, 00390027), 2♀ (00390044, 00390045) (USNM), 2♂ (00390018, 00390019), 2♀ (00390038, 00390039) (ZISP). Pilbara Dist., Rhodes Ridge Camp, 23.10137°S 119.3705°E, 694 m, 30 May 1999, G. Cassis, R. Silveira, Olearia xerophila (F. Muell.) Benth. (Asteraceae) , det. WA Herbarium PERTH5636485, 13♂ (00390079–00390091), 6♀ (00390092–00390097) (WAMP). OTHER SPECIMENS EXAMINED: AUSTRALIA: Western Australia: Pilbara Dist., 21 km NW of Tom Price, 22.6513°S 117.8853°E, 712 m, 0 1 Jun 1999, G. Cassis, R. Silveira, Olearia xerophila (F. Muell.) Benth. (Asteraceae) , det. WA Herbarium PERTH5636485, 7 nymphs (003 90075–0 0 390078, 0 0 390130–00390132) (AM).