The cicadas (Hemiptera: Cicadidae) of Ecuador including the description of five new species, a new subtribe, four new synonymies, and fifteen new records Author Sanborn, Allen F. 0000-0001-5729-7106 Department of Biology, Barry University, 11300 NE Second Avenue, Miami Shores, FL 33161 – 6695, USA text Zootaxa 2020 2020-11-17 4880 1 1 80 journal article 10.11646/zootaxa.4880.1.1 50f2ef69-fec5-45e5-8005-623e2cb991dc 1175-5326 4425522 33BE91BC-DC0F-4CBB-85AB-CA7BF1891C0C Zammara smaragdula Walker, 1858b Zammara smaragdula Walker 1858b: 4 . (South America) Zammara calochroma (non Walker) Goding 1925: 6 , 15. REMARKS.—This is one of the small species of Zammara with a body length less than 30 mm . It can be distinguished from the other small species, Z. calochroma (and small females of Z. smaragdina ), by the apical fore wing infusca- tion only in apical cell 1 and the absence of a large band of infuscation traversing the fore wings across the crossveins in Z. smaragdula ( Goemans 2016 ) . Goemans (2016) plotted the distribution of Z. calochroma Walker, 1858 and showed that Ecuadorian records are actually Z. smaragdula , a species the Goding (1925) considered a synonym of Z. calochroma when he reported the species from Ecuador . In addition, the characters used in the key by Goding (1925) to distinguish his species describe Z. smaragdula rather than actual specimens of Z. calochroma . DISTRIBUTION.—The species has been reported from Bolivia , Brazil , Costa Rica , Colombia , Ecuador , Guatemala , Mexico , Panama , and Venezuela ( Metcalf 1963a ; Duffels & van der Laan 1985 ; Maccagnan et al. 2011; Sanborn 2013; 2014a; 2018c; 2019b; Goemans 2016 ). Goding (1925) reported the species from the environs of Quayaquil, Guayas province and Goemans (2016) reported specimens from Esmeraldas, Nalo, Orellana , and Sucumbios provinces. MATERIAL EXAMINED .— ECUADOR : / Tipituni Res. Stat . / 0º 38.31’S , 76º 8.92’W / I/8–20/2005 / S. Mitten , coll.” one male ( UMRM ); ECUADOR : Orellana Prov. / Yasuni NP, Yasuni Res. Stn. / 00 o 38.2’ S , 076 o 08.9 W / 21 Jul 2008 M. Gimmel / at large // LSAM / 0300475one male ( LSAM ); “FERN BANE / ECUADOR / IV–9–95 / C. McDaniels / CICADIDAEone male ( MIEC ); ECUADOR ; Provincia / de Francisco de Orellana / Yasuni National Park / S00 o 40.478 W076 o 23.866 / 28–IV–2005 ; CRBartlett / N Nazdrowicz , D Chang ” ( UDCC ), one male ( AFSC ); ECUADOR ; Provincia / de Francisco de Orellana / Yasuni National Park / S00 o 40.478 W076 o 23.866 / 26–IV–2005 ; CRBartlett / N Nazdrowicz , D Chang ” one female ( AFSC ); ECUADOR ; Provincia / de Francisco de Orellana / Yasuni National Park / S00 o 40.478 W076 o 23.866 // 26–IV–2005 ; CRBartlett / N Nazdrowicz , D Chang ” one female ( AFSC ).