Phaenospila gen. nov. (Hymenoptera: Braconidae: Alysiinae) and three new species from Thailand Author Yao, Junli Biological Control Research Institute, Fujian Agriculture & Forestry University, Fuzhou, Fujian 350002, China. Author Achterberg, Cornelis Van 0000-0002-6495-4853 Naturalis Biodiversity Center, Postbus 9517, 2300 RA Leiden, the Netherlands. https: // orcid. org / 0000 - 0002 - 6495 - 4853 Department of Entomology, University of Kentucky, Lexington KY 40546 - 0091, U. S. A. Author Sharkey, Michael J. 0000-0001-6201-7340 https: // orcid. org / 0000 - 0001 - 6201 - 7340 Author Chapman, Eric G. 0000-0003-3464-3074 https: // orcid. org / 0000 - 0003 - 3464 - 3074 Author Fang, Shuqian 0000-0002-9216-2132 Biological Control Research Institute, Fujian Agriculture & Forestry University, Fuzhou, Fujian 350002, China. & https: // orcid. org / 0000 - 0002 - 9216 - 2132 Author Aizezi, Ayizuohere 0000-0002-6664-6088 Biological Control Research Institute, Fujian Agriculture & Forestry University, Fuzhou, Fujian 350002, China. & https: // orcid. org / 0000 - 0002 - 6664 - 6088 Author Li, Jimin 0000-0002-7436-6609 Biological Control Research Institute, Fujian Agriculture & Forestry University, Fuzhou, Fujian 350002, China. & https: // orcid. org / 0000 - 0002 - 7436 - 6609 text Zootaxa 2022 2022-10-14 5195 5 468 484 journal article 169748 10.11646/zootaxa.5195.5.5 2489f371-1d4c-491a-93dd-a1105f3764db 1175-5326 7223783 BC6FDDF5-45B9-4F4B-B9B2-4EBB8A070F59 Phaenospila signata Yao sp. nov. ( Fig. 4 : A–H) Consensus barcode. GGTATTATATTTTTTATCTGGATTTTGATCTGGTATAGTAGGGTTATCTATAAGTATAATTATTCGGTTAGAATTAGGGATAGCTGGATCTTTATTAAAAAATGATCAAATTTATAATAGAATTGTAACAGCTCATGCTTTTGTTATAATTTTTTTTATAGTTATACCAATTATATTAGGAGGATTTGGTAATTGATTAA TTCCTTTAATATTAGGGGCACCTGATATAGCTTTTCCTCGAATAAATAATATAAGATTTTGGTTATTATTACCTTCTTTAATATTATTAGTTTTAAGAGGTTTATTAAATATTGGAGTTGGTACTGGATGAACAGTTTATC C A C C TTTATC TTC A G G A ATTG G T C A C A G G G G TATTTC A G TTG ATTTA G C TATTTTT TC T TTACATTTAGCTGGGGTATCTTCTATTATAGGAGTAATTAATTTTTTAACAACAATTTTTAATATAAAATTATATAATTTAAAATTTGATCAATTAAGTTTATTTATTTGATCAATTATAATTACGGCAATTTTATTATTATTATCTTTACCTGTTTTAGCTGGAGCTATTACTATATTGTTAACTGATCGTAATTTAAATACTACTTTTTTTGATTTTGCTGGTGGGGGGGATCCTATTTTATTTCAACATTTATTT Description . Holotype , (QSBG), length of body 2.8 mm ; length of fore wing 2.6 mm . Head . Antenna 35 antennomeres, 1.8 × as long as fore wing, length of AS 3: AS 4: AS 5=6: 15: 12; AS 3 4.0 × its maximum width, AS 4 10.0 × longer than its maximum width ( Fig. 4E ); head 2.7 × as wide as long, 1.7 × as wide as mesoscutum (in dorsal view); head at level of eyes 1.2 × wider than at level of temples ( Fig. 4C ); eyes 4.0 × as long as the temples ( Fig. 4C ); distance between antennal sockets as long as their diameter, distance from eye to antennal socket shorter than diameter of antennal socket, with a upside down V-shaped sculpture between antennal sockets, otherwise smooth; distance of ocelli from each other shorter than diameter of ocellus; OOL slightly longer than width of ocellar area ( Fig. 4C ); frons, vertex, occiput and temples smooth, with sparse setae ventrally ( Fig. 4C ); epicranial suture deep, especially between posterior ocelli, sharply bent in middle of it ( Fig. 4C ); face 1.7 × wider than high, smooth and covered with long setae, dorsal half of face with weak medio-longitudinal ridge, ventral half of face bell-shaped and crenulate ( Fig. 4B ); clypeus protruding, 2.3 × wider than long, smooth and with long setae, epistomal groove crenulated ( Fig. 4B ); mandible 2.3 × as long as wide, lower edge almost straight, apical width about 1.1 × basal width; tooth 1 round, upper edge curve, tooth 2 pointed, much larger than tooth 1 and tooth 3, up edge curve, tooth 3 pointed downwards; outer surface of mandible with sparse setae, wrinkled medially, otherwise smooth; teeth glabrous, deeply hollowed out medially ( Fig. 4D ); maxillary palp reaching mid femur ( Fig. 4B ), nearly 2.5 × longer than height of head, 1.3 × longer than hind femur. Mesosoma . Mesosoma 1.4 × as long as high; pronope present ( Fig. 4C ); pronotum smooth laterally, with wide transverse ridges ( Fig. 4E ); mesopleuron with sparse and long setae posteriorly, otherwise glabrous ( Fig. 4E ); precoxal sulcus crenulated and complete, wider medially ( Fig. 4E ); pleural sulcus slightly crenulate; episternal scrobe medium-sized, round and not connected to pleural sulcus; metapleuron reticulate sculptured and covered with dense setae around edge and posteriorly, antero-dorsally glabrous, hollow out antero-ventrally ( Fig. 4G ); mesoscutum 1.2 × wider than long, median lobe slightly protruding, with several short setae along notauli trace, otherwise glabrous; notauli present anterior 0.6 and crenulate ( Fig. 4C ); midpit glabrous and elliptical, 2.0 × longer than wide; scutellar sulcus with one strong medio-longitudinal carinae and two weak carinae laterally ( Fig. 4C ); scutellum slightly convex, with sparse setae laterally; dorsal half of metanotum with three ridges, crenulate laterally ( Fig. 4G ); propodeum with several setae laterally, with complete medio-longitudinal carina and complete curved transverse ridge, dorsal half smooth, posterior 1/2 with several longitudinal areolae, medial areolae slightly wrinkled ( Fig. 4G ); postpectal carina present ventrally and more or less lamelliform. Wings . Fore wing: pterostigma wide and oval shaped, vein r rising from posterior 3/5 of pterostigma, length of vein r 0.4 × as long as pterostigma width, forming an obtuse angle with vein 3-SR; vein SR1 extending above wing tip; vein SR1 4.1 × longer than vein 3-SR; vein 2-SR: vein 3-SR: r-m =10: 9: 6; 1-SR+M slightly sinuate; vein m-cu slightly postfurcal; 2nd submarginal cell 2.1× wider than height, narrow posteriorly, vein cu-a slightly postfurcal, vein 1-CU1: 2-CU1 = 1: 7; vein 3-CU1: vein CU1b=3:2( Fig. 4F ). Hind wing: vein 1-M 1.1 × longer than vein M+CU; vein m-cu antefurcal ( Fig. 4F ). FIGURE 4. A–H. Phaenospila signator Yao sp. nov. , ♀, holotype. A, habitus, lateral aspect; B, head, anterior aspect; C, head, dorsal aspect; D, head and mesosoma, full sight on mandible; E, head and mesosoma, lateral aspect; F, wings; G, head and mesosoma, full sight on scutellum; H, propodeum and metasoma, lateral aspect. Legs . Hind coxa and femur slender, entirely with dense, long setae. Hind tibia slender. Hind femur 6.0 × longer than its maximum width. Hind femur 0.8 × longer than hind tibia, hind femur 1.7 × longer than hind basitarsus. Metasoma . Length of T1 about 2.0 × longer than its apical width, apical width 1.5 × its basal width; dorsope large, dorsal carinae converged at apical 1/4, extending close to end of T1; area between dorsal carinae smooth, apical 0.1 of T1 smooth; remainder of T1 with longitudinal striae ( Fig. 4C ); ovipositor long, maximal visible part roughly 1.1 × longer than mesosoma, ovipositor sheath with dense setae ( Fig. 4H ) and its setose part 1.2 × longer than hind tibia. Color . Dark brown, but partly dark yellow; antenna pale white to brown, two basal segments and AS 3 yellow, apical 7-16 segments pale white, the remainder brown; palpi pale yellow; head setae white; head dark brown except clypeus and apical half of mandible brownish yellow; mesosoma and metasoma mostly dark brown, propleuron, basal third of pronotum, apical 1/4 of mesoscutum, scutellum and apical 0.1 of T1 brownish yellow; legs pale yellow to yellow; pterostigma brown, veins light brown. Material examined . Holotype (H19677) THAILAND Petchaburi , Kaeng Krachan NP , Panernthung /km27, 12°49.302'N , 99°22.263'E , elevation 950m , Malaise trap 25.v– , Sirichai leg.( QSBG ) T5258 ; Paratypes : 1♀ 1♂ (H19762, H20123) same data as holotype, except Panernthung /km30/viewpoint, 12°49.259'N , 99°22.059'E , elevation 970m , Malaise trap 15–22.viii.2008 , Sirichai & Jatupon leg., ( BIIC ) T4365 ; 1♀ 1♂ (H19992, H20134) same data as previous ( BIIC ) ; 1♀ (H19690) same locality as preview, 1–8.viii.2008 , Sirichai & Chusak leg., ( RMNH ) T4366 ; 2♀ (H20006, H20067) same data as holotype, except Panernthung /km27/water pump, 12°49.151'N , 99°22.483'E , elevation 950m , Malaise trap 1–8.viii.2008 , Sirichai & Chusak leg., ( QSBG , RMNH ) T4353 ; 1♀ (H20164) same data as previous, except–4.vii.2008 , leg., ( RMNH ) T4325 ; 1♀ (H20109) same locality as holotype, 25.iii–3.iv.2009 , leg., ( BIIC ) T4739 ; 1♀ (H20065) same data as holotype, except Panernthung /km30/ old lavatory, 12°49.484'N , 99°21.909'E , elevation 970m , Malaise trap 17–26.vii.2008 , leg., ( QSBG ) T4328 ; 1♂ (H19815) same locality as previous,–4.vii.2008 , Sirichai leg.,( BIIC ) T4339 ; 1♀ 1♂ (H20167, H19995) same data as holotype, except km33/helipad, 12°50.177'N , 99°20.688'E , elevation 735m , Malaise trap 18–25.i.2009 , Sirichai leg., ( BIIC ) T4406 ; 1♀ (H20117) same data as previous ( BIIC ) ; 1♀ (H19934) same data as holotype, except km16/road/stream2, 12°48.107'N , 99°26.669'E , Malaise trap 25.iii–3.iv.2009 , Sirichai leg., ( BIIC ) T4689 ; 1♀ (H19829) same data as holotype, except km33/helipad, 12°50.177'N , 99°20.688'E , elevation 735m , Malaise trap 28.xii.2008 4.i.2009 , Sirichai leg., ( QSBG ) T4407 ; 1♀ (H19824) same data as previous ( BIIC ) ; 1♀ H19774) THAILAND Sakon Nakhon , Phu Phan NP, North of well, 17°3.543'N , 103°58.452'E , elevation 312m , Malaise trap 23–30.i.2007 , Sailom Tongboonchai leg., ( BIIC ) T1525 ; 1♀ (H19861) THAILAND Chiang Mai , Doi Chiangdao NP, Headquarter , 19°24.278'N , 8°55.311'E , elevation 491m , Malaise trap 18–25.ix.2007 , S. Jugsu & A. Watwanich leg., ( QSBG ) T5696 ; 1♀ (H19887) same data as previous, except Mae Fang Hotspring , 19°57.961'N , 99°9.355'E , elevation 569m , Malaise trap 7–14.ix.2007 , P.Wongchai leg., ( BIIC ) T6167 ; 1♂ (H19990) same locality as previous, 21–28.ix.2007 , P.Wongchai leg., ( BIIC ) T6169 ; 1♀ (H19921) THAILAND Nan , Doi Phu Kha NP, Office 4, 19°12.562'N , 101°4.93'E , elevation 1374m , Malaise trap 8–15.ix.2007 , Charoen & Nikom leg., ( QSBG ) T3212 ; 1♀ (H19899) same data as previous, except Office 5, 19°12.418'N , 101°4.809'E , elevation 1326m , 22–29.ix.2007 , Charoen & Nikom leg., ( BIIC ) T3218 ; 2♀ (H19739, H19900) same data as previous ( BIIC , RMNH ) ; 1♀ (H19912) same data as previous, except Office 10, 19°12.557'N , 101°5.041'E , elevation 1380m , 1–8.xi.2007 , Charoen & Nikom leg., ( QSBG ) T3252 ; 1♀ (H19911) same data as previous, except 22–29.xi.2007 , Charoen & Nikom leg., ( BIIC ) T3255 ; 1♀ (H19894) same data as previous, except Office 8, 19°12.439'N , 101°4.825'E , elevation 1358m , 1– 8.x.2007 , Charoen & Nikom leg., ( BIIC ) T3235 ; 1♀ (H19785) THAILAND Nakhon Nayok , Khao Yai NP, Nature trail in secondary moist evergreen forest, 14°24.515'N , 101°22.432'E , elevation 750m , Malaise trap 5.vii–12.viii.2006 , Pong Sandao leg., ( QSBG ) T400 ; 1♀ (H19680) same data as previous, except Nature trail in moist evergreen forest, 14°24.482'N , 101°22.388'E , elevation 755m , Malaise trap 26.viii–2.ix.2006 , Pong Sandao leg., ( BIIC ) T410 ; 1♀ (H20027) THAILAND Surat Thani , Khao Sok NP, Headquarter , 8°54.896'N , 98°31.81'E , elevation 155m , Malaise trap 9– , Pongphan leg., ( BIIC ) T4926 ; 1♀ (H20051) same data as previous, except Klong Morg Unit , 8°53.725'N , 98°39.025'E , elevation 87m , Malaise trap 9–16.xii.2008 , Pongphan leg., ( QSBG ) T3896 ; 1♂ (H19726) THAILAND Mae Hong Son , Namtok Mae Surin NP, Nature trail, 19°20.616'N , 97°59.3'E , elevation 334m , Malaise trap 16–23.xii.2007 , Areerat Kamkhun leg., ( BIIC ) T5969 ; 1♀ (H19710) THAILAND Ubon Ratchathani , Pha Taem NP, Pah mhon, 15°24.304'N , 105°31.258'E , elevation 230m , Malaise trap 12–18.viii.2006 , Bunlu Subsiri leg.,( QSBG ) T464 ; 1♀ (H19753) same data as previous, except Don Rong pond, 15°24.582'N , 105°30.935'E , elevation 250m , Pan trap 9–10.viii.2006 , Bunlu Subsiri leg., ( BIIC ) T458 ; 1♀ (H20038) same data as previous, 10–11.viii.2006 , leg., ( BIIC ) T459 ; 1♀ (H20078) THAILAND Nan , Doi Phu Kha NP, Office 12, 19°12.138'N , 101°4.711'E , elevation 1331m , Malaise trap 15–22.xi.2007 , Charoen & Nikom leg.,( QSBG ) T3262 ; 1♀ (H19745) THAILAND Chaiyaphum , Tat Tone NP , Entrance to Pa Eang waterfall, 15°57.52'N , 101°54.442'E , elevation 297m , Malaise trap 5–12.x.2006 , Tawit Jaruphan leg., ( RMNH ) T678 ; 1♀ (H19835) THAILAND Phitsanulok , Thung Salaeng Luang NP , Mixed deciduous 1/ Gang Sopan waterfall, 16°52.64'N , 100°49.44'E , elevation 481m , Malaise trap 7–15.v.2007 , Pongpitak leg., ( BIIC ) T5195 ; 1♀ (H20086) THAILAND Sakon Nakhon , Phu Phan NP, Dry evergreen near house no.1567, 16°48.627'N , 103°53.511'E , elevation 512m , Malaise trap 16– , Winlon Kongnara leg., ( QSBG ) T2498 ; 1♀ (H20156) THAILAND Loei , Phu Kradueng NP , Mixed deciduous/N Na Noy office, 16°48.17'N , 101°47.67'E , elevation 276m , Malaise trap 21–28.v.2008 , Thonghuay Phatai leg., ( BIIC ) T5009 ; 1♀ (H19794) THAILAND Kamphaeng Phet , Mae Wong NP Chong Yen , 16°5.212'N 99°6.576'E , elevation 1306 m , Malaise trap 5–12.xi.2007 , Piluek C. & Inpuang A. leg. ( BIIC ) T3628 ; 1♀ (H19797) THAILAND Kamphaeng Phet , Mae Wong NP Chong Yen , 16°5.212'N 99°6.576'E , elevation 1306 m , Malaise trap 12–19.xi.2007 , Piluek C. & Inpuang A. leg. ( BIIC ) T3630 . Variation. Body length: 2.0– 3.4 mm , length of fore wing 2.5–3.4 mm , width of head 2.1–2.7 × its lateral length; antennomeres of 33–37; apical antennomeres 5–10 to 15–19 pale yellow; frons smooth, with a round pit or with a upside down V-shaped sculpture and deep around antenna sockets; scutellar sulcus with one strong mediolongitudinal carinae and two weak carinae laterally or with one carina (H20038); vein 3-CU1: vein CU1b=1:3–3:2; vein 1-M 0.8–1.1 × longer than vein M+CU; vein m-cu interstitial or slightly postfurcal; male similar to female, one specimen (H19990) with propodeum strongly sculptured apically; dark yellow to dark brown and partly dark yellow. Distribution. Thailand . Host . Unknown. Etymology . The name refers to pale mark on the antenna; “signum” is Latin for mark.