Notes on the Neurigona Rondani (Diptera: Dolichopodidae) from Chinese Mainland Author Wang, Mengqing Author Yang, Ding Author Grootaert, Patrick text Zootaxa 2007 1388 25 43 journal article 10.5281/zenodo.175176 729ac0e2-bb8c-41bd-9747-a9b45da21a63 1175­5326 175176 Key to species (males) of Neurigona from Chinese mainland 1. Abdominal segment 5 with ventral projection............................................................................................. 2 ­ Abdominal segment 5 without ventral projection ..................................................................................... 13 2. Abdomen metallic green except basal part yellow ...................................................................................... 3 ­ Abdomen mainly yellow with black spot .................................................................................................... 4 3. Abdomen metallic green, tergum 1 with yellow basal margin; all legs yellow ...... Neurigona grisea Parent ­ Abdominal segments 1–3 yellow; legs chiefly yellow with coxa II brownish, from femurIII to tarsus III from brown to black .................................................................... Neurigona xui Zhang, Yang and Grootaert 4. Mesonotum entirely yellow ......................................................................................................................... 5 ­ Mesonotum with large or small mid­posterior area brown or black.......................................................... 12 5. Tarsomere I4 with basal half swollen ........................................................................................................... 6 ­ Tarsomere I4 not swollen.............................................................................................................................. 7 6. Arista dorsal; 5 dc bristles, acr bristles 11–12 paired; dorsal lobe of surstylus with apical incision ............ ......................................................................................................................... Neurigona xiangshana Yang ­ Arista apical; 8 dc bristles, acr bristles 17–18 paired; dorsal lobe of surstylus without apical incision ....... ................................................................................................................... Neurigona guizhouensis sp. nov. 7. Tarsomere I1 shorter than or as long as tibia I.............................................................................................. 8 ­ Tarsomere I1 distinctly longer than tibia I.................................................................................................. 11 8. Scutellum with small brownish basal spot; tarsomere I1 as long as tibia I .................................................... ............................................................................................................ Neurigona basalis Yang and Saigusa ­ Scutellum without brownish basal spot; tarsomere I1 shorter than tibia I ................................................... 9 9. Coxa I with 6–7 anterior black apical bristles; dorsal lobe of surstylus with short and obtuse process at dorsal corner .............................................................................. Neurigona shaanxiensis Yang and Saigusa ­ Coxa I with 4–6 yellow apical bristles; surstylus not as above ................................................................. 10 10. Coxa II with black pubescence and bristles; dorsal lobe of surstylus with long and thin process at dorsal corner .................................................................................................................. Neurigona henana sp. nov. ­ Coxa II with yellow pubescence and bristles; dorsal lobe of surstylus without process at dorsal corner ..... .................................................................................................................................. Neurigona wui sp. nov. 11. Six dc bristles, 18–19 paired acr bristles; dorsal lobe of surstylus short and wide ....................................... ......................................................................................................................... Neurigona xizangensis Yang ­ Three dc bristles, acr bristles absent; dorsal lobe of surstylus with wide base and long obtuse apex........... .................................................................................................................... Neurigona jiangsuensis sp. nov. 12. Mesonotum with narrow mid­posterior brown spot; both tibia II and tarsus II with row of short erect pale av bristles; cercus with long apical process .................................................. Neurigona zhejiangensis Yang ­ Mesonotum with wide mid­posterior black area; tibia II or tarsus II without row of av bristle; cercus with­ out long apical process ................................................................................... Neurigona guangxiensis Yang 13. Coxa I with black apical bristles................................................................................................................ 14 ­ Coxa II with yellow apical bristles ............................................................................................................ 17 14. Tarsomere I1 shorter than tibia I; 4 or 17–18 paired acr bristles................................................................ 15 ­ Tarsomere I1 longer than tibia I; 11–12 paired acr bristles ........................................................................ 16 15. Seventeen to eighteen paired acr bristles ..................................................... Neurigona concaviuscula Yang ­ Four paired acr bristles ..................................................................................... Neurigona yunnana sp. nov. 16. Femur I without rowed of av bristles; tibiae II­III wholly yellow; epandrium with 2 long and wide lateral processes; ventral lobe of surstylus straight and broad, apically with 4 strong hairs.................................... ............................................................................................................. Neurigona guangdongensis sp. nov. ­ Femur I with row of short av bristles; tibiae II–III each with black apex; epandrium with 2 slender lateral processes; ventral lobe of surstylus curved and slender, apically with 1 thick hair ...................................... ...................................................................................................... Neurigona bimaculata Yang and Saigusa 17. Femur I with row of yellow av bristles ....................................................... Neurigona shennongjiana Yang ­ Femur I without row of yellow av bristles................................................................................................. 18 18. Mesonotum with a black mid­posterior spot ............................................................................................. 19 ­ Mesonotum entirely yellow ....................................................................................................................... 20 19. Tarsomere I5 slightly thickened, with long and strong v bristles, one claw distinctly elongated and spinelike; dorsal lobe of surstylus long and broad ............................................. Neurigona micropyga Negrobov ­ Tarsomere I5 not thickened, without long and strong bristles, claws not elongated; dorsal lobe of surstylus rather short ........................................................................................ Neurigona centralis Yang and Saigusa 20. Tarsomere I1 as long as tibia I, tarsomere II1 longer than tibia II ............. Neurigona qingchengshana Yang ­ Tarsomere I1 shorter than tibia I, tarsomere II1 shorter than tibia II .......................................................... 21 21. Tibia I with 1 ad bristle and 1 pd bristle; tarsomere III1 with about 15 dense short erect spine­like black v bristles at base; wing with anterior apical corner darker; dorsal lobe of surstylus with apical incision ....... ............................................................................................................... Neurigona xiaolongmensis sp. nov. ­ Tibia I without ad or pd bristle; tarsomere III1 without black v bristle at base; wing wholly hyaline; dorsal lobe of surstylus without apical incision .......................................... Neurigona ventralis Yang and Saigusa