The genus Stilbocoris in the Malagasy area (Hemiptera: Heteroptera: Rhyparochromidae) Author Kondorosy, Előd 0000-0001-7162-0862 Department of Conservation Biology, Hungarian University of Agriculture and Life Sciences, Georgikon Campus, str. Deák F. 16, Keszthely, H- 8360 Hungary. kondorosy. ee @ gmail. com; https: // orcid. org / 0000 - 0001 - 7162 - 0862 Author Zámbó, András 0000-0002-6979-1125 Festetics Doctoral School, Hungarian University of Agriculture and Life Sciences, Georgikon Campus, str. Deák F. 16, Keszthely, H- 8360 Hungary. zamboandras 88 @ gmail. com; https: // orcid. org / 0000 - 0002 - 6979 - 1125 text Zootaxa 2021 2021-10-01 5047 4 416 430 journal article 10.11646/zootaxa.5047.4.2 1175-5326 5543013 5B8B0754-0C8E-4977-A841-081F2B6D60A9 Stilbocoris slateri Kondorosy & Zámbó , sp. nov. B579CFD3-000F-4446-BE2C-013B7346AA62 ( Figs 4–6 ) Type locality. Central Madagascar , Ranomafana National Park , S 21°15′22.6″ E 47°25′17.8″ . Type material. HOLOTYPE : Madagascar-CE 2011/ Ranomafana N. P. ; 17.-21. xi./ S21°15′22.6″ E47°25′17.8″ / 958m ; at light; M. Trýzna lgt. ( 1 ♂ , CEHI in TLMF ). PARATYPES : MDA/ Jan. 2015 /02 N Madagascar / Montagne de Ambre ~ 940m /circuit “ Ampijoroana ”; sifting litter/Winkler app. extraction; 7. 1. 2015 / P. Banar & E. M. Rabotoson lgt. ( 3 ♀♀ , MMBC ); MDA/ Jan. 2015 /07 N Madagascar /Montagne de Ambre 1169m circuit/“ SommetS12°31′52″ E49°10′17″ /sifting litter, Winkler app. extr./ 1. 8. 2015 , P. Banar & E. M. Rabotoson lgt. ( 2 ♀♀ , MMBC ); I. S. Madagascar /Joffreville [hw]/15-12- 47 P. C. [hw]/ Gonatas [hw]/sp. not in B. M. [hw]/probably new. [hw]/det. R. J. Izzard ( 1 ♀ , MNHN ); Madagas- car 2011/Ambohitantely Spec. Res./ S18°11′51″ E47°17′03″ / 1530m ; at light, 24.-29. xi./ M. Trýzna lgt. ( 1 ♂ , 1 ♀ , CEHI in TLMF ); CE Madagascar 2014/ Toamasina pr.: Andasibe-Mantadia N. P. 961m /Analamazaotra forest/ 18°56.324′ S 48°25.396′ E/ 961m ; 9.-12. ii., M. Trýzna lgt. ( 1 ♂ , MMBC ); ASB/light Madagascar /Andasibe N. P.; 12. iv. 2011 / 943m ; forest edge, at light/ S18°56′09.5″ E48°25′08.2″ / P. Baňař +local collectors lgt. ( 1 ♂ , MMBC ); Madagascar , 2007/Andasibe-Mantadia N. P./Analamazaotra forest/ M. Trýzna leg., 2-14. ii. ( 1 ♀ , CEHI in TLMF ); Perinet//Institut/Scientifique/ Madagascar [blue label] ( 1 ♀ , MNHN ); Madagascar-CE 2011/border of Andasibe N. P.; 961m /“Parc d’ Orchidées”; 3.-6. xi./ S18°55′59.9″ E048°24′46.5″ / M. Trýzna & loc. coll. lgt. ( 1 ♀ , CEHI in TLMF ); Madagascar , 2007/ Ranomafana Nat. Park /near Ranomafana vill./ M. Trýzna leg., 26-31. i. ( 1 ♂ , CEHI in TLMF ); Madagascar-CE 2010/Ranomafana N. P.; 11.-18. xi./ S21°15′22.6″ E47°25′17.8″ / 958m ; at light; P. Baňař lgt. ( 3 ♂♂ , MMBC , 1 ♂ , EKCH ); Madagascar-CE 2010/Ranomafana N. P.; 11.-18. xi./ S21°15′22.6″ E47°25′17.8″ / 958m ; M. Trýzna lgt. ( 1 ♂ , CEHI in TLMF ); Madagascar-CE 2011/Ranomafana N. P.; 17.-21. xi./ S21°15′22.6″ E47°25′17.8″ / 958m ; at light; M. Trýzna lgt. ( 1 ♂ , HNHM ); Madagascar Est/Ambatombe pr./Andilamena, 17. 1. 1995 / G. Dunay + J. Janák lgt./ 900m /forêt dégradée/prairie second, lux ( 1 ♀ , NHMW ); E Madagascar 1995/Am- batombe pr./Andilamena 17. i./ G. Dunay & J. Janák lgt. ( 1 ♀ , MMBC ) . Description. Colour. Body fuscous ( Fig. 4 ) (sometimes pedicel paler brown and only apex fuscous); hemelytra except punctures and very narrow fuscous apical and lateral margin of corium pale yellow (sometimes almost dirty white or ochraceous yellow); labium (except fuscous labiomere IV) and legs vivid yellow; humeral angles of pronotum, a single spot on middle of sternite III and two submedian spots on sternite IV pale brown; scape yellowish-brown (sometimes rather pale yellow); at least distal half (distal half to three quarters) of distiflagellum dirty cream coloured; membrane translucent. Integument. Head densely punctate with small punctures dorsally in middle area and very finely punctate with hardly visible tiny punctures ventrally; punctation of ventral part of head close to eyes appearing to be almost coriaceous. Pronotum except callar elevation clearly punctate with well separated punctures, anterior lobe very densely punctate anteriad and laterad of callar elevation (with some punctures also between them), posterior lobe less densely punctate with larger punctures (except near posterior margin with punctures sparser and finer); callar area almost impunctate, with some extremely fine tiny punctures. Scutellum densely punctate except of Y-shaped keel (only with scattered punctures), punctures sparser in central part as well, punctures of area laterad of carina extremely coarse and dense. Hemelytra punctate (with punctures similar to these of pronotum) except large nearly triangular impunctate area between vein R+M and outer row of punctures parallel to vein Cu. Thoracal sternum densely punctate with coarse punctures, punctures well separated from each other, metepimeroid also punctate with tiny punctures. Abdominal venter densely punctate with hardly visible micropunctures. Vestiture. Head with a few elongate erect setae mostly around eyes, with short semierect setae on clypeus dorsally and with rather dense fine decumbent pubescence ventrally. Scape bearing 3–5 stiff erect setae thicker than other setae of further antennomeres (much finer than stiff setae of tibiae), all antennomeres sparsely covered with long stiff erect setae (longer than diameter of antennomeres) and densely covered with shorter semierect setae (length about half of long stiff erect setae of antennae). Labium bearing some short semierect setae. Pronotum with sparse erect fine setae at least as long as diameter of pedicel. Scutellum, hemelytra and sternum glabrous except anterior part of prosternum. Abdominal venter and legs densely covered with fine, decumbent pubescence. Profemora each armed with 2 stiff erect setae (longer than basal diameter of protibia) on apical one-fourth anteroventrally, basally of them with a row of 4–5 finer erect setae of similar length; posteroventrally with a row of very thin erect setae of variable length. Meso- and metafemora each armed with a single relatively long and slender, stiff, erect seta ventrally near apex. Tibiae armed with strong and long stiff erect setae: protibia with a ventral row slightly longer than diameter of protibia; meso- and metatibia with 4 rows of setae being about two times as long as diameter of tibiae. Structure. Labium mostly reaching mesocoxae, sometimes labium of males just attaining posterior end of mesosternum, labiomere I almost reaching base of head. Callar area of pronotum slightly emergent. Lateral margin of pronotum hardly laminate, widest part about half of diameter of base of pedicel and more or less straight except fine concavity at level of transverse impression, posterior margin slightly concave anteriad of scutellum. Transverse impression of pronotum rather weak, sometimes almost invisible. Scutellum with blunt Y-shaped elevation. Meta- femora about 1.25–1.30 times thicker than mesofemora. Male genitalia. Pygophore ( Fig. 5 ) subglobose, posterior aperture almost round (dorsal and ventral sinus of same width), situated fully on dorsal side, sinuses separated with an extremely long narrow projection orientated slightly caudad and reaching about 1/3 of width. Caudal wall flat, medially impressed, separated from dorsal side with a rather high keel. Cup-like sclerite wide triangular, on caudal surface with medial keel, ending dorsally in small hump, reaching dorsal surface of pygophore between lateral projections. Entire surface of pygophore densely covered with moderately elongate semidecumbent and slightly longer semierect setae. Paramere ( Fig. 6 ) almost flat, elongate, much longer than broad at projections. Blade elongate, basal half triangular, apical half slowly narrowing and slightly curved, both projections well rounded and simple (outer one larger); shank relatively short (total length of shank ¼ part of length of paramere) and narrow (maximum width of shank 1/3 part of maximum width of paramere) and with a minute, slightly curved thorn on outer side. Measurements (in mm, 12 males , 7 females , holotype in parentheses): Total body length: 3.68–4.92 (4.00); head: length 0.48–0.56 (0.50), width 0.72–0.84 (0.74), interocular space 0.38–0.48 (0.40); length of antennomeres: I 0.40–0.48 (0.44), II 0.80–0.92 (0.80), III 0.68–0.84 (0.72), IV 0.68–0.76 (0.68); length of labiomeres: I 0.41–0.48 (0.42), II 0.48–0.60 (0.54), III 0.42–0.51 (0.45), IV 0.19–0.23 (0.19); pronotum: length 0.80–1.00 (0.88), width 1.32–1.68 (1.44); scutellum: length 0.96–1.36 (1.12), width 0.72–1.08 (0.84). Differential diagnosis. Stilbocoris slateri sp. nov. differs from most of the described species of the genus in having an almost unicolorous pronotum except the pale humeral angles; other species of Stilbocoris usually have a pale brown posterior lobe and a dark brown anterior lobe. S. galla and S. pasiphae Linnavuori, 1978 have an unicolorous but reddish brown pronotum that is much paler than the scutellum. Some individuals of S. pasiphae have relatively dark pronotum, but they can easily be separated from S. slateri sp. nov. by their larger size (body length 4.35–5.49 mm ) and more elongate pronotum (1.46–1.64 times wider than long at midline, entire length even longer because of the concave anterior and posterior margins; width: full length = 1.30–1.43); in S. slateri sp. nov. the pronotum is 1.68–1.84 times wider than long at midline). Individuals of S. solivagus might occasionally have a relatively dark posterior lobe too, but this species is smaller (body length 3.15–3.42 mm ), and has a rather concave lateral margin of pronotum and subglobose anterior lobe. The vast majority of the described Stilbocoris species lack any erect pubescence on the pronotum, except for S. distinctus and S. laevicollis Linnavuori, 1978 , both of which have a laterally deeply concave pronotum with subglobose anterior lobe and the apical margin of the corium broadly suffused with black. Stilbocoris montanus Scudder, 1962 , S. galla and S. pasiphae also have a few fine, hardly visible setae on the pronotum. Stilbocoris slateri sp. nov. , S. solivagus and S. triangularis are also similar in having stiff, erect setae on the apical one-fourth of profemora ventrally. Based on the structure of the male genitalia the phylogenetically closest relatives of S. slateri sp. nov. are most probably S. distinctus , S. laevicollis and S. solivagus . Differences between S. slateri sp. nov. and S. solivagus are the following: 1) pronotum of S. slateri sp. nov. entirely dark, whilst the posterior lobe is at least slightly paler than the anterior lobe in S. solivagus ; 2) the curved apex of the blade of the paramere ( Fig. 6 ) is rather narrow and very long in S. slateri sp. nov. , while wide and rather short in S. solivagus . Etymology. We dedicate the new species to the late James A. Slater (1920—2008), the most prolific author on Lygaeoidea who revised several families and genera of the superfamily (obituary see Schuh 2009 ). Distribution. Endemic to Madagascar ( Fig. 10 ).