Taxonomy of the genus Autosticha Meyrick (Lepidoptera: Autostichidae) in China Descriptions of fifteen new species Author Tao, Zhulin 0000-0001-8519-6521 College of Life Sciences, Nankai University, Tianjin 300071, China & tzl 2550993788 @ 163. com; https: // orcid. org / 0000 - 0001 - 8519 - 6521 Author Wang, Yuqi College of Life Sciences, Nankai University, Tianjin 300071, China & wangyuqi 2012 nankai @ 126. com; Author Wang, Shuxia College of Life Sciences, Nankai University, Tianjin 300071, China text Zootaxa 2021 2021-10-07 5048 3 347 370 journal article 4056 10.11646/zootaxa.5048.3.3 46a4213a-dc51-40d0-95a3-b816c3e9fe51 1175-5326 5556409 A9DC7F8C-474C-4C30-9CB6-10AB3836715D Autosticha longispina S. Wang , sp. nov. ( Figs 8 , 22 , 33 ) A7033B32-877F-4506-BEDD-821CFCE5F114 Type material. CHINA , Zhejiang : Holotype , Zhongbeikeng ( 30.38ºN , 119.44ºE ), Mt. Tianmu , 566 m , 11.VII.2014 , leg. AH Yin et al., slide No. WYQ15035 . Paratypes : 1♀ , same data as holotype, slide No. WYQ15036 ; 1♀ , Huangtanyu , Mt. Jiulong , 467 m 3.VII.2013 , leg. AH Yin & XC Wang ; 1♀ , Neijiujian , Mt. Jiulong , 430 m , 7.VII.2013 , leg. AH Yin & XC Wang ; 1♂ , Tianmu Village , Mt. Tainmu , 335 m , 2.VII.2014 , leg. AH Yin et al .; 3♂ 2♀ , Laoan , Mt. Tianmu , 555 m , 3.VII.2014 , leg. AH Yin et al., slide Nos. WYQ15043 , WYQ15042 ; 6♂ 3♀ , Qianjiangyuan , Mt. Tianmu , 866 m , 8‒10.VII.2014 , leg. AH Yin et al., slide Nos. WYQ14102 , WYQ14103 ; 2♂ , Xiguan , Mt. Tianmu , 566 m , 18.VII.2014 , leg. AH Yin et al., slide No. WYQ15044 ; 9♂ 3♀ , Pinggang , Mt. Longxu , 754 m , 20‒22.VII.2014 , leg. AH Yin et al., slide Nos. WYQ15040 , WYQ15041 ; 1♀ , Yulingguan , Qingliangfeng, 220 m , 23.VII.2014 , leg. AH Yin et al .; 1♂ , Jingning County , 188 m , 10.VIII.2016 , leg. QY Wang et al., slide No. WYQ16519 ; Fujian : 2♂ 2♀ , Guadun , Mt. Wuyi , 1100 m , 29‒31.VII.2008 , leg. WC Li et al., slide Nos. WYQ16426 , JYY17055 , TZL20746 . Diagnosis . The new species is similar to A . pachysticta ( Meyrick, 1936 ) . It differs from the latter in the sacculus having a rectangular process that bears a long spine directed ventrad, and the saccus elliptically dilated in distal half in the male genitalia; and the signum bearing two stout spines in the female genitalia. In A . pachysticta , the sacculus has a stout process that does not bear a long spine, and the saccus is widened gradually to rounded apex; and the signum has two knife-shaped processes. Description. Adult ( Fig. 8 ). Forewing length 7.5–8.1 mm . Head creamy white, mixed with black scales. Antenna: scape yellowish white, mixed with brown scales on dorsal surface; flagellum brown and yellow alternately. Labial palpus: second palpomere white on inner surface except dark brown at base, dark brown on outer surface; third palpomere white, dark brown at base and near apex. Thorax dark brown; tegula white, mixed with dark brown scale. Forewing with costal margin slightly arched, apex obtuse, termen oblique; ground color white, with dense dark brown scales, forming an ill-defined dark brown patch beyond outer margin of cell; smaller black spot at base of costal margin as well as at base of fold and dorsum respectively, larger black spot near base of subcostal vein; costal margin dark brown along basal 1/3; discal, discocellular, plical and tornal spots dark brown, tornal spot largest, nearly square; terminal dots dark brown, ranging from distal middle of costal margin along termen to tornus; fringe white, tinged with brown. Hindwing brown; fringe greyish brown. Fore- and midlegs greyish white on ventral surface, dark brown on dorsal surface; hindleg greyish white, tibia with brown scales on outer surface. Male genitalia ( Fig. 22 ). Uncus wide at base, narrowed to basal 1/5, unifromly wide to before narrowly rounded apex. Gnathos with mesial plate small, hooked backward; basal arms slender, about six times length of mesial plate. Tegumen narrowed medially, broadly concave on anterior margin; lateral arm narrowed to apex. Valva slightly narrow in basal 1/3, broadened rectangularly in distal 2/3, broadly obtuse at apex; costal margin slightly concave medially, ventral margin slightly arched. Sacculus triangular, widened from base to basal 1/4 of valva; saccular process about 1/3 length of valva, heavily sclerotized, rectangular, with a long spine-shaped process extending dorsad and crossing with each other before pointed apex. Saccus more than 1/3 length of uncus, narrowed basally, elliptically dilated distally. Juxta weekly sclerotized, trapezoidal. Aedeagus about 1/2 length of valva, tapered to pointed apex; cornutus absent. Female genitalia ( Fig. 33 ). Apophyses posteriores about 1.5 times length of anteriores apophyses. Eighth segment with posterior margin straight on tergum, rounded on sternum. Lamella antevaginalis large, semicircular. Antrum inverted trapezoidal. Ductus bursae membranous, evenly thick. Corpus bursae ovoid, slightly shorter than ductus bursae; signum an elongate rectancular band along posterior 2/3 of left margin, bearing two stout spines near its posterior margin ( Fig. 33a ). Distribution. China ( Fujian , Zhejiang ). Etymology. The specific epithet of the new species is derived from the Latin longus- and spinus , referring to the spine of the saccular process.