A review of Antillocladius Saether, 1981; Compterosmittia Saether, 1981 and Litocladius new genus (Chironomidae, Orthocladiinae) Author Humberto F. Mendes Author Trond Andersen Author Ole A. Saether text Zootaxa 2004 594 1 82 journal article 38786 10.5281/zenodo.158827 811e894b-7f30-43b6-ae1b-8ccfb1aa19a7 1-877354-49-X 158827 F9E7D599-8EFC-48DD-BE9D-DFCD7A25B944 Compterosmittia croizati new species ( Fig. 19 A–E) Type material: Holotype male, VENEZUELA : Aragua, Parque Nacional Henri Pittier, Rancho Grande, 10°21.047'N , 67°41.198'W , 16–18.ix. l1999, about 1000 m a.s.l., sweep net & light trap, T. Andersen ( MIZA , slide mounted in Canada balsam). Paratypes : Brazil : Santa Catarina State, São Bento do Sul, 26°19'25.6''S , 48°18'26.5''W , 2 males , 13–16.x. 2001 , 660 m a.s.l., Malaise trap, M.V. Yamada (1 MZUSP and 1 ZMBN ). Diagnostic characters: The male imago differs from C. nerius only in having megaseta not dentate. Etymology: Named in honour of the Venezuelan biogeographer L. Croizat. Male (n = 1–3). Total length 1.68–1.85 mm . Wing length 1.05–1.14 mm . Total length / wing length 1.57–1.66. Wing length / length of profemur 2.46–2.62. Coloration brown, thorax dark brown, tarsi of all legs light brown. Head. AR 0.66–0.73, ultimate flagellomere 224– 280 m . Temporal setae 5–9, including 1–2 inner verticals, 1–2 outer verticals and 2–4 postorbitals. Clypeus with 12 setae . Tentorium, stipes and cibarial pump as in Fig. 19 A; tentorium 110–112 m long, 7–8 m wide at sieve pore; stipes 97–98 m long, 18 m wide. Palpomere lengths in m: 15–22, 26–32, 55–62, 48–55, 69. Third palpomere with 2–3 sensilla clavata subapically, 14–17 m long. Thorax ( Fig. 19 B). Antepronotum 0–1 seta. Dorsocentrals 7–8; acrostichals 9–11, all scalpellate, starting at one third from antepronotum; prealars 3–4. Scutellum with 4 setae . Wing ( Fig. 19 C). VR 1.43–1.53. Costal extension 148–168 m long. Brachiolum with 1 seta, R with 3 setae , R4+5 with 0–4 setae , other veins bare, wing membrane bare. Cu slightly sinuous. Squama bare. Legs. Spur of front tibia 32–36 m long, spurs of middle tibia 25 m and 17–21 m long, spurs of hind tibia 39–41 m and 18–19 m long. Width at apex of front tibia 25–32 m , of middle tibia 21–29 m , of hind tibia 30– 36 m . Hind tibial comb with 10–12 setae , shortest seta 18–21 m long, longest seta 36–39 m long. Lengths (in m) and proportions of legs as in Table 15 . TABLE 15 . Lengths (in m) and proportions of legs of Compterosmittia croizati new species .
fe ti ta1 ta2 ta3 ta4 ta5 LR BV SV BR
p1 428–436 496–492 396 176 112 56 40 0.80 3.44 2.34 2.8
p2 444–464 448–436 280–324 84–88 60–72 32–40 28–32 0.64–0.72 5.09–5.94 2.81–3.14 3.6
p3 440–480 520–528 288–340 123–136 112–116 52–56 40–43 0.59–0.63 3.53–3.96 2.96–3.22 3.6
FIGURE 19. Compterosmittia croizati new species , male imago. A–cibarial pump, tentorium and stipes; B–thorax; C–wing; D–anal point and tergite IX and dorsal aspect of left gonocoxite and gonostylus; E–hypopygium with anal point and tergite IX removed, left dorsal aspect, right ventral aspect. Hypopygium ( Fig. 19 D–E). Anal point 29–34 m long, 25–27 m wide at base, with 9–16 strong lateral setae , void of microtrichia except at base. Laterosternite IX with 3–4 setae . Phallapodeme 59–62 m long. Transverse sternapodeme nearly straight, with rounded oral projections, 55–62 m long. Virga absent. Gonocoxite 135–139 m long, with long, low inferior volsella. Gonostylus 62–65 m long, megaseta 14–16 m long. HR 2.13–2.24, HV 2.71–2.98.
Remarks : The only significant difference between C. croizati and C. nerius consists in the non­dentate megaseta. This could perhaps be intraspecific variation and C. croizati thus a synonym of the apparently widespread C. nerius .