To the knowledge of pygmy grasshoppers (Orthoptera: Tetrigidae) from Cambodia Author Storozhenko, S. Yu. text Far Eastern Entomologist 2018 2018-07-18 362 17 20 journal article 10.25221/fee.362.3 2713-2196 7475663 C6792173-BBE3-4065-AE4C-41AEDC91AF2B Paratettix variabilis (Bolívar, 1887) Paratettix variabilis Bolívar, 1887: 276 ( lectotype – female, Philippines ; in Entomological Collections, Swedish Museum of Natural History, Stockholm). MATERIAL. Cambodia : central part of Elephant Mountains , 100 km NE of Sihanoukville , vill. Styeng-Chkhral , 300–500 m , 27.VIII–6.IX 2003 , 1♂ , 3♀ , leg. A. Gorochov and L . Anisyutkin. DISTRIBUTION. Sri Lanka , India , China , Myanmar , Thailand , Malaysia ( Malacca Penin- sula, Borneo), Indonesia , Philippines , Papua-New Guinea . This widely distributed species is recorded from Cambodia for the first time.