A new Attagenus LATREILLE, 1802 species from Morocco with reinstatement of the subgenus Telopes REDTENBACHER in RUSSEGGER, 1843 (Coleoptera, Dermestidae, Attageninae) Author Háva, Jiří text Linzer biologische Beiträge 2021 52 2 987 992 journal article 10.5281/zenodo.5039164 0253-116X 5039164 Attagenus ( Telopes ) ifranensis nov.sp. ( Figs. 1-5 ) T y p e m a t e r i a l: Holotype ( ): "Maroko, Ifrane, 2.v.1993 , K. Orszulik lgt.", (JHAC). Paratype : ( 1 ♂ ): " Maroc central, Moyen Atlas, Ifrane env., 1900 m , 12.v.2000 , T. Lackner lgt.", (JHAC). D e s c r i p t i o n: Male. Body measurements (in mm): TL 3.1-3.2 mm , EW 1.8-1.9 mm ; oblong-oval ( Fig. 1-2 ), convex; dorsally black and brown, ventrally unicolorously black, matt; dorsum covered with long and recumbent, brown and yellow setation; thoracic underside with comparatively long and recumbent, yellow setation; visible abdominal ventrites with recumbent, yellow setation, sparser than that on thoracic surface. Head coarsely punctured with long brown setation. Paplomeres narrow and long, dark brown. Frontal median ocellus present. Antennae black with dark brown setation, composed with 11 antennomeres, antennal club compact with 3 antennomeres ( Fig. 4 ). Pronotum black ( Fig. 3 ) coarsely punctate on the disc and on lateral margins, covered by yellow and brown setation; yellow setation discally forming two spots and along lateral parts narrow fasciae. Hypomeron matt with small punctures. Scutellum black, small and triangular, matt, with rounded apex, without setation. Elytra black in anterior 1/3 other parts brown, coarsely punctate on humeri and with one small humeral bump, other parts finely punctate, covered by brown and yellow setation; yellow setation forming on each elytron one transverse, narrow fasciae in anterior half and apical spot and three discal, very narrow, longitudinal fasciae and one longitudinal fascia on lateral part. Epipleuron black, coarsely punctured, very short, with short yellow setae. Prosternum without "collar", mouthparts free. Figs. 1-5. Attagenus ( Telopes ) ifranensis nov.sp. : ( 1 ) habitus, dorsal aspect; ( 2 ) habitus, lateral aspect; ( 3 ) pronotum; ( 4 ) antenna of male; ( 5 ) male genitalia. Figs. 6-8. Attagenus ( Telopes ) undatus (FABRICIUS, 1787): ( 6 ) habitus, dorsal aspect; ( 7 ) male genitalia; ( 8 ) antenna of male (photos by A. Herrmann). Figs. 9-11. Attagenus ( Telopes ) lineatus (PIC, 1894): ( 9 ) habitus, dorsal aspect; ( 10 ) male genitalia; ( 11 ) antenna of male (photos by A. Herrmann). Prosternal process black, short, broad with yellow setation. Meta- and mesosternum black, finely punctate discally, laterally coarsely punctate, with yellow, recumbent setation. Abdomen black, with five visible abdominal ventrites, each ventrite laterally with small depressions, covered by recumbent, yellow setation. Legs dark brown, covered with comparatively short and thick, yellow setation and with short, brown spines. Tarsi brown, moderately long. Male genitalia as in ( Fig. 5 ). Female. Unknown. D i f f e r e n t i a l d i a g n o s i s: The new species is externally very similar to Attagenus ( Telopes ) undatus (FABRICIUS, 1787) (= hirtulus ROSENHAUER, 1856) but differs from it by the structure of antennae, structure of male genitalia, colour of pronotal and elytral patterns, from Attagenus ( Telopes ) lineatus (PIC, 1894) and Attagenus ( Telopes ) uniformis FAIRMAIRE, 1860 new species differs by the orange colour patterns on elytra, structure of antennae and male genitalia. Figs. 12-14. Attagenus ( Telopes ) uniformis FAIRMAIRE, 1860 : ( 12 ) habitus, dorsal aspect; ( 13 ) male genitalia; ( 14 ) antenna of male (photos by A. Herrmann). E t y m o l o g y: Topotypic, named after the type locality, Ifrane City.