NOVELTIES IN BRAZILIAN BEGONIACEAE VI: Taxonomic notes Author Kollmann, Ludovic Jean Charles text Phytotaxa 2023 2023-03-09 587 1 66 70 journal article 10.11646/phytotaxa.587.1.9 1179-3163 3. Begonia echinosepala Regel (1871: 91) Type :— BRAZIL : ex horto Bot. Petropolitano, Regel s.n. , 71/9 [cult.] ( lectotype , designated here LE ) . Notes:—In the LE herbarium (Komarov Botanical Institute) there are two sheets of Begonia echinosepala with differing annotations from E.A. von Regel: Ex horto Bot. Petropolitano 71/9 and Ex horto Bot. Petropolitano 74/7 . These annotations are the date of the collection usually used by Regel and correspond to September 1871 and July 1874 . The two specimens are further annotated by V.I. Dorofeyev from the Kamarov Botanical Institute with either syntype ( Ex horto Bot. Petropolitano 71/9) or lectotype (Ex horto Bot. Petropolitano 74/7). However as the protologue was published in 1871, the specimen collected in 1874 cannot be the lectotype . The former specimen collected in 1871 is designated as the lectotype here.