A revision of the genus Trisuloides Butler, 1881 with descriptions of three new species from China (Lepidoptera, Noctuidae). Revision of Pantheinae, contribution I Author Behounek, Gottfried Author Han, Hui-Lin Author Kononenko, Vladimir text Zootaxa 2011 3069 1 25 journal article 46102 10.5281/zenodo.278996 e57b727c-16bb-4f80-a4fa-166059e74638 1175-5326 278996 Trisuloides taiwana Sugi, 1976 ( Figs. 25, 26 , 53 , 62 ) Trisuloides taiwana Sugi, 1976 , Tinea , 10(5): 59, fig. 3, (TL.: Taiwan , Lantou [HT: coll. Sugi, NIAES, Tsukuba). Material examined. 2 males , Central Taiwan , near Puli, Nantou Co, Meifeng, ca 2200 m , N 24˚05ʹ11ʹ / 121˚10ʹ21ʹ E, LF, 20.ix.2004 , leg Mei Yu Chen. Genit. prep. N 4190 (coll. ZSM ); 2 male , Taiwan , Kaoshung, Shanping 640 m , 1–10.v.1988 . R. Davidson, C. Young, J Rawlins (Carnegie Museum, Pittsburgh, USA ); 1 male , Taiwan , Prov. Taipei, 10 km NE Pinglin, 550 m , 1.vi.1997 , leg. Gy M. Laszlo & G. Laszlo (coll. GR); 1 male , Taiwan , Prov. Taoyuan, Ming Chyr Forest recreations area, 1160 m , 8.v.1997 , leg. Gy M. Laszlo & G. Laszlo (coll. GR); Diagnosis. Adult ( Figs. 25, 26 ). Wingspan 50–52 mm . In the shape, color and pattern of forewing nearly similar to T. sericea ; differs from the latter by darker diffusion of the medial field, more intensive whitish area around reniform stigma, more contrasting white postmedial fascia and more intensive pale grey-whitish irroration in subterminal field; subtornal patch more prominent, white, defined interiorly and posteriorly with black; subterminal line more distinct than in T. sericea ; terminal field deep-brown with whitish tornal mark. Hindwing with inner yellow area more extensive baseward than in other species, leaving a diffuse discoidal point. In male genitalia ( Figs. 53 , 62 ) uncus, tegumen, vinculum and juxta similar to T. sericea ; valva shorter than in T. sericea and somewhat narrower than in T. rotundipennis ; harpe not digitate, reduced into quadrangular tooth-like process bearing spinules in dorsal edge; costal flap-like process (editum) developed but about half as wide as in T. sericea and T. rotundipennis . Aedeagus rather robust; a sclerotized band on carina at base of vesica well developed, curved off posteriorly, bearing several rows of minute spines. Female not examined. Distribution and biology. The species is known only from Taiwan , where it occurs in montane broadleaved forest from 600 to 2200 m elevation. It is probably bivoltine, flying in May and September.