Taxonomic revision of the Polycentropus confusus species group (Trichoptera: Polycentropodidae) Author Orfinger, Alexander Benjamin Department of Life Science, Dalton State College, Dalton, GA, USA; bCenter for Water Resources, Florida A & M University, Tallahassee, FL, USA; cDepartment of Entomology and Nematology, University of Florida, Gainesville, FL, USA text Journal of Natural History 2023 2023-11-30 57 41 - 44 1825 1916 journal article 10.1080/00222933.2023.2271609 1464-5262 10492470 Polycentropus confusus Hagen ( Figures 18–19 , 44 ) Polycentropus confusus Hagen, 1861: 293 , J; type locality ′ Trenton Falls , Washington ̍ (MCZ). Polycentropus confusus Banks, 1914: 258 , fig. 70, J. Plectrocnemia confusa Betten, 1934: 218 . Polycentropus confusus Milne, 1936: 85 . Polycentropus confusus Banks, 1936: 130 , lectotype . Polycentropus confusus Ross, 1941: 71 , figs. 42, 46, 53, J; plesiotype ( neotype ). Polycentropus confusus Ross, 1944: 65 , fig. 244, J; fig. 257, plesio-allotype ( allotype ) . Polycentropus confusus Marshall and Larson, 1982: 24 , fig. 46, J. Polycentropus confusus Nimmo, 1986: 196 , figs. 133–137, J; figs. 138–139, . Polycentropus confusus Armitage and Hamilton, 1990 : figs. A–D, J; figs. E–F, . Polycentropus confusus Moulton and Stewart, 1996 : figs. 562–563, J. Polycentropus confusus Houghton, 2012 : fig. 269, J. Diagnosis. Males of Polycentropus confusus can be distinguished from those of other species in the P. confusus species group by phallus possessing a broad apex bearing numerous microspicules and a ventral lip. Also distinguishing males of this species from those of all the others in the group are the ventral portion of the inferior appendages which, in ventral view, appear slightly divergent with a wide base for ¼ length, then with the lateral margins tapering strongly to round apices for the final ¾ length, and with the majority of the dorsobasal processes visible beyond the lateral margins of the ventral portions of the inferior appendages. Females of P. confusus are distinguished from those of the remaining P. confusus species group members by the internal parts of gonopods VIII in ventral view appearing like a cloak with anterior ends divergent, each with acute inner projection and bifid outer projection separated by a deep emargination, with the round ′head opening̍ of the cloak extending just beyond the apices of ventral plates posterad. Also unique to females of P. confusus are the ventral plates which, in lateral view, are truncate and possess a broad, sinuous apex with a caudodorsal emargination. Adult description General . Length. of male 6.3–8.1 mm (mean = 7.3 mm ; n = 5). Length of female 7.3– 9.8 mm (mean = 8.5 mm ; n = 5). Male genitalia ( Figure 18A–E ). Abdominal segment VIII annular. Terga IX and X fused, membranous, extended caudad over bases of intermediate appendages. Sternum IX ovoid in lateral view, posterior margin slightly sinuous. Intermediate appendages originating beneath terga IX+X and extending beyond them, curved slightly ventrad, their apices each bearing 4 small setae; in dorsal view apices proximate, subparallel. Bodies of pre-anal appendages each with broad, round posteroventral process; dorsal process long, curved only slightly ventrad, extending above posteroventral process of corresponding pre-anal appendage, acute apically, bearing 2 small setae dorsally visible laterally; in dorsal view slender, elongate, convergent. Inferior appendages in lateral view each with capitate basodorsal process erect with short neck and elongate head round dorsally, concave caudoventral margin with small basoventral process projecting ventrad with pointed apex visible above main body of appendage, main body of appendage with broad base, dorsal margin tapering evenly to subrectangular apex, ventral margin basally slightly convex for approximately 2/3 length, then tapering along final 1/3 length to subrectangular apex terminating anterad of intermediate appendages, surface with dorsomesal excavation for 2/3 length; in ventral view subparallel, subtly divergent distally, each wide basally for 1/4 length, lateral margin strongly tapering distally for final ¾ length to round apex, inner margin curved slightly outward along length, basodorsal process mostly exposed beyond lateral margins of main body of inferior appendage, medial projection hidden behind main body of inferior appendage, in cleared specimen elongate, with medial pointed projection; in caudal view oblong, with medial projection round. Phallus a fully sclerotised tube, in lateral view with larger base, curved about 45° ventrad at apex, apical section broad, round, with extended ventral lip, bearing numerous microspicules apically, internal spinules absent, internal phallic sclerite long, angled caudoventrally, with rectangular anterior base, subrectangular posterior apex, with ventral margin slightly concave, dorsal margin strongly convex. Figure 18. Polycentropus confusus Hagen, 1861 , male genitalia (lectotype). A. left lateral (with phallus removed); B. dorsal; C. segment IX and inferior appendages, ventral; D. phallus, left lateral. E. dorsobasal process of right inferior appendage, caudal. Female genitalia ( Figure 19A–B ). Venter VIII in ventral view with ventral plates subtly convergent, broad, sub-elliptical with sinuous medial margin, round apically, covered with setae; in lateral view each truncate, terminating in sinuous apex with caudodorsal emargination; posterior apex of external parts of gonopods VIII in ventral view with posterior margin subtriangular and round mesally; in lateral view extending beyond ventral plates in flat process oriented caudodorsad with tiny apex projected caudad; internal parts of gonopods VIII in ventral view visible through venter VIII even in uncleared specimen, appearing smooth, darker than surrounding tissue, subparallel, elliptical, fused medially, appearing as a cloak, anterior ends divergent, each with acute inner projection and bifid outer projection separated by deep emargination, extending posterad to round ′head opening̍ of cloak extending just beyond apices of ventral plates; in ventral view anterior part of genital chamber apparently absent; processus spermathecae subovoid with central elevation bearing opening of ductus spermathecae. Larva. Described by Orfinger et al . (2023) . Pupa. Unknown. Notes. Polycentropus confusus was erroneously reported from Alberta , Canada , by Zhou et al . (2011) . In addition, a syntype deposited at the Harvard Museum of Comparative Zoology, MCZ Entomology 648,446, was described as P. confusus by Hagen (1861) in his initial description of the species. The specimen was later identified by Banks (1936) as Plectrocnemia based on the presence of a closed discoidal cell in the hindwing. The specimen is a female Plectrocnemia crassicornis ( Walker, 1852 ) and should not be considered a syntype of Polycentropus confusus . Figure 19. Polycentropus confusus Hagen, 1861 , female genitalia. A. left lateral. B, ventral. Biology. This is among the most common species of the P. confusus species group. Adults have been collected from April to September and late-instar larvae have been collected from March to December. Polycentropus confusus inhabits a wide range of lotic habitats with various hard substrates, spanning small (e.g. second-order) streams to navigable rivers such as the Pigeon River in North Carolina . Distribution ( Figure 44 ). Canada : New Brunswick , Newfoundland and Labrador , Nova Scotia , Ontario , Quebec ; USA : Alabama , Arkansas , Connecticut , District of Columbia , Delaware , Florida , Georgia , Indiana , Iowa , Kentucky , Maine , Massachusetts , Michigan , Minnesota , Mississippi , Missouri , New Hampshire , New Jersey , New York , North Carolina , Ohio , Oklahoma , Pennsylvania , South Carolina , Tennessee , Vermont , Virginia , West Virginia , Wisconsin . This species is perhaps the most widespread of the Polycentropus confusus species group with a few conspicuous gaps in its known distribution. Ross (1944) indicated that this species is likely eventually to be recorded in Illinois given that it has been taken from every state bordering Illinois . Similarly, it has yet to be reported from Maryland or Rhode Island , despite being recorded from surrounding states. Material examined. Lectotype : USA . New York : Oneida County , Trenton Falls, C. v. Sacken coll., 1858, 1 male (missing head and abdomen) ( MCZ Entomology 11,038) . Paralectotype : USA . Washington , DC : District of Columbia , C. v. Sacken coll ., 1858, 1 female ( MCZ Entomology 648,447) . Allotype : Canada . Ontario : Algonquin Park, Ontario Fish Research Lab , Costello Lake , Cage No. 1, W.M. Sprules coll., 11-vii-1938 , 1 female ( INHS Insect Collection 38,171) . Non-type material. Canada . New Brunswick : Exmoor , [ N46°58 ʹ 15.60″ , W65°51 ʹ 10.80″ ], DB and JC coll., 2vi-2008 , 1 female (08NBEPT-1447) . Ontario : Huron Lake , [ N45°19 ʹ 01.92″ , W80°06 ʹ 29.16″ ], C. Moore , R. O̍Connor coll., 28-v-2018 , 1 larva ( BIOUG43980 - E 07) . USA . Alabama : Dekalb County , Mentone , Little River at Wester Road ( Hwy 165), UV light trap, [ 34°30 ʹ 30.95″ , W85°36 ʹ 30.71″ ], D. Denson and B. Denson coll., 2vi-2022 , 1 male ( FAMU ) . Fayette County , Confluence of Flat Creek and Cedar Creek , [ N33°37 ʹ 48.00″ , W87° 36 ʹ 05.04″ ], A. Orfinger coll., 17-v-2021 , 2 males ( FAMU ) . Little Tyro Creek , [ N33°35 ʹ 20.76″ , W87°29 ʹ 47.04″ ], 3-v-2021 , 2 males ( FAMU ) . Lawrence County , Hubbard Creek below Kinlock Falls , [ N34°18 ʹ 31.68″ , W87°30 ʹ 06.84″ ], 17-iv-2021 , 1 larva ( FAMU ) . Marion County , North Fork Creek at Highway 17 , LT and S .C. Harris coll., 24-vi-1983 , 6 males ( FAMU ) . Florida : Walton County , Natural Bridge Creek at Highway 181 , north side, UV black light, [ N30°59 ʹ 18.99″ , W86°12 ʹ 16.77″ ], D. Denson and E. Denson coll., 2-vi-2016 , 2 males ( FAMU ) . Georgia-South Carolina : Rabun-Oconee Counties , Chatooga River at SR 28, 24 km S Highlands , NC, 770 masl , [ N34°55 ʹ 09.84″ , W83°10 ʹ 06.96″ ], B. Schmidt coll., 19-vi-2019 , 1 larva ( CUAC000088819 ) . EPT Class coll., 31-vii-2019 , 1 female ( CUAC ). K. Hecke coll., 31-vii -2019 , 1 larva ( CUAC ) . Kentucky : Marion County , Tributary of Salt Lick Creek at Salt Lick Creek Rd., J.K. Moulton coll., 28-v-2006 , 19 males ( FAMU ) . Minnesota : Lake County , Finland State Forest , Baptism River, Eckbeck Campground, 320 masl , [ N47°22 ʹ 23.16″ , W91°13 ʹ 41.16″ ], Holzenthal and Huisman coll., 23-vi-1992 , 1 male ( UMSP 000003727 ) . Missouri : Stone County , Wire Road Conservation Area , Crane Creek , [ N36°55 ʹ 31.80″ , W93°35 ʹ 25.80″ ], D.E. Bowles coll., 14-iii-2021 , 1 larva ( FAMU ) . New ]ersey : Hunterdon County , Kingwood , Swampy area near house, [ N40°29 ʹ 07.96″ , W75°01 ʹ 01.50″ ], C. Browne coll., 14-vi-2012 , 5 males ( FAMU ) . Sussex County , Stokes State Forest , Beaver pond near Steam Mill Campground , [ 41°11 ʹ 54.24″ , W74°47 ʹ 05.64″ ], K. Kjer and J. Kjer coll., 4-vi-2004 , 1 male ( UMSP 000124763 ). North Carolina : Haywood County , Cataloochee , Great Smoky Mountains National Park , first stream on right past first historical building, J.K. Moulton coll., 27-vii-2005 , 9 males ( FAMU ). Pigeon River , [ N35°44 ʹ 01.68″ , W83°01 ʹ 30.72″ ], R.W. Smith coll., 21-viii-2019 , 2 larvae ( FAMU ). Macon County , Below Dry Falls , 3.6 miles W JCT 64 and 246 , At Light, P. Skelley coll., 26-vi-1989 , 1 male ( FSCA ). Swain County , Noland Creek , 430 m up from Lake Fontana at bridge , black light, 536 masl , [ N35° 16 ʹ 21.09″ , W83°18 ʹ 59.19″ ], R.C. Harrington coll., 20-viii-2000 , 1 male , 1 female ( CUAC0000107306 ). Pennsylvania : Bucks County , Mill Creek , [ N40°10 ʹ 01.56″ , W75° 00 ʹ 07.56″ ], N. Macelko coll., 14-vi-2020 , 1 larva ( FAMU ). Centre County , Spring Creek , [ N40°52 ʹ 51.24″ , 77°47 ʹ 36.60″ ], 2-v-2021 , 1 larva ( FAMU ) . Chester County , Exton , Valley Creek West , [ N40°01 ʹ 47.30″ , W75°37 ʹ 20.30″ ], 13-iv-2021 , 3 larvae ( FAMU ) . Tributary of Little Neshaminy Creek , [ N40°06 ʹ 02.40″ , W75°32 ʹ 33.96″ ], 26-XI-2020 , 1 larva ( FAMU ) . Valley Creek West , [ N40°01 ʹ 47.28″ , W75°37 ʹ 20.28″ ], 13-iv-2021 , 4 larvae ( FAMU ) . White Clay Creek , [ N39°51 ʹ 46.80″ , W75°47 ʹ 02.40″ ], T. Bringloe , V. Harvey , S. Ripley , K. Rondollo coll., 19-vi-2013 , 1 larva ( BIOUG06970 - A 06) . 1 larva ( BIOUG07063 - B 11) . Delaware County , Chester Creek , [ N39°54 ʹ 07.06″ , W75°28 ʹ 09.78″ ], N. Macelko coll., 6-xii-2020 , 1 larva ( FAMU ) . Elk County , Birch Run , [ N39°55 ʹ 44.40″ , W75°51 ʹ 39.60″ ], T. Bringloe , V. Harvey , S. Ripley , K. Rondollo coll., 19-vi-2013 , 1 larva ( BIOG06971 - F 10) . 1 larva ( BIOUG06971 - G 01) . 1 larva ( BIOUG07978 - B 07) . 1 larva ( BIOUG07982 - A 07) . Cold Run , [ N40°42 ʹ 14.40″ , W75°59 ʹ 52.80″ ], 18-vi-2013 , 1 larva . ( BIOUG07978 - E 09) . Philadelphia , Birch Run , off 5 Point Road , 163 masl , [ N39°55 ʹ 44.40″ , W75°51 ʹ 39.60″ ], T. Bringloe , V. Harvey , S. Ripley , and K. Rondollo coll., 19-vi -2013 , 1 larva ( BIOUG07981 - A 10) . 1 larva ( BIOUG07982 - A 08) . 1 larva ( BIOUG07982 - A 09) . Montgomery County , Pennypack Creek , [ N40°08 ʹ 15.36″ , W75°04 ʹ 26.40″ ], N. Macelko coll., 26-iv-2020 , 1 larva ( FAMU ) . Northampton County , Bush Kill Creek , [ N40°44 ʹ 29.04″ , W75° 14 ʹ 53.52″ ], 1-V-2021 , 3 larvae ( FAMU ) . Philadelphia County , Philadelphia , Cold Run , 211 masl , [ N40°42 ʹ 14.40″ , W75°59 ʹ 52.80″ ], T . Bringloe , V . Harvey, S. Ripley , and K. Rondollo coll., 18-vi-2013 , 1 larva ( BIOUG07978 - E 09) . 1 larva ( BIOUG07978 - H 06) . Philadelphia , Tributary of Brandywine Creek , 29 masl , [ N39°55 ʹ 04.80″ , W75°43 ʹ 22.80″ ], 19-vi-2013 , 1 larva ( BIOUG07978 - H 07) . Pickering Creek , N. Macelko coll., 1 larva ( FAMU ) . South Carolina : Pickens County , Wildcat Creek , [ N34°45 ʹ 34.20″ , W82°51 ʹ 03.24″ ], C.M. Slack coll., 2viii-2009 , 1 larva ( CUAC000107326 ) . Tennessee : Knox County , Fowler Spring Branch , first-order tributary to Beaver Creek , Bell Campground Rd. , 0.3 km N of jct. with W. Brushy Valley Dr. , UV light trap, 277 masl , [ N36°02 ʹ 56.20″ , W84°04 ʹ 07.60″ ], A. Orfinger and A. Perilla coll., 6-vi-2020 , 1 male ( FAMU ) . J.K. Moulton coll., 2005, 2 female ( FAMU ). J.K. Moulton and A. Orfinger coll., 10-iv-2019 , 3 females ( FAMU ) . Monroe County , Cherokee National Forest , Bald River at Holly Flats Recreation Area , 667 masl , [ N35°17 ʹ 11.04″ , W84°10 ʹ 41.88″ ], Holzenthal , Blahnik , Hamilton , Chamorro-L. , and Robertson coll., 30-v-1999 , 1 male ( UMSP 000102523 ) . Unico County , Erwin , North Indian Creek at Second Street Bridge , at light, 504 masl , [ N36°09 ʹ 01.55″ , W82°25 ʹ 03.58″ ], C.D. Kerst coll., 22-vii-2015 , 6 males , 4 females ( BYU ) .